DZ Drivera needed for Mifton baaed compay Fuît Uime days. Locade-y liveries. 2 ers espeni- once reqairei 905-875- 3945 FULLEIME Warehoaaae position avaitable. If yoa are hardnorking and dependlablo pereion, plosas tax your revomie ta: SI-Special Labora- tories Ltd., Fax: (905)878-3729 FUN* Rowarding* $$ CURVES FOR WOM- EN iv accepting ne- aunes for a manager trainse piosition. Experi- once or edacation le RE., Natr., Narsing or Basinesa ix preferred. Hoars will te 8-12 & 3-7 M-F. Fax ta: (905)628- 5117 GAS-BAR attendant ahift-boars. Apply in peraan or mail roseras ta: Gabeoda Teclnnical MateuiaLa; Ltd.. 640 Mer- tin St. Milaon, ON L9T 3H6. Tel: (905)878- 0800. MATURE pernonlcca- pie required for janitoriat cteanieg .in Miltoan. Tranaportation as re- quired. Cati (905) 637- 1411. MOHIAWK Racetrace Bacleatretcls Restaurant needa fuît and part-tims caak and fatl and part- lime cenhier <coanter pemaon). Apply in per- aan or cal 854,0441. PART lime & Fuît lime Dlshatnahing positiona availebte. Ramso application faras May be delivereri in persan ta 345 Steeles Ave., Mil- ton or faxeri la 9' 905)878-4972. Attn: enie. OUALITY Inn in Mitten reqaires hoasekeepera and front deete perSan. Fuît andi part time posi- tions including vie- kenda. Apply in persan ta Qaality Inn, 181 Chishoîn Drive, Mitian or tas resame ta (905)878-9701. TELLERS, fuît andi part- lime. Oakville, ton, Mition.. No erqun- ente reqaireri traînino provided. Excellent nritten and verbal ena- lias akls. Varied sits incldn eekends. Farivardresume: Mon- evevings & neekenda. Some exp. preterueri. Send enumne aiftn: Kathleen by July3t 1,0 484 Plains Rd. E.., Butlingfan, L7T 2E1, or Fao 905-333-9151 SHIPPER/ RECEl VER Dakvilte plastics distribelor hav as inmed. tequirement fsr a setf-starlivg individu- ai. Some esperience with shippivg receivisg benelicial as neil as data entry shilîs end castomet service knon- hsw. Resses lu: 2538 Speers Rd., Unit 7, Oakville, or Fax: (905) 825-2919 FLAS 1 RECYCLE Arr yeuaun enea5etic peneon, mait- iII ng te, work in a fast paced environ- -... usnt Weme carrenity acceptiae applicaionis fer thse foltewing: FIT.PIT WalterslWaltreus FIT.PIT Short Order Contes FfiT Sanday ta Tharsday 11-7 Store Clerks PIT Stire CIselas FfT Maintenante F/Tr.PfI Fuel Attendant Appty iv pensos: Fifih Wheet Truck top 40 Chishoin Dr., Milton DOCK HANDS Required Wie are tooking for bean playera to work on the livs reteins dock at a bany poultry proceaaing plant. Applicans muet be trong and able 10 do heavy lifting. Previoaa ekpentence preferreri bat vol required. Wage baaed apan espenience. Fult lime, Mon-Fnî. Daily hoans vary. Please catI for an interview. (905)847-5196 FIT Bagel Maker FIT Kitchen Staff Iligh energy people, available ta mark flexiblt bours. Wilt train individeals wîth great atti- tude, enthasiavra and streng cestemier strvice skitîs. Resames ta: 500 Laurier Ave Milton Tel: 693-0842, Faxa: 693-0843 -Ge "Free TrQlining", COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US 00 0 ()OC Cail us now at. (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS fLaidiaw as an equel opgaortuity employer We are interested in an assistant ta help with mechanical repairs and pre- paration *of horse, cargo and camping tradlers. Somne mechanical aptitude an asset, but wilt train thse right persan. Send resume ta: Parke Truck and Traiter Centre Led. stwy. 7 W. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4S4 Phone: 905-877-2377 Fa=t 877-1022 Experienced Relief Superiniendent tur lusury cents high- rise vs Lakeshnre Rd., Burt ingt 55. Pieuse FAX vesume lu: B. Whitinge (905) 547-5080 <Vb' We'ré à brsud nv Bahut Bua nunnaiy. W. tie rata nre, evuta, in Brampton Norath KIusrssaufsa W@ have 60 aSle!, treuil nie boans. lir na0r unuiiitva nea Bus.,. rs W. nsy fue neur teuialt. Ira Ms for the méiecaquan to iv Par yie OtB licence. va proote on-boutr poun enCui stuvit 0111111r Wa pruridetsé austavar vert, Il Ou wua I. Wa psy bluvaIf iyou li va nt attier duivpa. W. psy ffaignn tinuea foe driera 111 ""uiY hans Oli 3 Ucuimna t5lye5snhelaaa (90) 45-889 NOeTHM Pan M SUVN 1.11) CUSTOMER SERVICE *Excellent communication akillo *Experience an avaet sWord and Excel required *Dotait oriented We aller a high energy, team-oriented enviroament, competitive mages, excellent bentetita, continuous training and devetop- ment and unîimited career opportunities. lnterevted applicants vhouîd send their resumes, via Mat, Fax or e-mail: Attention: Bonnie Burton Canadian Linen R~ and Uniform Service 891 Progresa Couirt, Dakelle. ON LBL 6K1 Fax: (905) 