Thei Canadian Chamrpion, Fniday, July 21, 2000-23j COMPETTUVE LEAGUE 1TION thOii obs&SepaeRemn SAME HIONLIONTS Judy i O-Judy 14wthOvaHobz&SepneRema Girls Under il Canadian Tire. Jillan Posavad scored Lindsay McLaren-Remax 3 for d1ie Remax team were Kyle iohnson-2, cosfo lxBmti h 2mnts Canadîan Tire s loue goal. Surah Wood Seott Batenchuk 3 David Huringa-2, Malt Fratarcangeli, Nick crsfomAeBedtn1e52 iue. Halon rondsCur 2 continues te make impressive defensive Tielmans aid Kris Delnin. Goaltending The scored remained tied ibesugi mosi of Hoe Grndsa r 2 play for Durisol and Jessica Coulson and Both teaim were pushing hurd te ihe net. came from Joseph Belford-Ross and Mari. the half. but Cai cope regained control In Sol ideffr hmat te 5sprdd Artel Sereda played well offensively. There was a multiple effort by everyone on Goal scorers for ihe Nature's Fire teare the last 10 minutes. Kris Boomihouwer Veryd enfttnin sacce roide um Scoring for Durisol were Jade Brownridge, each teara. ibis was very intense gumne for were Gregory Brooks-2. Kevin Mjller-3, scored for Cai Cope in th1e 71ls minute aid Véyenetinn sce adasolid gie Toni Tielmais, Nicole Coulson, Alyssa both players aid fams alike. The Remax aid Brno Maiiola. Goalies were Joel Bi-Line goalteuder Joey Czikk made sever- stromgwa Em i y Wiszema a). Co mn n enerson aid AIlison Sereda(2). gang went inte lhee ast couple minutes wilh Herder and filling in for th1e short hunded al great stops te keep bis teama wilhin a srog asm BrItan GWi sea amnd the lead, but failed te put up ihe sold sign teamn was Michael Huringa. goal. He got bis haids one penalty kick by Gsbmefrm pton rond Cm. Boys Under Il when Batencbuk's Tyler Sieben lainched a Johnny Gazzol inthe79G minute, but th1e Bargalu ire 4 rocket high inlo the nettoe th1e gaine. Brian's Auto 4 bail deflected off lIhe inside of thecross bar Vanler Insurance 1 BrainAuto 0 Remax o. a d nu Nature's Fire 5 10 give Cai Cope 1die 3-I win. Nie ae!Lteo gea ase adîcs Mmltowne Collision 6 ;mKl Ths was a close gamne with Briai's Auto foras all players! Scoring 1 i goal of th This was a game where ustitutio Joi.on, David aid Nature's Fise Colin Bi-Line Conveyor Systemo 3 th1e différence. Wit1 virtal -oII FraL Bfai I Herder making some Team 5 3 gamne was Shannon Armstrong for Vanier MitweCliinw ca ae afiîns M lot e uy rly in th1e gamne was in Tire girls, Ree-Anne Cushnie scoring 2 an -lyr egl à Caq*pe widh harlie Wain Bi-Line's end, but t11e tiglit defense aid Talia Campox ad Brain Klue ~aggressive goaltending style of Bi-Line's byc Burgu inieglies eecclen Davds n untilthe 30 1minute. Ten Alex Bemdt eac Baddedinieglies Soe eclen avso scored for Bi-Line on a fast break slarted aidNicleWhiewad.aidFo Vale by Devon Isncr, wbo played a great gamne were Emma umnel aid Emily Rigo. the right wing. Ray Parcelîs ended 1the Kpas ial ey Wilsne for sm glo af with a goal frora close range for plays. Unde, Il Niyd U nd, 1 Lin on a penalty kick 4 minutes inte