22-Te Canadien Champion, Tueday; July 25 2000 ClassfiedCLASSIFIED jjSV DCAY TO FRIDAY Mr. aid Mrs. John and Sharyt MeNiven (nOa IRayos) are pleaeed toaennounce fihe sala arrivai of ai hrar son, Evoral Naïl, boro on July 4tfl, 2000 i 7:43 pm, negig 71bs, 2 oz, et Gifla So& doere Menrnl Hospta. Proud gmndpaeats are Grant and JoyeRçea ia n e NANSEBOUT, Maitha At St Thoas Elgin General t-ospital on Tluredey, Juty 20, 2000. Monrau ansebout ai Aylmer ln ber »Oi year. Beloved wile ai the late Andre Hensebaut (188 oier mohr aDr. R0a Haisesaut ai of1 gnaa Hamilton and Loretta Dos aid huaband Peter ai Milan. Grendroeoir tai Robait Dose aid wie Laurea Michael Dose end viel Elizaeth, Lawrence Dose and isife Cynthia, Jennffar Dickson aid huehand Ryen, Nicole Dos, Diane Merle and Ofintopher Hanseboui. Great grendreother ta Morgan, Sydnay Jasn and Steven Doe. Alsa eurvrvad by 3 sat ane; Rachel aid Andrea Venrees ofAyimer and Irma Darquenne ai Tubize, BlM . pmdca by 7 brothars; Chartes, MiJuas Gatn, >Jbcl Cyril and Albert and 3 selters; Zoo, Elene and Rachel. Fnaerds caed et lire H.A.Kabbal Funeai Home, Aylmar on Salordey 7-9 p.m. aid Sunday 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. The fanerai mass isas celabmited et Our Lady ai Sarrois R.C. Church an Mondey, Juiy 24, 2000 et 11:00 air. Prayers neye ha on Sundey et 8:0 p.m. Infoerent, Gu~e ai Pesos Cematory. Fethar Gilbhart Skrard affiiatad. Donations ta thre Heart and Stroke Foundetion woEuld ha apprecisated- RuvAUIIiR., viosor j. ii e wsin gri srsea tha Kovachlk famfly announce the pasmig of Iheir belovad Victor an Wadnaeday, July 19, 2000, eurroundad by hie famify. Loving husband for 53 yeare ai Gwendolyn (nea Siover). Preaioue father of Gisan-Anne and fier hueband Olefar Hundrleaer of Gananoque, Carolyn and har hueband Glen MacNal ai Rockwad, paid and hie wlfe Jean, Michael and hie isfe Kathy, Victorie and her hueband Thomae McCfafchle, ai1 of Mifon, Ofitina Kurpel ai Burhngfon, Tereaa and her fluaband Phulip Peaai ofa CamptelIvIle and Patricia and fier feuaband Angue McTavlh ai Geoigetown. WlI fe ha ady mleaed by has 14 grandofhidren and 2 great- grandchidren. AMmeeofChrisian Ourla ha faken place. Informent iollowed ai Evergreen Cemeterys Milan. A Celebrellon ai Vicu Rfa Wi ha held on Saturday, Auguet 12, 2000 ai 1:00 PM ai Burikrgton >Jrpark (Bell Sclrool Une>. Ml are welconre. ln lieu ai ilowere, donatione may ha made la, the Milion Dietrict Hospitl Foundallon by cntacting ie J. Scott Eay Funeral Home ai (905)878-2669. "i brait. aur hiaut ta Ie you, but you id flot go alone for prt of us went wlth you the deyGod cled you home." We wll loe yau for ever and aenr MCMURRAY, Rodney J. Peaceiully ai Ottawa Hospital Civc Campus, Rodney J. McMurray af Ottawa, iormeriy of Moln, in has 62nd year. Deer brothier of Robait ai Toronto, Owen and her flua- band Emeet Croes ai Palmereton, Murray and hes wde Lynne ai Milton, Colieen and har hue- hand Sam Hokaneeon ai Milan and Karen Cross ai Cambridge. VW ha eadly miseed by many ilacea aid nephes. Predeceaeed by has parente, Jamee and Emma McMurrey. Cremnaion ha talcan place and e privais iamîIy eervice wil bé hold If desfred, donaions la the Liver Foundation or the cherity ai orne choise may ha made by contactiog the J. Scott Eeiiy Funerel Home (905)878-21989. uoctor Ls Laugrlren, I Optometriat, extende e "Thanit you" ta ail ai fie patients for the peet 25 yeers. Pleese join us on Monday, JuIy 31set for ai opportunity ta remninisce and enjoy I coiffes and cake. 10 la.m. -3p.m.aet ......... 