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JOe Respoelbllie *process Centre membersips, and manage a membership data base *compiIstatiStc on Centre activities. *register *articipanta into Centre programs, book facilites and coliect programn and actiit tees. *Assist with the preparation,0f a bî-monthly newsietter for printing, and heip wilh distribution. * procese faclkiy rentai requesta Including Iesuing permil through computeized scheduling and coiiecling payments. * prepare pubiiclty signe for Centre actlles as requested. a aselet with recruiting, scheduling, training and supervising volunteer receptin6ets. *generai office dutiee as required Including answering taiepitones, typing, flling, correspofldence, and photocopying. *daily opening and ciosing of the facllty. *assist trip coordinator and speclal event teams with the alie of tickets for upooming actMtes assiet members as ineeded. Qualifications " abiity to lunction ln an Oider Adulte environment " experience ln front uine recetion " positive customer service and public relations training "*witldng knowledge of wordi, excel, and publisher computer software. " effective communication, organiztation, and Interpersonal $Idîls an aseet sam flaque -$29.66 - $34,903 QuaMe 4p*ats ame Invfte to subrft a resume byJe*y20, 2M0 ta Thse Tomn of MIlton Q.Bmwn Street Mllton, ON IJT 5H2 Afimm adirleCorimHumRm in Wdfl W ftFMM et M om m FWt e W Wobt opt *M Ira.bkun&f Public school board office getting $561,OOO facelift By DENNIS SMITH' Special to The Champion Trustees have opted for a facelift instead of a shift of location to accommodate Halton Distr'ict School Board employees. The board recently spproved a $561,000 renovation projeci* for its administration building on Guelph Line near Upper Middle Road in Burlington. Improvements to, the building (known as the J.W. Singleton Education Centre) will he financed over four years starting September i. Alterations to, the main board meeting room and the Halton Room are key aspects of the pro- ject. "The meeting room's use bas been limited, but we cen maximize the space and still deliver a board room there," said Gerry Cullen, superintendent of facility services. "We can do the work within the structure of the existing building and we can put in an addition for anticipated growth." His report suggested the Halton Room, which bas alto accommo- .dated-meetings, can he converted to an office for information tech- nology. An aliowance for an addition to the wess was ase proposed by the ourithet Mr ulenm said the m in ro ba a-moreun fie d "t tee stliromt esuperintendent ta iroon ias aiei be one can, causbe that'sthed iato tive mtinge." t anb hens aaed sil an vtor be sler. Cullent sai forasroom r e ecnovti eingy consid"ed ins ta mcui hak ve r meetings grond floors ads make themt sib ie." WhnAsdin elevatorbec The Community Services Department requires an individuel to till the posi- ton of Administratve gAsitant. TiIs psitionvwii be responsible for provid- ing supp to tee Towen Engineer aftd Coordinators 0f Community Services, provid n Swvce ine amely and accurate manner to internal and extemnal customera, and providlng administrative support for the Town's Transit func- bion. Joeb Reup.uIllmu *Provide Admninsitrative suppoittoi tee Town Engtrieer and Coordinaora witein tee Oepartment *File and retiieva ofpublic mylars (le"a oiginels of plane) and plane filing system correspo iin wath records - responeible forte mantenane andcoordination 0f tee recently amalga- mated filing system (Lelsuire and Public, Works) whicti includes opening new files and entering onito computer Index, ongig fiflng 0f existing materia, and 1ogn of file removed froni dead storage. * TracM4og and cmircule orrpondencemateraln na "brlng forward» sys- tem ln order to provide excellent customer service.. " Open, data, stamfp and distribute ail incoming mail, taxes, internai and extemal andp rocest outgoing mail " Responsible for ordeing aI department supplies, tracldng budget expendi- tures of department supplies and preeenting yearly budget requirementa for deparment supples " Develop and maintln close liason with Transit Service Provider and Disabied Transit Service Provider *Provide backup service to tee Customer Service Representative Educeilon and Eeperlence Applicants must bo a Iligi Sciscol Graduate with preferred post secondary courses in administration and/or business. Thse successful applicant-should have et leseet 2 years experlenice. Applicants muet be proficient ln windows based software including Word and Excel and should huee excellent verbal and wrftten slis. $29,6U - $34ff03 OullMe applikants ore Jnwtedi o aubin/t a resume by Ju<y28 200 ta: The Towvnof Milton 43 skown Street MIlton, ON L9T SH2 A/ttetion: Gloa Day CoorntM, Human AesourSs InwftSW eFo fkMO 4hw Wm pX~o u.s oho ire E however, if an addition is built in future. The capital strategic plan had proposed moving administrative re staff and the board's regional pro- grams into General Brock High School. li But a relocation of regional pro- »- grams is no longer needed. Mr. Cullen noted if only board staff were moved to Brock, the Province likeiy wouldn't remove the high school fromt the board's surplus pupil capacity totals (known as derating). And reduced ciass sizes have meet- removed Central and Elgin high vesischools fromt closure consideration. vesa "In the immediate future, there mut-are no secondary schoola for the multi- board to move 10," noted Mr. di- Cullen. llw~ Board chair Ethel Gardiner noted the trustees' lounge was designed d that when the board was much larger. ted by 'It's a huge waste of space," shte do as said. "We juat need a littie space - as we for coats and other items." Eisflip- Education Director Dusty Papke told her the space wouid he remod- would elled into a trustee meeting and *main- work room. nis are Tise renovation plans were unani- . "We mously approved hy the board. on the "'Staff is pretty much packed to acces- the gunnels and renovations will alieviate this," noted Burlington luded, Trustee David Bird. troups get $200e,OOO in grant cash More than $200,000 in Ontario Trillium 'Foundation grants were recently awarded to organizations that henefit Milton resi- dents. The following organizations received money: .- The Coalition for Persons with Disabilities will receive $8l5,000 over the next two years to support services and training of service providers. . The Coalition for the Niagara Escarpment (CONE) will receive more tisas $24,000 this year to support educa- tionai activities including guided isikes, presentations to schooi children, youth and community groups. - The Milton Choristers will receive $23,300 over the next two years to support the choir's revitalization thrust to increase memberships and expand tise audience base. - Tise North Halton Cultural Awareness Counicil will receive more tissu $72,000 over tise next three years to support a range of educationai and cultural activities to promote understanding and cooperation acrosa multi-cuisural groups in north Haiton. Tise grants were recommended by local volunteera. Tise Trillium Foundation, an agency of tise Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, distributes about $100 million a year to charitable and not- for-profit organizations to, assist in pro- moting the arts. culture, sports, recrcation, environment and social services.