Hoeihe alf Nick Spahr made severai Canadianlire cim 9 7 I 22 8~... t1 2 17 great Tearn5, Max Robertson Halton Graunds Cam-e6 âme 8-gvBi -1lainde61Smnu. A fine showofnoffensive on Ou.5,uI 9 6 PO 3 21 Colso 1 16 gvli - ednh60iue Grunstasinitapati 1-" 2nd Hal r Joey Czikk had Io gaindb Crek witbapartcri 82 2 1 milke se for Bi-Line as Teamn 5 gO'ConEikn nkor. s t fl.g Ti" 9 i 2 20 i5." ' 1 13 did ieir e back. 11yParcelîs OCono. ougatl Iitdd~ 8 4 3 I 3finallyg the69u minute te Tire's Jilliai Posavadl rd MesntHnrinns 10 4IV 6 0 12 A~Ymake it3 meLfnairietied for their goals. Also, a -.., 7 J I 12 the Sco 1e74 minute. Mazzarotto ad N Iheir cruea.~ 1 6 I 10 Teamn5 kickoffdie bard work tending 8 " 3 J 2 8 cross bar Bi-Line held DuislCa2 e" - 6 1on for di1e in two mecet- An excellent edbya1. Tuai ear&n.S lii7 Tielmarsaund Meizer kept a tigbt H Rent-AiI 6 net for Durisol. le Parcels andYStyd Spo es jumped out teanie 2 goal Iead Shainelle VailI dceddiligently for Tim Ume 31dominaied mosu of di1e haIfwith Hortons. Kci scored bath goals Cu op 0midfield passing& Hal cnt-Ail wan fore Durisol, wi of nupport in di 9 Sae ir heels for most of balf, but tnbower. played a ' ganro &fmm Horridgeadicoe Hio 9 6 edn'lhalfloi t fctona steon difns moal SHoeleara . Weid even ends as Spokes cousin umping domledir l Sae! aihr.Wl by a goal, only te bas ten Rent- dune~1 gil!scrh1e tying goals. B time th1e MM ortu 3coneyesnetled, dm1 score was it114 .min- 2 1lefl David Debren halIn flor Bargan Tir 5 spko-ah 10d goal for Spa alten Rent- Great offensive the Bargain Tire e ipe re kccing th11e e other team led tbem te w' Tim utos ,but could't noch izer. never gave up, k by Samunth 7 O 3 Doiu gafrpokes Curtis Burm Spiers wasn't qui t eud o ai *ciasoda Nenmi for Halten. determine Bargain O score en i were Seil M aid Kyle Breanue Kluge, Tal aid a'Mf mes t.lssi ~ u.. m. i.. Garb .Goal scorers f kes were Josb Ree-Anne Cnsbine( Lf aZ lo n.,toii idwm1 IG IIiIe ad vain anderson- le Baril of bard work. Talisa I -Davi bre - sers for Halten Gowanmalso put in a t.Milton 6 5 I O 15 LOOK 4 2 0 Rent Ryan Mitchell, Tira Hortem goalies Maid eIA2RPhiip-2. It was a MeagaiSansom put in eM&M 6 4 2 0 12 effort aid played a gireut et Vauler nurauce Los 5 3 1 1 1 otn Vanier played agood ganeconsi Future 6 2 î3 7 sN 4 they were short bande for 111e t Otb S 6 2gmpuebbital ibis eek.Shaion Arslrog scre , 's aid Subway's girls played goal. Broake Haprcoe two f or Ho Ma ccl ively te the verv end with good Vidco with Emiiy Wenck aid Rubyn 4' su 1 1 siit. Mention gues out te Mbhley MeGuise Wentel eacb g etting une. Katie Wurd aid anmdd Jennifer Burgoyne for iheir great goals Maidy Baker mad a grat effort too. , for Mdistee. For the girls.of Subway, mi a um îib~ . n4MrslallDana Leslie aid Kelsy Orpen played wetl Halto Grad Care miin uni ba ffl N '=m - w Y" iý to.