-J ~ Ch~ipian, Frti~ayJUtY'14:2dO~l Classified B O N US! HOUES Classified Ads TO FRIDAY Ail 9:OOAM-5:OOPM a~~ear at... p ig~~ - i ~ III ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT 7II/'anJLS nia .~%lCac./)snaIJe,,.n6is ,li,, dia ioneuo~ du îzqaqooot o/ 7!/Ier lu amie Ja,,y/i'e, of ~ lento/I le Z/aa'6ara Relier /27 ion/o anu1 Jeu' e,, e/loi ÇUiI il vii/ Luis tiruci' Relie, o/Gxllinyeuoui .2~ta,,,aye lu e/G el/i faon la..4 place Vu/y 99 uooo '5'îddîoî~ le taI ,îlaî "lui,' 2 2001 hockey etlh besides Deri. Proud grendpeeenle hichede Jase Mersh-Olles, Mes & Anite Mangolich and 511 Gîtes. Omet Grandchid ta Helen Mers anri Margaret GiSes. Speciel Ounta la MDH OS staR, ecpecialy Jactai, Emme, Pie, Dr. Shansa Bath, Jime end Dr. Robinson fer Ou greel caret BONUS! ALLcI~ssfi~ Ads MONTAGNER, Robin Suddenly aI Ihe Trfium Hsalth Centre le MbsiscaiegaonTussdayJulyll, 2000. Robin Monlagns, betoved cRs ai Oruno. Loeisg mother ai Viocs anri Angela. Robin cUbe sadty missed by her mofher Ulan Sinclair berS broltiers and i saler. Predsceaaed by her lalher Keif s Beoedtetd. Femlly end friands velsd ai Ru McKersie-Kodser Fuserai Home 114 Main Streut MIlan tram 2-4 and 7-9 PM Thcrsday. AVtgllser- vice cas hetd an Tlsursdayatl:30 pm. The Funeeat Mess cdl be cetebealed aI 11:00 ara an Frtdey, July 14, 2000 aI Holy Rasary Roman Cathal~c Cheecli Estansbmsenf ta (0110e et Gtsn Data Memorlat Gardens. lIE LOVE YOIY STEWART, John Peacefusy ai Mitas District Hosptel on Tuesdsy, Jviy il, 2000, Me. John Stewart cf MOtos s hie 795syear. Beloveri bus- bandai Maeeeel (nee Masisan). Lavmo~fstheeof Kelsy) anri Lame (Jim~. Pappa 0f Jeemier, Cruç, Glenn anri I ..ai.,. Oser brather ai Anme, Ersa, Reg anri Meiy. att 0f Englend. Predeceesed by hie siolees Sale end Jean and heolhers Bile and Dick. Feisliy anri hiends celed ai Ou J. Scoit Eeufy Fuserai Home, 21 James St Milan on Thumdey tram 8-9 PM. Fuserai service ail ho heiri tram <non Presbyteeian Church an Fridey (tedey) et i1:OOAM. Creinsiionie bloc. s les ai flocees, donations hi Ou Canadien Cancer Sociely or Ou Milan DishicI Hoaplel Foundelion wosld ha appeecialed by Ou lemfy. 487 Laurier Ave., Miltoet 878-2881 30 ACRES GOOSEBERRIES RED & BLACK RASPBERRIES RED & BLACK CURRANTS BLUEBERRIES, CHERRIES, FLOWERS Free Hay Rides Playground An mal Corral i, i~r Pon et on weekends Farra Winery Reuli North ot Hey #401 on Hey #25. Ra~mny Drive eacl on Sideroari 510. ER1ZLY, Destri- n bein~ memory 0f uer ~ - NOW PICKING anci brother ced hic Ico Inencis Ryen Jenkîne RASPBERRIES ced Oeoffrey Oeil, efit were tragically taken Bramblabarrion, Romaine, Peas, Beete Iran ce on lwlaa Cherd, Frash Gerlia, Iroccoîl. Cauli- Jsdy 17, ises. tiomer & Cebtage 00e year hec peseeci, and ceeme co iong, "THE FARM~ Da Pacli Oea year cees minneci, cince yoc've been Pick veur ne,,- malin piciieli (plama. cmii) 900e. 905-873-2050 - 877-7976 We liveci aur livas, se Ibe engaix drew near, Me,.FC. s-e. Sai. e-s. mue. & Hai. a-3 And cslled 10 yoc cuftl~ unly yue three cocld is Sideroaci 1km. Weat aI Tratelgar Rd.. hear. Firai terra on north aide. Siewartiocn Thuugh me no longer cee yuc, or bcee yuc lu toccb, We tmuc yoc live on, for you mare cli luved co much. Cheryt de Rani n our heurta 'together forever Linde, Steve and Peut Ertzly. A memoriel mccx n calabration aI the livee ut Dave, OsaIt anri Flyan will ha beard et Holy Roeary Chcrch, Miltun aI 7:00 p.m. ais Wednesday, Jcly 19, 2000. iieiiseiqiin soties. Stades Ave. & Mais St ama. Cal ta klenlily. 331-0120 FOUNO emaît brout Llghl brocs Htmal7an cal - Tmmamse R et No.2 Shieraed. Gean & vety ftlssdty 80 muet have e home some- chers. To daim oeil 878-3451 WANTED Ai-China, St- ver, Cyalat, camera/au- sto eqcipmenl seeing machisee... Dodos, Moorcrefl, Otite, Glenn, Wetches, dola, peint- inge, colleclibles, en- tales. John/Tracy (905>331.2477 4860XS5 Laptop/ ac- cessades $250; Custam Bar $550: S Book shelve $25; 3 glenn cof- feu tables $50; 2 île cabinets $25 sach; ma- 1er InItier 8350, caler ski tuba $35: baby dresser $100. 