Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jul 2000, p. 28

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28-The Canadien Champion, Tueadey, Juf y 182000 "EXCELLENT PICKING RASPUERRIES Brambleberries, Romaine, Peas, Boots Swlss Chard. Fresh Garlie. Broccati. Cauli- ftower & Cabbage tmTHE FARM" De Peau Pick vue uwe - mada plctied (pi.... cmli) 905-873-2050 - 877-7976 Moe..Fi. 8-8. Sot. 8-5. Sun. & f-fui. 8-3 15 Sldeeoad, 1km. West of Trafalgar Rd., First farm an narth side. Stewarttown PICK VOUR OWN RASPBERRIES (cari for avaitabirotai AT CHAS. GREIG FARM Bob & Mabel Devolin 15 Sideraad, 1 mite weSt ai Trafalgar Rd., Srd. driveway west af AR. tracks. Fiee Recipes DalIy: M-F: 8-8, Sut. & Sun. 8-5 Weather & Conditions Permitting 877-7484 Buy Prom The Orower World date retail Garden Centre/Greenirotae operatoti requiren mature, reliable P/T nIaI mot utitable for F/T ntudentai. lmrne6ate openinga for esahiera, esperleeced greenhoane & showroom pernennef. Thmn net faclllty 10 tocateri on 280 Britannia Rd. lent Weot 0f Trafelgar. Phon. <905>8704000 Fax <9051870-4822 ci~ChudIeigh 's Do pou enjap working wieh people, n a fan, tant, basy enviranatet. Chuditigirs t 00W accepting applications for Fail Harsest Season. * Cashiers * Animal Assistant * 550 * Sciroot Tour Guides * Tractor Drivers * Birthday Itastesa * information * Parking * Food Service P tusse apply n persun at 9521 l-fwy 25, Miltan betareen lOam-5ptn, Mati - Sun. Aro you an unergetir persoo. wunt- L inn te work ina fut puced environ- ment? Wu are currently acceptinu applicationu for the followinu: trir.PrTWaltern/W.Itmu FIT.PIT Sheet Order Ceolin FIT Suadsy te Thursdsy ai-? Sten Clerba FIT Item Cleeku F/T Mslntenuact F/TP/T Fmi Attendant Apply in person Fîfth Whml Truck stop 40 Chiuholm Dr Mîlton li;ft #oi~M Donut Baker & Muffin Baker requlr.d. Alto Overnlght Counten I-iuip required (or 11:00 pm-7:Ooamsfiift WIII train. Psid training. Uniforma aupplied. Reenumeration based an expenence. Apply in persan ta: 3501 Hwy. 25 Noeth, Mîlton 575 Ontaria St. Mîlton 80 Marleet Dr., Milton REEDS JEWELLERS Location: Bariioglon Mail -~ ASSISTANT MANAGER il pua are a malioated individool tira en~oys o leam settino & a chutienging coreer, Reeds Jetetiers titi ofer Pao a retardian eaoironmenl iv reluit manage- ment ai flan /ewetiery. Greut incentives/ireani il pkg Eai.eeleeoe: Reluit teteiterli experience un osant -~- SALES STAFF F/T P/T A responsîbte indîvîduai needed No top necessory Appiy UN JEWRJ.Efl3- NIAI OFFICE 312 Dotumito Dr. Suitu 215, Torenta, Do M3J 2N1 Aen: Homun Resources or Fax 416-663-9475 I. pies. usEs pbaal Attention: Ownor Operators- 1.1k Division Surressful, company lookiotg for aperators with yotorawot trailurs. Wu nIer s 83%of Grass Revtou a Bi-manthly accotont suteluments e Steady yearraustd work eI~cal Cmli Gus or Dans at 1-888-836-2653 PaId tralnlng- everyoitng pou neea 1000 a great 100. biture. Valuabie experlence- everytfitng pou need Car agreat Great opportunltles- full-time/ part-lime days and attemoans etanelita 'stan foactiens ureferrot proguma .5151 incenlives nîteorbie scireduits *interniots on location e T~kt~9~4. Av employer pou can coun t on e (A"' tep. s bossa urs Stirnul En. manaur Vi iluvi Stand nov puntil is Donspion & itou Minguo.sri<n 88 banli te nbingbnnd mv Stigu. te nota iO 5is~ bOSSd 5ev tnt Soinipu W. u(tm tnsoetlttn. vidifi Uli pli (no 5550 tmuinind. W. paj (toiSa sadinal o.tntoad tu ubtuin jour CIao. t rinlnna. Un omnide nu-Saut niinsaa f.atnoitg sdmstinea