Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jul 2000, p. 26

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26--The Canadien Champion, Friclay, JuIy 21, 2000 Canada o s,, a othe Royal & Sun Alliance Inoeaace Group pic, une ot a rgs nuai groups he world. Wehave distigishedaorsiaea in Canadas finac o rketplace Csp offerne cossumesoes abod competiie porfloofhigh quality fle onssosoce, sasses, inestment, and rtrmn incame pesaducts. W n ssare lue o peupient nadd value ass sur csmpany in the follsu:sg les It's about staying.on life's course w exploring new direc tinpuosueu flesible and graiu,and the sppissuasss, mntsehas pssmsusssssusoss aad psfsslaisssa gsssush. Ifyu. ae erisg anssppsaussysss explsse eesdecisss issshe Oukasiie cossussy, pleure Rssyal & SusAllisase Pisususi 277 Laheshssee Rsud tast Oahsiiie, Onarsio L6J 1 Hf9 Bilingual Customer Service Representative (CaIl Centre) Reportiag tci the Caii Centre Oopeeoiaos, pou. sated team piayer who possesses excellent os communication skiiis anit stan isterpetsai eoperieace haadiiag iacsmiag cusases seoi isqoires issui poiicyhoidens, brokes and liiil hase the ability to asvestigate andt sessonv ss eiiinguali n Engiah aad French, pou have tus lite isoance espesiesce, kasu pon wap ara Office, and use correatip iassiaed uith the IL Knauiedge of cAPS-i-1. andior Ineium spat oyalo & SuaAliaaoe Piaa NCE wwwmmroyalsunaltaî GERRIE ELECTRIC WHiOLESALE UMITEO Gerrie Electrtc, Ointarios argest tndependent electnical diatribulor has an opening for a mottvaited individuel to join aur growing feteim. Thts position se in Oakvtlle. .INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER You vvill be responaible for effective sales effort of atil producta sotd ta industriel and OEM accounts. Etectrical il technlcst sales expe- rience requlred. Good mrottoir contrat knowtredge required. We offer benetit package, base plus commission remruneration, car attarnance and oapportunities for advancement. Highly matlvated test teamers with knawledge of thie etectrical dis- tribution lndustry would be ideal. Please indicate position namne and location on your applicatioan. lnterested applicants plase for- ward pour resuine in canfidence tai: Industrial Slel. Manager, Gerrie Elactric, fax: (905> 681-1774 or emall:joba@gerrle.com www.gerri.coml FUWM Va Caarafloeh lai mectudate opatats fulrit tane tadii n 118 lanmmliaisni Fndap Mlr awSi" a qplicait watt b tasponable for a vsniely of diStes, whla isiauea long tsaclcground an office pssedaef and mst be laglay pflcient a office 97 inded% anV& aid Ecel. lias pemaron mua t vieil oqpaiazeat, anssue aid be alte to taudil a liait pacedl envuasanirnl witha bide supervision. A seiaeofhutmer aid die abihty of wadc ieS vtidacdlir as astroag anst. Pleasefan your remplace resumox alomi i oeh-aces saaLay expectatian. toHlen Ddinex(905)87"-161 by Aily26,2000 Osisv opplicunto meeting the qualiiations wii bie contacted for an ioterview Immediate vacancy exisfor tuhe toiloytiso 2 positios: ACCOUNTING CLERK PAYROLL CLERK " Batti preliormtng a wide range of dulies in a fst paced environmant. * Bath posltlorirrequire 2-5 years expert- ence in automnated systema arnd strong PC silits. Interested candidates pleasa Fax or E- Mail yaur resumne inciuding satary expec- tatians ta: CDI Techntcal Servicea, Ltd., Atto: .Jim McCuaker, Fao: (E905) 338-3425, E-Mail: lim.mccusker@cdli- corp Wioom,, iapliaeoîî howevor, ooiy sucessful candidates swible contactod No phono rails pleaît! ADMIUISTIITVE ASSISTANT A leading fistenier distribulur is currestip recroiting for mn eetp level generel edministrative position. Datiro wiii onclude reception, invoicisg, mcunis receivabie, and oCher general office dulies. Success- fat candidates should haoe strung PC computer skills and a willingness to Iem. This ixs aground fluor oppstnity ta aois e progressive & grswiflg compeny. If u aire interesfed in juining a dynamic market leader, please reply tu: SIPECIALTTIGOLT & SMIiN. 2880 Argentis Rd, Unit 9, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7X8 Attention: Office Manager ACCOUN11NG DEPARITMIIIIENT Experienced clerical personnel fuît and part time raquired by Milton Company. Position open immediatély- Please fax resumai ta: (905)875-3802 TWO bedroom apart- nen veiwth b k ory aval- able Sept. 1. Utilities nc. $80. Coli 3:00 PM MIG LIFE 0F CANADA 9:PM.f Referaes. No Due ta aur rapid nationwide growth and expansion, vie have a need ta doga. 876-4682 recruit severat quality individuals ta fi11 key growth positions tn the following areas. M ACCOUNTING ROOM for rent, suitobie forsa mon. Phone atter 5 ACTUARIAL P.M. (905)078-225. EtAGENCY COMPENSATION ROOM near Milion Ma-l, CLAMS14 suîlobte for working :tions. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY planai. $11 O/week. Cai POLICY OWNER SERVICES 878-0882. UNDERWRITNG/NEW BUSINESS are a hihymoti- Locations: Toronnoasnd Burlington highip IOUSE for Sale on shai andt vvrittea Exceptionat oppornunitirs wvith an rxceptional company. Att positions Quiet Court. 850 Frouer il skilia. Ysu hase frature competitive salary ranges, excellent benefira, and unlîmited future Cri. $209,900. Open ice telephosne caergoth poeta.hauee 5sf. & Sun. Jaly care ofroc pstentian. 22 & 23. 12:00 - 4:00 ues/problems. To explore these opporrunities further, please subir your rrsumeu, stating P.M. or Cai 878-0467 cits three peurs oi salary expectaciona, in confidence ta: PRIVATE Sale - Vitlage suait Microsoft Susan Howe-Waluh Parc Condo. 2 beciroono, OMA programa. uan eoucaAmisror2 batiarooa, 5 appiiatlc- eurs is an assat. Hua ecucsAmnsrtres. Freship pied & AIG ELFE 0F CANADA carpeted. Pndo rkr- 145 Wellington Street West ing, pool, saune, pslly acsai Toroneo, Onearioa S 2T4 rooam artd gues salite. MS]$179,000. Cali ac.a(Fax: (416) 596-4156) (905)854-0210 tit Job 21, atter date, cail, ______________- .(519)794-355. OFFICE CLERK/ RECEPT ONISTTOWNHOME, 3 bedroom on Bronle St. clith garege, et in kitachen, separate RECEPTONISTdining more, treshty tited front holl, renoveted main batiaroono (98), centra air For local construction companty in D:own- (98), new roof and new windlows (96), new drîveway (99) new front dooir (2000), nc nw grag docr (000 ceamic inmaibathan nsutefuttya tenced privete town Oakviîle. Somne construction ex erience newd big te maur < ree and ie homes. $135,900. Cai 878-4730 would be an asset. Knowîedge of Ms Word and Excel is essential. Hours 8:30 ta 5:00, Monday ta, Friday Pleaee fax reaume no later than Auguet 7, 2000 to Beverly ait (905) 338-0656 -p Junior Accounitant St. Lawrence Cernent Inc. las presenty lsetdng ta hire a Junior Accountant ta work in a tast paced envirosmient. The