The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, July 18 2000--27 Classified RICHARDSON. John and Lois (nai Shepherd) Suddesiy takan tram us on Juty 15,:2000, Mr. & Mra. John and Lois Richsardsonl ai Miltan. Lavis g parents af Cis and is mite Valarie ai Caladania, tair tlae son Peut Nancy andi Gary Munra ai Milton, Larr and tia mita Sisaran ot Campbalvilta, David aid is Me Sheila ai Rockmoo, and Wye et trme. Chertahed granciparants ai Jennitar, Lyndsay, Kandria, Brent, Kristina and Ken. John la survivafi b ysistars Jean McGrath and Betty Dryen. Lois is survivei loy trr aister Eleanar Steintrati. John and Laie trad racantly calabratafi tiseir 501h Weddîng Asnivarsary. Thay mera active mamrbars ai St. Gearge s Anglican Cisurc in Loavvilte. Laie mas a memrber ai tise auxiliary ai Milton District Hospital far many pears. Bath John and Lois avitlis remnembarafi tar their deditatian tai thair tarn and the devation and lova for their tamily. Famnily and friands May cai et the J. Scatt Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton an Tuasdlay (tadlay) tram 6-9 PM. A Funaral Service mvilI ba hald on Wadneaday ath1 AM et St. Georges Anglican Cisurcin Loreville. tf dessired, donations may ha merde tai the Milton District Hospital HOUE A I Clasifid Ad MONDAY TO FRIDAY ,u jlsiie d 9:00OAM - 5:00OPM ALh appear ai... 1 Alyss Gabret (OUI vr, Cystal camersu QRT CQ ING MA RIGE ureatsri hsfser have7 sce lsddiellthopOrsstl (, machines... Doullon, hav fande exrs a sner thartk cht .y speo=sli Moorcrait, Quilts, Glass, Nom me reeme 1u lagtrlv n arrly aho 1hm Iheir efforts a successkl <; Watches, doîls, paint- many antica which fill our memfonesMrth smilles tet iisa essshl y ou.I ~ igcllec Jntibls,es and helps ta scare amay the tears. would lice to lhsvk ail ny trnv ansd ae. Jh/rc We lave and misa you, negiboars eho tooti time t rom their bssy day tô~ (905)331-2477 Mact Barrait and Dallas. drap by wtr test mies andi beatifu carda bO mate il avery memorsble day for me. .¾Thank You a14 THORE SaB ~ Reis Cark486DX66 Laptap/ ac- In loving memory of a son, brother and uncle. î cesre $250; Custom Mayl1 1964 -July22, 1995 Bar $550; 6' Booki Treasured tiaugirs of one so, dear ahelve $25, 3 glass caf- Otten brng a allant tesr, tee tables $50; 2 file Thougit ai ess ong pcabinets $25 each; ma- Veas t n bu mecrle t C I N S L er distiller $350, mater Lovsd & mise Wednaidav lv 26,28)a -0PM ski tube $35; baby tl/aîcnandSanra 'aiIngand Mant & Dad, Stephen. Stuart, Jamsa & Agricultural Hall MitosFarpuad dresser $100. 87- Wa-nadadaMafnanGaleUI. Ratiert Street, Milton, ON 1832. an loed- & i Es»ina icb i-iAu"a férMhbettSdiste & telle Gerds daS"tr CARPET Carpet. t have com/J naioa~ oft/l/c ~jIics ERTLYDarlti- nlovn~ amoy aourson Sale coasîclias of Hsasebsld Conteats inclading severai ttauaand yards c Jnngiai7eoe 'ierdra Xl -e ndLY brthravid -u trea Iend venr ofJuonn Quality Modeme Fariture insexcellent condition, Glass, ai mae Staînmastar and (lanie 'i'da 1 and Geoffere and misa mare frias aî tatls Chia, Cotlectibtes aid sout Hsusehstd Items. ioot nylonr caipatl. f Mit < cîîde wddnli tua ande fwk Ga uonr rgcly ae Anetonurs Remariai: ce w rlo m Jrus on199 Tne schouten's have .enMlo m eiet r f rc .Sqrlernbo~Jul 1,70) I ewr as il,1ad999. a for over 50 yeso includea carpet, psd Ç lanei 9 200.. I we eiregisrnte s han atcoe atrua UsunI Ternis Lunch Avaltl n isalton 3 q Wdhi ail of aur isearta mad miis far yeaterday and Pevew frons43 M daofsl ards) iflteveai (30 Sq. ose ~~DoHERTY'S AUCTION SERVICE yards.Stv,053- li camdes an, and sftisougis mare spart, (911)871-802i (905M~4.3577 292 Vas match froct bayasd, and halp tisa haing to AUCTIONEER: PATRICK A. DOHERTY FOR se : Staai Sosp allait____ Bas raca cars-i 1etrilda, AKE Fan A Crdi Vla Hspitai as Thea mamaicies mie share, stil vlvid and duar, 16 large. Cai Jim Dus- ria, Fruny 14A00,Fnt Cre a lark at Cannat stop tise ianging andf tisa miis yau were haro allar 4 ar on wea- mîissu ix is 82nd year. Fathar o il andi hors. kenday 399.1663 is Mita ry, David andi hua mita Doreen, ail t Cri dCOTR Railth Miltaon, Lynda and har trusband Rab McKim af In aur hurrle "tagether tarever" ANNUAL CHARITY SOTR a h Kitchr adStv fBtihClm . Unda, Steve and Peul Erlzly. GAR.AGE SALE - PROCEEDS TO: Pisysicaiy chaliengafi sKitchene ad t v i fa Bihish 10lugrancid.A JOYCE SCOTr NON-PROFIT (For SalaiLass) Saine Frankae raquait mtiair hs takganphissren Atd A memodai mass in celebration 0f the lives of HOMES INC. usefi availabie. Cali Fan' pda ust aiirervie mas fe ifac dand1 Dave, Geoif and Rysn Miib hieard et Hoiy JULY 22 à 23 Scooter Jîm, 1-800-850- mamorisi donations may ba madea ta the Rossry Churcti, Milton et 7:00 p.m. on 5 SIDEROAD - Weat ait Trentaine, Eaast af 6th 302 CaadanCncr acay r un sscitin Wednasday, Juiy 19. 