ýjd asalYre ties hung ai cred for their team. Gseat gaine Wbat ai exciting gamne! Bargain Tire sub; Gniy 7 pIayei lis 1-d holus Cule wer Boy Under P17Rin ani played wiib nu subs- but ibat didn't stop er, tem MiBoyswne s a1- ibeas, ail ibeir hard work aid deterasination work.1- Goa scr eeT ende ib gae i A nte ni e CuHalen Joei Adkins, Matdhew Tidy Rasseli, RY _A4 o it., l ai Freeze aid Calvin MltnNw ebnia 7 Gmounds Case. Scoring for Bargain Tire Hammond aid Wude Maibcouf Bria's o lasten for Briai's Auto. Wiib nu sub- Georgetown Remax 4 mese Sarah Gowans, Ree-An ahn Auto's players are te 11e congrateiated for Golefr l e stîtetes Ilirougisout ie gamne, Briai's Auto Mark Medeiras, Fuolo Meleca aid Brad aid Jennifer Braich. Wiib great goaltend- giving a great effort, baiging inte th ast Fratarcangeli aid Kyle Johnson wib goals was slowiy wm down. Boib teamns Adkins played ai uggressive gaine. Goals ing by Amanda N iedzielski aid Breanne wbislie. 0f particular note are James frara Kris Deinin-2, Muit-2, Nathsan Hicks sbawed great effort, for Milton came from Ryai Sinanan, Kluge. Scoring for Halten Grounds Cure Thomas aid Shawn Coulas on uffence aid aid David Hariuga. Goalies for the Briai's Chance Stewart Robbie Falls, Mark wecErika Minkhorst(2) aid Cailiin Andrew Cmoli aid l ai Freeze on defense. Aute teamt were Mark MeNeili aid Tyler Boys Under 13 Medeiras aid Jamie Charmes. Jury O'Cunner, Megan Johmsten did a great job Arpa. Goals came frara Marshall Vince2, McKenna mide great saves in net for goaltentding. Special mention te Rebecca Scutt Ilalenchuk 2 aid Charile Wain, assisted by Shawn Can Cope Sales 3 Milton. Davidson and Jennifer Treutu of Bargain La Roa Bakery 3 Coulas. Iti-Line Conveyor Systenon I1rsU d r1 Tire. aid Justine Papadis aid Britlaiy me La Rosa Bakery opeurd up th ganse euriy Cnop tofoaquck start wii Yuri GirsU dr1 Wisma ofaion-rond Cae or.o ith2 as golsandhadedSctt Lindsay MeLaren-Reman 7 Hryisniak scoriug in th second minute of greia muses aid kicks. Batenchak il's first lms of th season. Tyler Nature Vire 6 play. Cai Cope continued te contrai play Btramlpton Seleet 8 .uio Sieben aid Jerry Giddens conirolled most lise Remax team started very slrong play- for mmlt of the first half, but the teugs Bi- Miltun (Wimpyn Diner) O Durso 6 of hi gamne, in th second balf or Scott ing aguinst a short-handed Nature's Fise Line defense of Eric Gordon, Nick Groses. Only hi mosquites were bigger ibai the Canaduanlire 1 Batenchuk, but couldn't penelrale th team. In the seconds halfth Natures Fise Rh1ys Mohun aid Keuny Richardon kepi score as Wimpey's Diner lest te the Goad work by Canadianie goalies defense of La Rosa Bakery. team came back strongt eM heagamne. Can ope frora adding te hiirecad. Bi- Brampton Select team. Tara Jikis worked Deidre Scbaltz aid Christina Mazzorotta Wiib oniy a minute te go, the Remax team Line went on hi attark in th secoed half bard ali gaine in goal stopping 92% of the Also good work wan nbawn by Emiiy lied hae scored te win th gaine. Scsets aid Max Robertson tied hi score on a shots. Pepper aid Sarah Kingdon on midfield for