847-9182 E-Mail: bonnie ciChudigh's Do pou enjey workîag witti people, in a fan, fast, basy environnent. Chadieigfas la nove accepting applications for Fai1 Harvest Season. " Cashiers - Animal Assistant " 880 Scool Toar Gaides *Tracter Drivers - Birthday Hoates " Information - Parking " Food Service Please app ly in perses at 9528 Hwy 25, Milton ibetweeo1 ttam - 5pm, Mon - Sun. A H-alliburton Company Dresser Vulve is a ieading manufacturer ut pruces contrvi and pressure relief valves. We have an imme- diate speving in sur Materials Departmevt tord BUYER Respvvsibilrties so inctude srderivg pruduct based un system reqoirements, searciv9 yew suppliers avd participation in sur supplier certification prugram tu reduce total cust. Applicants must have a minimum uftw Inaers boy- ing esperience in a manutactaristt environnent asd be enrelled in the PMAC programn. Preterence witl be given tei candidates nith eeperiesce in tht purchase of castings andi machined cempstentu. This is an eecellent oppertueity tsr a career-uriented individual lu work in a csmpasy cemmitted to grswlh and csstinaoas imprsvemest. Please tornard resume to: Human Reseurees, Drosser Valve Division, 5010 North Servie Rad. BurIlnglon, Ontario L7L 5115 or by fex- te (905) 33546147 We wish Io thanh ail applicants for their intevest but asivise Ihat only Phase selected for an interview Wiul te cnntaclevl MryMotors Mercedes-Benz PAINTER eEsperiesce & Lic. required e Company Besetits Must psssess positive attitude and be self starter tus very busy high quality Authorizeri Mercedes Bevo Dealer. Send nesant alIn: Phil Itansferd 300 South Service Rd., W. OakvIIIe or fax 905-845-3477 BuddA'tR IStm Sasuu 50F SpKILer od*OKI IENT IMUEMNIA We requise a prufestonai A-Z Tati ShumntatI11t te week lOue-6m, for, a pnuellos prIveate fleet la thie Daleile aVeL W8..offlti fuit bînef if package, flexible huurs, $1 5.50/hr. record, culminai research record. If y00 ment abeve requiremeets and are vnteresled iv nurking ru an environnent wafree tht driver ru the sumberlipriuritypieuse catI 1-U -288-S88, Muday te Friay 9M10 te M pa. DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ Dry butk esperreuce pretorted, Must have current ab- stract and medicai 10 sun U.S., eecellent nattes andi hesetîts. Appiy iv persus, ns phone catis pieuse. 2111 Lakeahore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario TUOR reqairei lo be- kEnightdluba tuaI o gin raid-Aagaxa le our four scene? Misty Rie home and continee E ttna neut scinoal year. retrodacions, Oetario'i Grade 10 acadenic ~radithonal matchmakm) nath le nen curnicu- i 596840 Iam. 878-1046. _ 416)777-632 __ The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Muy 21, 2000-25 SERVICE ABVISOR LIESDEetine- I.edat ffue avallaille qie-for industrial, 4 dy orkwek, 1a-10in Fod ndReynolds & qae Reyresîda csmpater esperience an asset. commntei andi service natte. Competitive wag- Faxressee esaand beneftpackage Gerry Manning or aveilabte. Cai ARTHIUR John Trebble at ELECTRIC (905)876- FiUsli Previsus applicasîs vent lappîy (95)8903a Rsm General Maintenance Mechanic - Streetsville Canada's largeat brick manufacturer has an opportunity In tas Maintenance Department for a team-orienaed indivdual with strong trtaubleshooting tikitta and a keen eye for improving preventative maintenance techniques. Reporeing to the Lead Hand Mechanic, yoa wiIl complete neceasary repaira and maintenance, provide troubleshooing expertise oftaîl mechanical nystern, and also maintain the plant air, veater and ges nysteras. ldeatîy a college graduate, you are e certifieci Millwright with one to two yeara of experience in an industriel ennironment. Thorougis knowledge of att types of mechanicat conveying systema iv essentiel, as iv basic knowledge of hydrautic and pnieumnatic systema. Familianity with pipetitting, welding and ptumbing la required as iv experiene reading bluepnints and schemnatics. Joi our team ofi hard-working proiesaionals today! tIntereateri and qualified candidates are invited to tax vtheir reaumen and salary expectatiotis to: Laurene C n d rc Paynie, Recruitment Mgr c n " B I et 905-821-74Ea: 1h RaIîLcY The Oairville YMCA requires EA.Y GIILDOSI BICATOIS a Tsddler e Pue-schoul a Cssloact Empîsyment * Supp1 SC0IO6N AS! CUILl Q*1 SUPERIVISONIS MAID MTAIIT a Belote and aBfer uchool Apphicants mut Ire minimum 18 yrs. Crimna Ceck & mdic uie. Submit resume:, M&qmR = SuviVUS. 410 Ràeliea St., GÊville, L1K 197 w Fax: (MI5 842-6792 Resames wili ta acceptedl astil ait positions are tilleri. FAX US YOUR LASSIFIEDS! 76-2-;Jt)4