2000. Une TRAILER ' for maie", Candie CacerSocetyor ungAssciaionDonations of items are gressly appraciatafi. deat for construction or ns aons mxprosiy oie varyth bpeciaiBrother Cati: 878-3988 or 878-3736 abroage (905)87-3033 L and Son, Geoffroy Gall, misa mas taken timiiài ronn us suddeniy on Juty 18, 1999. GOING AWAY TO COLLEGE SALE 3 FAMIUES So m 4f; --%375 MEADOWBROOK DR. AT VANIER SAT. JULY 22 AZ Drivars mantafi US 8:30 - 12 NOON West Cost onîy. Top Tei oiuighldren's books, cds, pointe aasCt D & R Ex- 1Ninendo, 10 gantes & magazines press (905703-0801 Aiso isouseisald items. DZ Drnvers needlaf for Ayear has gonre by Milton hasefi compary. Our heurts are broken HUGE YARD SALE Foul time dsys. Local de- Tears we stitl cIy SATURDAY JULY 22 livexais 2 yam expert No words could ha spoken 9 AM - 5 PM ence required. 905-875- woee ai fl te tai s god e Toals, gamais, masisar & dryer andi mucis mare 3945 IfLuirAeMgo 7-81 W tear nouledy utd sa staiw ye ai FULLflME Wareisouse IftAns d emoies a gtar 12346 GUELPH UNE posittion avaîlabi. Ifi you W Anoud clib up togaen Betmaai Sideroads 20 aid 25 tuai norts ai are herdmorkîng and An d i oup oo aain Ebenazar United Church depandabie persan, Sad yy missed by plis as orrsm Brother Mike and Mottrer Suas. F ibo Sae ta: SL-Speca Laborato- Yîxar ~ ~ ~ ~ uritr smile uale iagxrdmtlr ni rres Ltd., Fao: (905)876- Yor inlean ltuherwii iv o ReorlWn or ahmsel 3729 lreurxsfixrever. -- Seit Jsuiy 22, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HARVEY'S Restaurant 11998 WINSTON CHUR5CHILL BLVD. in tise GTA le nom seek- 1 In2 si. N. sf Mafald RdJRIva D-, ing axperlencei people Georgetown frtisa fdloming pasi- Jint trainNew ready o finish handerafted furniture. fionse: Restaurant Mai- 190 ntaio S., ilto 87 522TV armoire, TV vides cabinet, Dressers, War- agers, Assistant Manag- Monuments Markers s Bronza Marleers drobes. Night tables. Armoire, Qacen cas- ers andi Shit Super- Cemter Leterngnonhaît bed, TVNCR stand, Pedestat table. visors. Plaise tas re- Deacon Benches, Magazine sables. Coffee & sucne ta: (705)728-4793 end tables. Magasines racks, Stereo cabinet, in Loving Memnory Of Hatch & buffet, China cabinets. C orner cab- PART lima & Fuit Tics David ErtzIy, Ryan Jenkina & Geofi GaIl mnets, Bookeases, Plans stands. Quilt racks, Disismasing positions avio mare tee icaity taken one year a 0. Sofa tables, Dressing vanity, Pantry and availeble. ReeSMeS ar Novamebar 3, Otobar 7, May 7,.9? math. mach more, application tams may UR aN dar uhan i Brusg e truck andi taes lit wlth yaul ha deivere i n persan In lovîng cmamry of adrHsn ndJuty 17, 1999 (Orders ovelcomnel ta 345 Steeles Ave., Mit- Juiye 19,1991.wa As fisys tuc ta meeka, and aveats inlo yesas, ton or fasafi ta We isalf yse docse tmnittrcr harta Tise pain me feali s flaish, aid sean fhrough ail sur 958647.Attn: Andf tisera you saal remnain tea. __________ T akw t s rseghset aur teves TIeoniy comtart fait is troct mhere me lo o R~ECREATiO leader ai Until me meet again. ara, EErqie necl Sa test in pesos duar loed ana Aid tisis haipa bring peaca aid haig, aven lent daycare in George- And tisanka for att you've dame tiaugti pou are s0 t. ATrENTION INTERNET USERS toms. Tempo rary fuit- We prap thi aGadhaa pie ou The tar aspsseday dry and theahuitlmay start timamwork (14 mrtss) Tisa trams ysue Inal mon. - ta fada. United Accens aniy $15.95, groat loae Iccediata. Cai Maoore Ladln remesnbeeed But pxur Ita staps viv in sex beuxt, thanks toait1 Place Dapcara. 877- Shelas Julie An Tara and Aaron. tha cacodies me madea. C rydeR service and support train 9314 REM MB AN ESintte f Sadly misad, neyer torgottan, SURFIIF TrHE NET. P E REMEMBRAN ES in theIlorin ofand iovingly rarsenbarad. RCCETI doations tî Ile Mdties Distric-t Hospitlt Vatur frienda ho is a byn: 873-2602 RECYCERTI Founslation are apeit(.CheM~ de Rai and Demiks tuber A R