16 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, July 21, 2000 Classic car show returns to downtown core tonight A large crowd is expected to corne out for to, take a cruise downmemory latte, with people year. The show began as a fundraiser for North tonight's Classic Car Show in the downtown travelling in from as fat afield as New York and The show ends with a gift draw. Prizes and Halton Communîty Living in order to purchase a ct.Montreal for the event. gifla have been donated by downtown business- wheel chair van and since has grown. Reodnumnbers of car buttsasttended st year About 200 classie cars can enter the show this es. The event will kick off at 6 p.m. A PAINFUL LESSON ON PERSPECIVE About ten years ago. I was a youth Pastor in a church. On Friday night we were having a pool party at the homne of one of our young people when I had an experience that has stayed with me ever since. There was s young lady who decîded to start a splash war with me and I being the kind of person I am decided to play along and after several splashes the young lady exited the pool via a railing. As she was doing su I attempted to get in one last splash by kicking sume water at her. Unfortunately, 1 kicked the railing instead and bmoke the little toe on my right foot. I went immedîately to the hospital where 1 had to wait for 45 minutes just tu get inside. Several persons, who came after me, were looked at before me. I waited for another 30 minutes 4* BAHAI 'Acceptance of the nerrelatedness and inerdependence of ail people implles the renewal of everi' social institution on the planet. lncluding the family.» from Baha'i Scripture LOCAL:...................................... 878-005l REGIONAL: ... ............. .800-433-3284 GLOBAL:...........................www%.bahnaLorg MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ÀOegd& CHURC.H Welcomnes you to Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sot. 9:30 a. m. - Sabbath Sehool Sat. 11:00 arn.- Divine Service Conne and join us for worship eal o mi-weekpa srie ~oPAOR !!DmRouto Chilitren - Mr$. Nât»ti* Ref. Woraship - Mte. Esther Keesfr yooth - !t!!. Serd CýeB 9 amn - Early Wormhip Service 10:45 arn - Seeond Worship Service Pastor Dan preaching: ispiring praise and worship hildren'a Programs & Nuraery before I heard an announcement that there was a The person on the second stretcher was multi car pile up on the highway and that several pronounced dead within 30 minutes and I sat and ambulances would be coming to the hospital. I watched as the Dr. tried to comfort the grieving thought, oh great, l'Il be here forever, don't these family. people realize that my tue is broken. The accident had been a 5-car pile up, which has Within 15 minutes the first ambulance arrived. I resulted in 2 deaths with several others hurt, 3 uf saw the man on the stretcher. The attendants which came to the hospital where 1 was. wheeled him tu the roors next to mine. As the medical personnel began tu work on him, he began to scream and yell. Later 1 found out that he had suffered broken ribs in the accident and he was in shock. The next stretcher came in and went rushing by and I do nul know what had happened but nu more Ihan 5 minutes later a family came into the roum extremely upset and concerned about the person on the second stretcher. At this point, the Holy Spirit convicted my heart, over my anger and frustration cunsidering how truly small my medical situation was when I considered that people were dying. It was a real lesson on perspective. I hand a simple bruken tue; these peuple were fighting for their lives. My friends there is a real principle here for Christians: how much time su we spend on issues Muît.. Bi1bi. Churoh S Worships at the Milton Seniors Activity Centre _ 500 ChiIds Drive Fi 10:30 amn Worship Servicej wlth chlldren's ministries runnlng concurrently i] Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarsh 876-3586 4~Milon Be ist Church 900 Nlpisslng Rdl. <905) 875-1626 10:00 arn- Worship Sennoe Sermon: My self image is just perfect with Jesus. Vacation Bible School: July 24-28 tIl ýRés' Gr.g Maoaulay - B.A., M.DIv. DISCO VER / AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBLE OUIDES BIBLE LESSONS Wheae is Qui wn peopie = sfféring xed dying? -Whcn apenonf dies, xIx rOe? *Whti s the scart to a happy Iirc' -s teIhrehcpe fr a chantic oId? Dso , r theanazn Bible anwcrsto Ix Ilc and othue key questins ldt affect yoar happess. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On ahx inîeral ut hLtp://WWW.t)p.()anxd _____________________ 4* __ T Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-31X05 www.welccnme.to)/Grace.Milton Rev. Dr. Mark MeDernaett SUNDAY SERVICES 8:(X) a.m. - Hîîly Coismrunion 10:00 arn. - Sung Eucharest Church Schssi & CoaShs Hsxr Whnnlchair Access Thrsugh Parkiog Lot Dos Tbursday LS2 11:00 ar. - Holy Comm-union MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:.00 a.m. - The Lardas Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wedneadlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10.27 or 1 & ~ eN.REYU Cj HOLY ROSARY PARISH htSphýodnt e I-, b ilS Jphodymr7rnhn S 878-0535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mau at 5:30 p.m. Satunlay 90ain., 10:30 ans. Sunday ST PETER MfISSION Mt Liue I+Brisjiinia ruNo Mau L~Rev. EarI Talbot,P.P. We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S f UNITED CHURCI- - 123 Main St. E, Milton Summer Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (unlil Labour Day) e Nursery Avaiable KILiS CAMP CHUCHAPALOOZA 9:30 arn. LOONIE LUNCH - Sepleniber 10 sý judy Hunier, Direcior of Music Church office: (905) 678-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org that realty are not that significant and how much time were we spend on the things that last forever. How many of us woutd be witling tu admit that we have hsd some small issue with a friend, a church. orsa family member and we have tost sight of the thousands of people around us who are dying without Jesus. Remember the otd poem that says su accurately, Only one lifte, twill soon be past Osty what's dose for Christ will st Pusting things in their proper perspective is a key te, successful living. Stars this week hy attending ose of the churches listed below. Rev. Gord Clark Youth & Assistant Pastor New Lite Pentecoatal Church Wouldn't lite be great if th.rs were no tris or hard limes to deal wlthi? But the reality is that we will experlence sorne tough times heme on planet earth. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ will help us through them aIl. AIl we have ta do is trust hlm. Join us this Sunday s0 you can see how ta, do just that. 10.00 A.M. - Sunday Momling Worshp Milton Lolsure Centre (Board Room> (separate services for children 9 year and under) 11IURSDAY Question & Answer Bible Study (Wa for informaon) "living A Wtorus Ldf y he WordQfGod" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emfail cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation qp Army Church lu Milton il1:00 arn - Morning Worehlp& Kids Church 100 Nlpîssine Road, unit 3 Pastors: Usuenants Shelden à Clair Fesier For more Information about our services, and other programmlng pliasse eall 676-2420 SOMMSIE COMMUNITI CHUICH of The Christan & Miuuionary Alliance (fornely known as Milton Allianc Church) 2850 DERBY RD. (betiveen thse Fire Hll and Hospital) Plsone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg MeCombas NEW SUMMEII HOUIS - 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHI> SERVICE (Numsery rare provided) Cet Speaker: Rev. flegennld For nsîre info) tn inir laîdiex, me-ns. yînth and tchildr£n's sinistrics, pleane rail thse church office.