The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Juiy 18, 2000-7 * O UR READERS WRITE Supporting and promoting Milton rodeo blackens entire town Dear Editor: Re: Milton Rodeo 2000. Its wiîb sisock and disappointment tisat I'm writ- ing a letter about sucb a disîurbing subjeet as tise Milton Rodeo 2000. I work in Milton and bave come to reaiiy enjoy tise peopie and tise town itseif. I don't besitate to promote tbe appeai and cbarm of Milton, wisicb is why its 50 isard to understsnd wby tisey would wanî 10 be a part of sucis s blatant display of animal crueity. Far from being a barmiess diversion, rodeos are a cruel and debumanizing spectacle in wbicb mas in pitted against animal for the sake of entertain- ment. Botb man and animai risk serious injury or even deatb in rodeo events witb one crucial differ- ence. Tbe buman competitors understand and accept tise risks involved, the animais do foL Livestock used in rodeo events are vuinerable to ail kmds of injuries ranging from minor culs and bruines caused by reartng or sbying wbile trapped in the chute to major injuries that occur during the actual events. In riding events, borses and buils are severeiy agitated by a flank strap, a two-incb piece oU leather covered by a iambskin, wbicb is tigbtened around the animais sensitive abdominal ares. During calf-roping events, a caif is reieased from the chute slightly abead of tbe cowboy on bis borne. The caif quickly reaches a speed oU about 40 km/hour wben it in jerked back as a lasso tigistens about ils neck, jerking it to a stop and tbrowing il to the ground. The force of impact can cause bruis- ing and bemorrhaging around the caif's neck and shoulders, not 10 mention tbe sheer terror it munI endure. Fataities and serious injuries during rodeo per- formances are flot uncommon. (Tisis includes peo- ~ATERSERVI~E ~ C.H. Norsworthy Ltd. 623 Main St. East (905) 878-2474 CONT~t Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 Halton Healthq~rç Canng lbday. GrowiilgilW lbmormw Milton District Hospital 30 Derry Road East 878-2383 pie as welI as animais). The Calgary Humane Society reports that St the Caigary Stampede, arguably one oU the best organized events in tise world, Il bornes. one bull and one steer have been kiiied or eutbanized since 1990. Accidents at tour- ing rodeos (sucis as tise Milton Rodeo 2000) are even more common. 0f particular concern is the inclusion of tise Junior Rodeo Competition. Chiidren's rodeo events, whicb pit unskilled youngsters against sbeep as tise ride or attempt to lasso tise animais frequentiy, resuit in injuries to tise animais. Moreover, they scîîd cunfusing messages to chu- dren. How are cbiidren attending Ibese events to understand that they sbould neyer mistreat tiseir own dog or cal in tisis fasision wisen apparently cruelty toward livestock animais s acceptable? Humane societies worldwide are united in tiseir opposition to rodeos. If tisere is any doubt about this, I suggest the good' citizens of Milton con- tact the Ontario SPCA in Newmarket or your local affihiate. Even associations such as the American Humane Association and the Calgary Humane Society, that have worked with rodeo associations over the years to improve animal welfare condi- tions and to limit rodeo abuses, remain opposed to rodeos in principle. Theres no place for rodeos in modem society, and certainly flot n Milton. Rodeo events ioday beai lîttie resemblance to past or current animal bandling practices. In Calgary, one may at least argue that the ani- mal cruelty involved in rodeo should be ignored in favour of preserving wbat some Albertans regard an a traditional pasî-time. No sucb argument can be made in Milton. Supporting and promoting sucis events bisekens the entire town of Milton. Usa Huait Miltan Letters welcome The Canodian Champion wei- cames letters ta the editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise, and rejed letters. Letters must Be signed and the address and the telephone num- ber of the writer included. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champian Box 248, Milton, Ont. 19T 4N9 or leave them at aur office, 191 Main St. E., or fax ta 878- 4943. I find it difficuit to believe this brown water is safe to drink (The following leteer was sent eo Greg Eus, Water aetd Wastewarer Systems Operations, Haleon Region, ami a copy wasfited wieh 77,e ChampioeL) Dear Editor: Furtiser ta my letter of June 14, 2000 asd in reply 10 your letter dated June 18, 2000. You say Ibat "bots manganese asd iron are clear wben pumped from Ibe wells, but oxidize on contact witb oxygen in Ibe distribution sys- tom." And "tbe discolouration is as sestbetir problem". Maybo Ibere is manganese in Ibe well; I do flot dispute Ibat. Maybo Ibe ferrous oxide doesn't corne from Ibe aid iron pipes. Maybo wben tise mat, sony, ferrous oxide combines witb tise manganese anti strikes tise enamel oU my batbtub anti wasbbasin il cuti- donly solidifies by some mystorious ebemiesi reaction. Maybo. i i Blood Donor 4 CIinic "Blood. It's in you to give!" THURSDAY, July 20th, 2000. 1:30 - 8:00 PM MILTON SENIOR CENTRE 500 CHILDS DRIVE, MILTON Please cali 1-888-871-7201 ext. 4253 for more information or to book an appointment. Appointment times wiII be taken as first priority at the clinicl REFRESHMENTS SPONSORED BY: Domino~ Pizza & Subw~ We have bad more dirty water on July 5 and I tind that your explanation, along with masy otisers over a long period, may ho lacking four important words -- once upon s lime. I find il bard 10 believe that waser contami- nated to Ibis extent cas ho safe for Ibe very young or tise very old to drink. Did Ibis solid residue corne from a welI, or froru old iron pipes? Rodney T. Rameden Ontarlo Street South R0BERT (PIE) LEE, B.SC. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Disabîlily - Annuilies - RRIFs- LIFs RRSPs - Mutual FundsiL'n neMSIL> ~ Miltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. Croup Lite 4 Health & Pension 245 Comme c a St M lien LST 2.1 OCre eie 5786 Pas 678 3692 Res 678 1155 w 40 Chisholm Dr., Milton 878-8441 The Newell Team Cii sNe~e SaesRep AucieyNewe CR55 RMM ABR Ansso BraSer RMM 878-4444 En.~i j,,, 55,..iE,,.,iM i n n 5,~iE, ,,Md, n RE/MAX BLUE SPRINGS REALTY <MALTONS CORP