Fideal candidate ahould have a Community Cottege education and be esrolled in the lst or 2nd year ot a designated Accounting program, wiith the equivalent espenience, be organized, strong interpersonat skills. and computer itierate, wtih emphases on Excel. tf you are isterested in this opportunity, please torward your resamne ta: St Lawrence Cernent Inc., Hurnan Resources Department 2391 Lakeahore Rd.W. Mlsseauga, Ontarlo L5J 1iKI mesoa -uprWok r Ocde by the helhc pre. io nsN The Centre's personalized instruction in this nursing assistant progra i s the différencel We are committed to your successI * Stait Claes Sizeaf * Practical t'ainsgf Southa 4 eror ol CHILD cars csanled: acres, 3 1/2 hatias, ail, Milton, Hatlp & Denry A/C, 3 car garage. Avait. Rd. 2 chiidren. Mature Aug. 15. $2250. Repip ta retiable care, aur houai Carol. Fao: 873-0398 or pours. No pets. Frencha an ssaet. Full HOIJSE for mant. 3 lied- tmAuust, Aft. scfiool moorn, 2 bath, downiown Sept. - Jne. (905)890- Mit (32 Chattes St.) 6705, 8:30-5:00 Close ta everylhing. (905)330-1880 affer 5 Fridge/slove. pman Willfimor Angsea $1300/mottth plus utili- lies. Aveilahie Sept. CalTony (905)858- ONE bednoom anitis on the 9th floor. 100 Miii- $3,000 $35, Cors Side Dari. Olage mon wanted, 905-457-5713. inlhe arc uin tels0ont Stop Car Thstt' Ssii ta îi- ihncsie Avibex Sep-n censsd recylcer. 905 lember 1, 2000. Plans 457-5713. (519)371-5250. WANTED Dodgs Ram panel van 150, 1994- 1997. Must have air. Cati Miks 878-5796. loiaga, seos sasa syb- lere. AWD. Salel & dlean air cerified. $7000,080. 854-90 88 Tempo. Female stud- ent aitiing -an lis, Nice tittis car - Rus Weil, aaod tires & brekes. t.H. for rent. Nicatp decorsted 3-bdrm, 2 bath. Close tai schoots. Availeble Aug. 1 , $1125/mo. Ceti Conrad (dey)039-8777, aller 6 pre 693-0210 yo In the dou i850 876-4577 uNt 550roorn, country, 95ofh oo t JosIn Milton. Main Oloor wtith c adi5 % wo Ut r ng Inseparel en rance. t «mhCare fleldI $750 per month, utilies Course 8.gins COUNTRY achati id înduded. Avaîlabie Au- se S t ila 2000 huuse forteamilp Close gust 1, 2a00 Catisiter j 333 -3i499 ta Cerephelltue. I or 878-1240 r Tue c slast/efereeences. Sm aa0095 I www.thecentre.on.e 10 __,,,12wl e dai msit ROCKWOOD saunpy 1 M lsio mam & aesaaee $1t00/moth. 870- bednoom main floos 3965. apolîment high cealngi 95 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 clusive evaiteble Sept. 1 il(519M8&04900. Let as take ente of your house white yoore away! We udtl look after resideatial and country homes. We offer daily, weekly and live-in service. Pets are no prohlem, dogs and or cats. Aiso speciat arrangements for terse lovera. F IId For mare information, phone us at: InUU (905) 510-6705 Fao: (9051 335-5613 or E-mail os et iasb8344@aol.com Visit usa liath web et: www.angefre.com/biz6fhuisiSing Invisible Fencing ofBurlington 5006 Trentaine Road, RR#J Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Yordog athm. Pana M Cleary <905) 8176-1288 Email paninicL @giabalserre. net We Site: www.invi.vbiefence.cn? SPRINKLER SYSTEM, FREE ESTIMATE CALL "Ç'HEl PROIFESSIONAL": LOADER IRRIGATION, (905) 876-1731 Who Poe$ 1t-f "RELIABLE Ho.-E CLEANING" Have your home cleaned by someone who cares!! le rates and refereasces availaýble. Cali Doris (905) .875-1479 1

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