8.7 Mertin Stre.alt, Mlo A Thanit Yau Massage (Mackey) We wleh ta e)xess our eincere thenke aid g ratitude ta aur neigflbaum, frnende, and rela- aivs. To fier maiy frande aid the teachere et Streinhe Secandery School may ne ay thaik-you for your kinchneae aid conifoit ta Barbera in sa maiy neye. Tha flal gifle neme sa beautifu aid Bsebéira loved floiseref For the maiy beautiful cerde meceived wfth iheïr cer ng messages aid ie ühoginia donations tu tire verlous cherities irom sa many Mainda. AU ai these isanderfut gifla sflowed us flot Be-bara's short Ie spai had touched so many livas. Thenk you egein for shaai ar saroi We isil ali mise fier. May = = Bas You AH Mdalins, Margaret, Davl and lir Boys. AUCTION SALE THURS. AMLY 27 AT 5 P.M. Raid at Rueis Aurction Faim, 9313, 4th line, 3 miles northeast of Milton. To include antique & modern furni- hure, appliances, collectibles and corna. Shetwood & Casdam Ruma, Aisctionetra LOST black white & WANTE Ail-cos. Si/un, orang ielbby cet in Ciyi carme/i eqiprici Moitet/Cemnpbelviile icwing flOdilil o..Bmton, ores Cal (05)54-MOMM n ii G/es WadioM (aa irdaiTre (9M1311-2477 of nais Stainmaeter and Part-tImel 00% nylon cerpet. 1 wiî INTERNET DSfbtI erpet your living ron USERS FoDigir iatr a and hell for $349. PuiceFo ihdeve f ncdudea carpet, ped Unlimited Accees Magazines in and istalOek., Burt. & Milton. ldontelaion. (30> qq only $15.95, greet 2 - 3days / masth. yarde). Steve, 90-W- Musi have car. 2902. local service and Leae Mess e SCOOTERS for fihe eupport fro for Raz et Phyelcaly chelfenged (W58) 337-9400 For Sale/Leeae) Some SURF THE NET. X2 ueed eveileble. Oeil Scooter Ji, 1-800-850- 873-2602 Expsrloncsd 3012. . Relief SuperIniendent for laoory couda high- rise on Lokeshoro Rd., Badnglon. MOVINGIGARAGE SALE P/vase FAX resum ta: Saturday, Julyr 29th B. Whiting et 9a.m..lp.m.(905) 547-5080 Houaeflold Ntem, appiences, double had. ______ golf cluba, etc., etc. LOMEI MUL11-FAMILY GARAGE SALE l .AO Seturday, JuIy 291h - iew ln town? 9a.m.- tiare. 0 Gaffng anIed ln 109 McLaren Road, Campbhalvllle 3 mondie eoram Treasures galorel @ Haig a baby? Eatabflahlng a new business? PICK VOUR OWN c.affl CwaîMr RASPBIERRIES (Cali far evelilryl Llm .... M56e3 AT CHAS. GAREIG FARM ois ......332-4mW Bob & Mabef Devolin aridai 15 Sideroad, 1 mile weat ai Trafge Rd., Kcah .... 854-0144i 3rd. drlvewvay weei of R.R. trecke.sai Frae Radpa racy L . e..._ 7-4330 Delly: M-F: 8-, Sul, à Sun. S-5 Weethsr & Conditions Permltting lualni 3fîh1imih 877-7484 ear...... 7-4Noil «EXCELLENT PICKING - MASPBERRIES Red, Purpfr. akei Brambfeberrîea, Cucumbere, Beene, BUSy local automalive Peae, Beete. SicaChard, Freefi Geil, repair ieciiity requiresae Broocoli, & CaMbbSOS quaiied iiceneed repair *THE FARM" De Paoi technicien. Emieeione Pick yoi, own - ready oiked Q-e-ea ou)i espenence an essai but 905-873-2050 - 877-7976 flot e neceeeily. Aiea Mon ,l -a ~a-e~. ~a-S looking for e hardwork- 15 Sderad, 1km. West of TrfalarRd.. ~ edeliorae 1 Firet teran rt i de. Stewerttown 1 ero ok i:st tact &ib or Kevin ai 878-7926. USEDKA A CURVES FOR *WM CHILD care wanted PO L- EN le acospting re- Miltonl, HoIIy & Denry w1defiq& Fu%' ence or educetion nr or youre. No pets. BdM acof Warray RNutr., Nursmng or French an essai. Foul (17 PEm Ume Auguet, AtLsho (7ar> Busineee es preferred. Sept. - Jue 0 0 I$29650.I Hours ahi ha 8-12 & 3-7 5705, 830-590 M-F Fax ta: (906)628- 1888 aiter 5 p m Wllle,9,m 14668-7964 5117 or Angola. MOHAWK Recetrack Backetrelch Reetaurant neede futl and part-te coos and fafl and part- NO Fea' Career Explo- lime ceshier (counter rations es e 3-Week EXPERIENCED heir persan). Apply in par- Course deeignd o f stylist preferebly With son or colt 854-0441. help pou plan your ea- dlientele isented f or uni- NORT Boaiington Pre- meer. Funded by HRDC. ses modem b8auty sa- echool fiee openings for For more information/fa lon in buey plaza. alon the failowing positions register cal Grecs et Finesse 878-1530 ascer200 (905ir) 333-3499 I (905) for Christel. for Septembe. 00 878-1240. ertyu -C- Supervisain Assis- married an sr etou MATUJRE persan/couple tant Supervisar. Pase iende anead n required for jenitoriel send resumes c/o 5636 Misty River instructioins, cleening in Milton. Bau School Uine RRII8 onteno's treditionel Transportation is re- Mifton ON L9T 2Y1 or meichreeker, et (519) 1411e. CI(9563-emrai Wilism.Wood- 858-4204, (416) 777- 141.cock@sympehico.cs 6302. 4 Go Green. This Week. Every Week. N 101,