mOnta, ata.sniêutinn tanhnaitljs 8e potitte eetn etruomo vupk, (jus vent t. V. naj Susume if jun Sein un lina utOier driva,.. ve psy sifniug Seune. Cur doinbri van .lo.ady iav~ n Ciao. I iloîsas (908) 451-5599 NoeuoeA5 ~m ~ Smuvscus Lin. SALON VENERE Wlser et Uetwla's Sales 1~ oui. guw2UI la .zps.dlag. We have carter oppartonitits avouable for Hairdressers wilh exaniient cuolomer retaliens thul art anti melivaled onri enîup turking ina teom almoaphea lai our 11W Mîllouefi Sh.pplq Clatie Imeailhe Excetient sages pios cemmissiunconlraoed edocation praoided for & paid lor bp saien Exceiteat grottir opportovity - AWARD WINN5NG SALON - Cornu pros euh os! We 00k fartord to hearîvg f rom Pao Ph: 905-N7-1222 Fs: 905-701-1423 DOMESTIC COUPLE umoumin o maînluin a orge home on att-ocre estule iv Dak- otite, for working eoecolioe coopte tith ta oidtr ciriidren. Groundo kteptr oireody on staff. Tins cou- pie ahautri iruot olrovg tarir tîhica, un abiiity te torir ssii uuitir uthers and ivdtptndentty. Experience anri pitosant ptrsavoiities are reqoirtri. Dutres for lire ceopte inciode irouseirmprvg, ioundrp, meot planning! preporotien, anraif g guesîs avri bosinesa associales, etc. eranda, induer peel mainîtoance, minor rtparrs, cirauffturing, care and maiflenanca aI otirictes, tIc.. Aridilionat beneirlo inciacle on-aile fumisireri suite, pairi helidapa, ond a otiricit fer lob oelaled actiailies. Satanes cummensurale tilir topeuiesce. Pieuse ceatiot ~s kaehÊ et <905) 332-Illi, Sm-Upu, Fmx<U5) 2574018 Seau ESTIMATORS/ CLOSERS $3 OCOin $4 090/mo esalit oblarvabie Goal led leado ~rovidtd Car a moal Sort/ Cal Mr Jus.. 9084010188 CABINET Maker or Hetper requireri n Mit- ton, Pull Time, Kitchen & Store Pistares. Caîl 178-9177 or iax resurfit ta 878-7756 LICENSED Autamairve Meciranic and 2nd or 3rd peur apprentice ior West Evd Aulo, Mîlton. Houriy tage. Fao te- anme 10: fgOS)878-043O or caîl Lee (905it78- 5323 LICENSED Technioan for Generai Repair Sirop. Diagnotica & Emission esperiertce preferred. Rayce Auto Service Homby 878- 3977 or 878-3040 Weekend Hostesses MECHANIC Required As tire ivdostr~ coder iv tire moterrut irundirva indus- trp, JDHNST N EQUIPMENT iras four positions For /uadirrp new-humu sa/us avaitabie la oor Mississoagu Senior Sirop Tire suc- povr/ron iv Oaks-iltu cesalol candidates moat iruot Weriring ciosetp tilir tht public; Moat * PROVEN MECHANICAL ABILiTY bu persunubte, a MiNIMUM GRADE T WELVE DR EDUIVALENT nutooing & knntttdgesbtt. Net ireore sales irnott- erige esotri taon ossel. MuaI ta uuoîtabte rer Sulor- A slroog etectrîcat backgrooad toutri taon usatt dup und /or Suadup ofternoons. immediate pioce- Campetitine toges unri tanefîta ment s. Pieuse fox tarir toperience a: If yoc aveef thu abovu qoa/rhcaf ions, Rebecca at (905) 257-7238 p/nase fax or forward yourîesuavu fa kw ktnl7 ABOVE AVERAGE PAY FOR I LIEDMARE j .A~a~gkwaaax ABOVE AVERAGE PEOPLE 09e are a 15 peor aid, aggressroeip eopondiag Mississauga companp i Bulisi, Enthosiaslic, rr~echaaicaity inciined person Landscape Maintenance Crew Memberu Requirementa: Miv. tto peurs tilir iavdscoprvg moinlenuace eqoipmtnt or twa pears irarticuttorot cauran. Ciesa drioivg record Gardmnîna Foreman! Supenvbsor Reqoiremeats: Mia. 3 peurs topenience iv irorticottorat Irade or 2 puar irarlicuilorai course virlir satid piant iD. irnotitrige. Cieoa drivina record. otn transpurtation W~LDilE Proleosiavol terkptact vu/unifarma provrieri, correnl trocks & equipmtvt, tong lerm, goals urrtnied carter, Semivars & upgrading course pairi 