't 'a, ~i ~ liai i (.A"~ yob ~ ~ro ~choc*sR Sera & bnuuud uev OuSuit flua îuanîny Wo bava trratsd nov rtu0aî ta irimuton & inrsb Mtuîtuiaaga, Se ber. 80 abtity. heurt sas bu,îoî. Se naeg su abus, Semai sas îaî art,,,,. Sa alite noaneuttiva sage,. Sa nq for pan Cestiing. Sanay On, ahi Saitiui reintreut bu attela mou Ciao, i nain,,. Sa pravirto ca-bouS obiata, taauittng advanced natintar nosstantnautott tonbunaoU. Sa penvisi.. outra Oharlor sort, if jnu sanS il. S. pq buiuaoa if you ttotp ta fiai outtoririvero. Si otey îtgtttotg SuBornai fac griSer, sun atreashy bava a Cliii i lainai ~ (908) 451.5599 *t.~-- PMoe ~ Smvucma Lin. - * s t. * i-s LANOMARE ABOVE AVERAGE PAY FOR ABOVE AVERAGE PEOPLE 00e are a 15 peur uld, aggressively enpunding Mississaugu canpuny. Landacapo Maintsnancs Ceea lisuhors Requirements: Mix. lau peara with landscaping maintenance equiporeint sr tee peurs torticutturul course. Clean driaing record. Gardonino Forsman/ Suporvisor Roquirements: Min. 3 peurs exporience n todicutturat trade or 2 peur todicultural course siet sstid plant ID. knswtedge. Cteun ~ Prutessinnal wnrtplece s/unitonnn pruaided, carrent trocto & equiporent, lsng tom, gnuls oriented career, Seminars & upguding course paid tor. Studing Puy- 512-$15/tr plus bunoses & profit ntaring. Cmli <416)9304455, 8-Spai Manda, ta FId., awa.ihioeo.oaai 1212 Speers Rd., Oukoilte, ON L6L 2X4 NDW HIRING Experieuiced Monitoring Station Dispatcher NIGHT SHIFF Requiremeets: Abte f0 Type 30 words pur minute, te computer literuts, uble 10 handîs mujti-tusks, and mute geod jadgement catIs. aim rsuaio Onfyqeutlted~nplucautPs .5)1 te cuotaclad ciChudleigh 's Du pou enjuy wsrking with people, lu a tan, taut, busy envirnnment. Cbudteigts s now occepting applîcatrunstor Faîl Harveat Soasun. * Castiers * Animal Assistant * BBO * Sctuut Tour Guidon * Traceur Drivera Birsbday Hosteau * tuturmution Parting * Fuud Service PIeuse appty n pemun ut 9528 Hwy 25, Miltuu boIsson lOam - Spm, Mou - San. SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE ton luuury tighrise cendominiam. Duties isclade: cleanino, maintenance, repairs and genoral saper- vision. Weebend sort and medicat esaa reqoired. A cumpetitive satary and apastmunt inctuded. Coaptes siet Condo esperiesce preterrud. Fao resame em- pînyment tîntory & roterences to: Witaan, Blanchard Managemant tnc. 905-333-5811 Aeeonuon: CM. A 00e are tiring (or the toltusina positions: * Psnmansnt PIY Cuata.. Sarvios - Stadiug immediatuly. eveninos & Saturdays. Applicants munt tave preoisus castomer neroicu & sales eupenionce. Forward renume to Customer Serv- ice Managon. * Cantruot PIT Pra-achasi inatructara- Startinu Asg/ 00, 16-20hrs/wt. Applicants mont have ouperience aurbino siet 2-5yr nids. Forsard renume tu Pre-uctoot Cs-srdinatsr 4ia Ushacca Se., Similis, LE 117 or Fax: 955-3424792 Wo buîld strong kîds, strung tamilies, strono communîties. I T J e r DOMESTIC COUPLE REOUNERD to mu nta n a luge homo on a 66 uc o onnase n Oak aille, tsr wnrting euecutioe ceuple wîtt tes older chîtdren. Groonds keoper utreadp.on staff. Thîs cou- ple ntuutd have strong work etticn. an abitity o wsrk oeIl aitt otters and independently. Eoperience and pteaoant personalities are reqaired. Outies ton the coapte inctade toosekeeping, laondrp, meal planning! prepîrutien, serving gaests and business associaton, etc. errundn, indour pont maintenance, minou rupuirs, ctauffeoring, care and maintenance ut outictes. etc.. Additionut tenetits inctade un-site furninteut soite, puid totidapu, unut a soticle for