10 - The Canadien Champion, Fridey, July 21, 2000 o j' Did you know that by law you mnust have a life jacket on board for every person on1ý the boat? Ail Jet-ski, Sea-doo and Saiboard operators must wear an approved life jacket. Follow the rules of the water and enjoy the last days of sumrmer. .. safely. and Photo by LISA CAN I 1WHIUM- 1 Conservation Halton (CH) presented severat Environmental Awards et Its recent board af directors meeting. RepresantativêS t rom Klîbride Public School, Halton Sportsman's Association and Cogeca 14 received a plaque and a capy af the book 'Hailton, Rising, Wild and Beckaning'. The Four Seasons Anglers and Hunters aiea received an award. In addition (second tram left and end) Rash Mohammed and Alan Bennett were placed an the Canservatian Honour Rail for their lang-time commitmnent ta CH. !?esidents, groups get environmental awards Nine Halton residents who award for their stewardship efforts in The two organizations worked yard and provide environmentat have made outstanding con the Grindstone Creek. The couple together t0 retocate about 400 rain- teerning opportunities for students. hetped enhance the creek, which runs bow trout fromt the Sixteen Mite Two rinmes were also added to the tributions to their watershed through their Flinsborough farm, by Creek and the Grindstone Creek dur- conservation honour rote for out- were presented with ptanting trees, restoring witdlife ing record-tow water levets. standing tong-term achievement in Conservation Halton (CH) habitat, participating in the Cogeco 14 Cable and Kitbride conservation. Rash Mohammed, who Environmental Awards June Trumpeter Swans Restoration pro- Pubtic Schoot received awards in the recently retired as commissioner of gram and erecting nest boxes for educational category. The cabte sta- planning for Hatton Region, was rec- 22. birds. tion was recognized for informing ognized for his years of support and The annuat awards recognized peo- The Hatton Sportsmen' s residents about the activities and pro- achievement in environmentat pro- ple's efforts in t999. .Association and the Four Seasons grama that occur in CH parks, white tection. Atan Bennett wes recognized In the individuat category, Harry Angters and Hunters received an Kilbride received the award because for 16 years of service as director of and Marion Hewick received an award in the institutionat category. of its efforts t0 naturatize the schoot CH and bts votunteer foundation. HALTON REGION PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING AND PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT Water and Wastewter Pipeline Construction Alonna Renlonal Rond 25 Construction of water and wastewster pipelines for the above-noted project wll takte place through the Oundas Street/Regional Roed 25 itersecionl <Palermo) wlthin the two weekend periods nated betow: Watennain Construction: Wastewater Construction: Stait - FPdday 21 July 0 7:00 p.m. End - Monday 24 Juty 0 6:00 m.m. Start - Friday 28 July 0 7:00 p.m. End - Monday 31 July @06:00 à.m. East-weet end north-south traffe watt ba reduced ta ana lana in acIi direction duning construction. Signe wtti be posted tndicating that trettec detays at this intersection cen be expected. CONSTRUYM ZON L»£ WIl! CUISSPE Questions related ta this worts shoutd be directed ta: Construction Supervlsor. Telephon.: Rab D'OrazI, D'Orazlo Infrastructure Group Office: (905)>0934514 Celi phone: (418) 930-7032 www.rugion.halton.on.ca Correction A story in lest Fridey's Champion incorrectly stated theS Supported Training and Rehebilitetion in Divers Environments (STRIDE) has been in existence for more then seven years. In actuel fact, the non-profit group, which serves the vocetional reheblite- tion needs of Helton residents who have been dbegnosed with e mental iît- ness, bas been operatbng for 17 years. We apologize for thse error and eny inconvenience it ceueed. CORRECTION NOTICE In aur July 19-25, 2000 tiyer, the following error oocurred: -The Epson 1200U Scanner advertised on page 19, stated that the product includes a transparency adapter for slides, negatives or 4"x5" transparen- cies. In fact, the produot does not include this adapter. W. sincerely apalogize for any inconvenienoe this may have caused our valued customners. k '