1er. Slarling Poy- 612-615/rf plus bonuses & prolil sboring. Cal <410~ 936-6155, S-Spa ridai www.lUas.cee - VICLI Saies Representotive Merruisrrd Nuwapnper hi Mitori s seekrrg a Sales Rupreanvîstive mIro la irightp motioated onri cas scirieve resota iv 50 sggressive soies striioo- pirere. Be para aI on amurd werning leurs sortIr un strac- rive campeosution package inciodina oaisry, commission avd car slbtoacu. Yoor reopovoibiirtiuo ivciode: n Servidvg and growing esiuting occootir o. * Pmoptcivg for sud acqohina net sccourrla. Prepariog foirant, auitten sori chient preanotahefis. * Pont secondsy odiant elpionro or 2 peurs eopeceeroe 10 madreirng. A kean dette la oucceeri and adoancu. * lire abdty ta manage ouvert pradoclo cancorrenty. * Geori commonicabon, arguaizakoir aid tesm 51db. Pieune fousoard tueuse bp Juip 31 fa Ube Cana~ian Champion Attentas Bru Begn, Genersi Manager 191 MaavSt E Milton, ON L9T 4N9 m - EXPERT SE WERS Fer ooustnaot pleomuerti nequlred A eod vg Canari an manuioctu e ai UV prolect ce sponstea s stek vg eopc enord sean s odept at gir qua tp sorirmunsir p Musa p odoct on tecir nique iran osset. Commund attire Englîsir tonguage s importunt. Oaa trunsportution a necessorp. Cati 1-800-555-0585 for an appt Yoo tilt need ru bring oua vamp/toi pour tork. ~SATtRN *Saam ~îSUZU CF OAI<VILLE Duqulisi lummsiatdy CLASS "A" LICENSED TECHNICIAN Top ravagea & benefits paid 10 topa qualitij people. Contact Graham Phtttips Budds' Sattorra Saab Isuzu of Oakville 507 Speera Road OAKVILLE Tel: (905) 845-1610 fuit-time for deliveries pick-ups avd to apprentice in ail aspects 0f chocolate business. Ideai candidate titi have class 'D license. be competent iv minar repairs and ahi e! wiffing la leain qoickip. Send/ fao resume ta: Walker's Chocoates, 4391 Harvester Rd., Buningion L71 4X1 333-2859 5h <ITTLE ~ EXPRESS Comm hlm S., Wlummhug Tua..! Fa/I-f lave & Paît-f rave Positions Avai/abte Esperienced waoehouseman with A-Z License, forkiift & basic computer skitis an asset. Experienced City Dispatcher wth Lit U.S.A expurience. A-Z Drivers for Local Cartage and U.S.A. Cmli <905)347-1555, ext. 350 Fax remune te: <905)319-9078 Soars ROCpUOniSt indoor cieun tir distribution centre iv servicesretlaires Dak aI Dundos/#4u3. oaci We are tueirmna for serneone tilir an î5CN~CIAN8 auoet/wtttetenirene manner te irsadi e & HELPERS pneaesinvoiciag, Esperrence preterred & coi duties obilily to tofir wilh bot wîii train others. Knewledge ai Drivers Lic Eacei, Word tnd Vaiîd French son osant. Maadatery Fax mumnes te: Cmli Mn. ~ (On/y those coesidererl 905-081-S1U or 1/ bu confacted) -. m ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT A smotl enetueurme tOron locoted n Mtlton îs seekine a multi-talented and dedicated team player. Responsibilities inctude reception. nec. cml office administration md tome computer admiutstration. Shoutd possuss htgh aptitude for computer softwace/hardware. Experience e MS Office md NT networtc envimument woutd ire an osant. Witling to train riuht candi- date. Ptease fao resume to: (905)875-2062 Or e.mait paulinerfloausî-inc.cnm Srating esperience asd salary espectotions. Onirta~rsn/ui sandslaion oui hoconiacfed Tht.. s a oon-smcuino encmmomeOi ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Experienced clerical personnel tuli and part time required by Milton Company. Position open immediately. Please fax resume to: <905)875-3802 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364

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