job related actîoitiao. Satanes commensurote with euperience. Pissas oms/ast lira. Uuchuk ai <905)332-6677, Suai-S,., Fax(905) 2574048 Diacaune nionar Dostpn Warohouso ta laaking for nana enthuaisalic, prateasionat aitf-atareira ta tain aur cuneamor aorvico eean. Succonsfut candidates shautd bo abto ta wark Itesiblo, pore-timo haura inctuding namo Sundaya. t yau panaîsa suporiar ineerpiruanat nkittn and an ineer- oatod n a rewording tab exporlonco n n creneive onvironnont, mail ar Fax rouame: Discoant toterior Desigo Warehouse ,~.- -b~ 4155 Fairviow St., Unie 16 ~ Bùttngton, ON L7L 2A4 '-b.- ~ - (905) 634-3706 Sa we con botter norvo aur cuatamors, w. aak ehae yau refrain tram catting. BONUS! ALLc~~~Ads rnnhncanadi.chuupioncom Soles Roprosantative Motrntand Nomupoper iv Miltsn s seelvina a Salas Pepresentativo aho s tigtly mntivarod ovd con actave renuts n an aggrossvo anles atornu- ptero. Be part 0f un amard winnîng tuons witt an altrac- rive cumponnation pookago încluding salary, cnmmissiun and cor alîsauncu. Your responsibi5lios ivoluda: * Servicing and grnwina ooiuting occounts. * Fruspectiso for und ocquidng sua accounsu. * Frepuring formol, aniSon aod vinual presonsusions. * Fout necsndasy uctool diploma or 2 yuars oopannuocu n martoting. * A koeo denire us succoed aod aduance. * (ho atdity tn manogo soveral producin concorrontly. * Gnod communicution, nrganizatioo aod esoon dues. Plooso tormard rosamo ty July 3ltn ~w Eanabian (bampion Attonsian Bih Begin, Ganorat Managor 19) Main St. E. Miton, ON LOT 4N9 ARE YOD A TEAM PLAYER? WAETED LICENSED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Ta asalat a hua, rsal matais tas. Nesty licensed or osperiesord. Munt te tighty srv ganined md csmputer titerate. A unique & immediate oppudunitu siet potential ton gusset sithis a dyna- mmc team. Pluane tao nesume in custideuce ts: (005)333-2843 Cisistaghuar lanliala, Sais. Us,., THE INVIDIATA TEAM Us/Mas Ahoataums Usaltg Cap., Usatan Wo Ihaukaîl uppliceoto fortheir noIeront ho) ooly Ihoso solectoal forao iotenu'iew Wl)) ho covfacfed. No phovo calîs ploaso. REAL ESTI REPRESE The Burlînglsn Pont tus a tîghly mutiuoted, guol-Ori n ils roui estalo depudmen Ressussibililieolnclode Nec Business Ltevelopo * seiuiuiiia uîîu eiiiiuiiciii~ ~uoNicahoss CGGK .2 peurs proves suies roc nueded pflt-11m5 î Sell-mulivoted wîth tho n Applp n pernon îndependenllp aith nonumo, * Excolleni organîzutionul 1558 Onemna As., * Abilitp ru tundie numoro i~VIfl~. * Resuits drives Preoisos cosking * Cs-operutîoe und enthun esperience 5 Be a part stan asurd-aini retirement seffing truclioe compensation p un usant. commission unut incentiven U.gly I. os a/s 8mrfloe liai Sisummo, Usa 2321 Pain DENTAL Receplienint/ kdIqtOS, Hygiene coordinator. Fax: <9051 ~janencedar9unizod inlerpernonal ukîtta re- quired for tait lime pont- ALLIANCE lE lieu in a pregressiao TRUCK & EGU familp prictice n IPI Geargetuan. Abordent 00e are looknng for or expenence an insee. Seme eveuingu n -___________ qaireut. Pleine fao re- For sur usy euep ra aume 1fl~ 905477-3917 YIILISDViIL Hard a - pornos, Prufessîssul mo grsw dît company NL!MYJIL 150 Hra CHILO cire siateut. base & top commission ut Mittau, Holtp & Derry lorrain rigtt individuain, Rd. 2 chitutren. Mieure relates oes, eue tmoase Fan renome te: Prends in insee Fat) bore Augant, At nctaal Sept Jane <905)890- 5705, 8:30-S; r9f?~2330- YOU cia remember lO8BitterSpm. william nammer 2000 is Ihe arAngeti. nammer yoa met Me. Righll Miaey Riner taIra- Fax us your ductona, Onlados tri- Classifieda ddional mitchoriker, il 519)658-4202, 876-2364 ~416m-6302- ~TE SALES NTATIVE n immediate upenîng tur a ennod salon ropronentatise son I euistîng accounîs - urd îhîîîny nu work ukillu us proiecîs concurrentlp îastîc ring sales toam witt an at- ichage, including salary, mfhisaca ta: i Es/ais Maaagsr lia. L7U2E3 1832-1121 TERNATIONAL lENT SALES INC. ntîvated and energetic h~îs ako lie eonting rosaîts ornentated plaper, willing to tearn & tep tracts at 3 locations, ructure in business, silting bolet-Dental Prugram (U5)339-5045 53,000 - $35, Cira wintad 905-457 5713 Stop Car Tfrotl' Sott tati conueut recytcer 905- 457 5713 ~LEA~E RECYCLE THi5 FA~ER ~anadian Champion, Fridîy, Juty 14, 2000-23- L1CENSED TECHNIC5AN Gorrud's Auto Group Mitron, Ontorlo Due 10 aur consraued groont & frasschtae expanhjua OC a new Toyota dealership, we currentty have immeuti- aie positions open for 2 ticenteut techaiciatis. Toyota experinuce woutd te ait afiset but ju flot esseotiat Pleane contact our Service Mauagec, Latry Gibuoo ai (905)878-1672 or fia resîme (905)875-2279 Withington Transportation mc. WANTHD 'AZ Cmnp.ny Drivers the mad expertence 0.45/ni. * Pay U~ 10 * Good benefîto * Average 3000 mî./wk * Pleasant workîng atmctvphere Cati 905-337-2812 or 877-853-9649 A.M. TEMPS INC. requires immediately Ai DRIVERS ($l6hr) Min 2 years experience for F/T positions in the Hamiton! Mîssîssauga/ Brampton area. (416)331-2545 (pager) CLASS A DIESEL MECHANICAL Career oppoutunety- earn good wages, company benetits. Hamitton location Pions tsward ysur remuais ~i* fax ta <005)5434003 ar cshtact Jas Martia ut (005>312-5922 - - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mail Boues Etc. (MBE), (te global leader ultras- ctised booloons and comorunicution service centres, with suer 280 locations io Casada and 4,000 aorld- aide, tas an eociting opportunitu tor an eoporienced protessional seeking a challengiog nuw career. This ti0hly mstivated jodividual ail) te respunsible (or supporting (ho Vice President ut Franchise Opera- tisns. The successtul candidate most have a minimum ot tivo years ouperionco as administratioo assistant, and haco oxcollent wrioen and verbal communication stîlîs (Freuch lanosage a plus>. Prsticiency iv MS Office and e mail communication software requirod. Ploaso roply lu contideoco (o: MIEC Caaiaia.lcatlans Ina. Parsasasi 5s~adais.t 505 Iruqusis Shoro Road, Unîl4 M .Oakvîlle, ON, L6H 283 MALB~E1V Fao 905-338-7491 SR. ACCOUNTANT We are a protessionul services tîrm located n Oukoille. Establisted in 1973, we centinue lu OtOW and are sua seokino au euperiencod accuontant n thoir tisaI tes pears ot the CGA! CMA program or oquivalent ouperience lu report directty ru sur Controller. Thin ina oery hando-on pssitîsn. Vus mont possens a strsng anstîng knowledge ut Accpac, focel aod Word. Your knowtedge maut uclude preparation ut munthly tinancial statements. Tour fumatlasa ahi sciais: * Inosicino * Data entry ut NO, NF * Bush roconciliations * Choque ruvu * Frepariso aud posting month end bornaI entries * Froparino draft msnth osd tinauciats. Ploaso emailyour resomo 10: renumes@manageriatdesign.csm ur mail ysor resume o: The Controllor Umagerlai isulu. Cupsratlaa 406 Nudh Service Ruad E., Suite 300 Oatrville, Ontario 10H 502 No teleptoue onquires please, Ontp thuse candidates setocted tue an intorvies eut te cootacted. t7raukymu Are you planning a speclal avant titan woutd b. ai Interese 10 litas. n 1h. cammunhty? Adv.rtta. t in UItje Cana~ian (bampion 'Vair Haaafo.,, CoromirsftyNawapap.r"