875- 1832. APPUAN~ES - f ririge, 2 door Stove: aclomal- c waehsr & dtyer. Also, aparlmerd cet. Under Wsrranly. (005)537- 8328 CARPET Carpet. I have aeveral thocssnd yetde of sec Slaiemeeler and 100% sytan ceepet. tel carpel your lvltg mars and hall for $349. Price inctudes carpet, pad artd instaielion. (30 eq. yards). Stave, 905-839- 2002 FREE Eslimales... 001 cobbly chaira... weak spelnge... lireri ioohin~ caod Inlahes? We do C aI Coestom coori refis- ishingltumltum repaira. FietdaCuslom Fumi- 1cm. 9-gdettyf 875-4427 KIOSK IXI wllh locked dramers. Was ceeri as a Lotto Centre, make aller. Mccl sett (905)878-9250 POKEMON cards - anse ana Iksleinmnklea kA USED KAYAK POOL- RoctjAbove-Grausd cldeckieg&Fendng, BalacesfWarrenty (l7years) $2,650. 1-800-668-7564 Regular<1.Treiners HARVETS Restaurant andEnm~25<. Cal s Ou OTA a soc eesk- ________________ ing seperienced peofite RsaMuoert~ Reptacement foara agera, Assistant Maneg- cueluions. Residen- era anri Shift Super- tiallcommercist. Fields visora. Pleane fex re- Uphotsleflj. 9-~ mime 10: <705)728-4793 deyalceekt 875-4427. LOCAL tandacape SUPER Spedai. Save company reqirima me up to 30% on decoralor full-hme emptoyes for a tabricat Pey ta OSil permenent ait yser poat- Love your fumlers... lion. Muet ha a qtack tale your colotera? Sofa lea~ aiRs gond cors- & matddng chair ~ mon senee. Vety cors- $788. Loves5at5 f~s petilive cages, bonus $448. Ceaira ~ $~- alraclura avalable. To Frea Eslimates. Senior atari immeclietat~ ririe- Diacousta. Fietds Quai- ara benne an assaI. No ly Cuslora Upholetettng, experience necesseet- 9-9, (905)875-4427. CatI (805)878-6984 TRAILER - 10e ~ LOOKINO for meture kisal for coetslruclion or Indivetuate la coek vert- aloraga (905)878-3033 oies ceettenri pociliose et Ou Ontarlo Renea- cence Feelteal, eeven maeksnds elsrling Juty 20 unIt Septembar 10, ATTENTION Mondey and Labour Day Came jais Ihe fient acluding Choc Hohday INTERNETUSERS Phanetoerrai~anin- REQUIAED one peraon locai service anci for ciaenmg a commieni- ly service buitdlng s Mil- SUPPOrt f rom Ion. Part lisse, dsy ehil. SURF Tii! NEt Anisa Meinlenance Phose: (416)745-6227 SWEET Water Onu ra- quires cari ciafi & dîeh casher Drap reecme aI 5 Maîs St E Mutas (No phune calte plecce) UCENSED Aclumutvva Mechsnic ssci 2sd ur 3rd year epprentice fur West End Actu, Mulot. Hoctiy cage. Fac re- cume 10: (505>878-0439 or cati Lee <905)878. 5323 LICENSED Teclsticiss tor Geseral Rapeir Shop. Diagnuetice & Emiecion experiance pretarraci. Ruyca Acto Service, Homby. 571- 3977 or 878-3040 F/T lagel Meker FIT Kutchen Staff Hîgh eeergy peuple avaulable io work flexible hours Wîll train individuels wîih greai ciii lude enthusiasra ced sirone casionier service eketîs Resusses to 500 Laurier Ave Milton Tel 693.0842, Fax 6934843- Geeg 1~ft#ott~M Donul Baker I Muffin Baker raquhd. AJea OvemIg~l Coaenler HoUp requlred for prn - 7:00 arn ahtft WmIl train. Pald lraining. Uniforme supplied. Reenumeralion based on experlence. Appty n persan la: 8801 Hwy. 25 Noeth, MiRon 575 Onlarlo St. Millon 80 Meeket Dr., Milton Attolillo,: Owuor Sperators- IuIk BMsbu Succeseful, company loeldn~ for operatom with your own traîtem. We aller: * 13%of Geose Revue a BI-monthly accotent settlements * Steady yearround work Cail Gue or Dan aI 1411-136-2653 ~~~nd~sIesso' Requirod For f880,09 nec-home sal&up.snhioe te Oalnvhle WOrltieg clesely eilh Ihe pshlic; Mcvi ha persenahie, oulgaisg & beoefedgeshle. Nse home sales knowl- mige couiri ta se asosl. Mesi ta sosilahie fer Saler- day anri /er Steday aterosons Immediale place- mente. Pleese fat cerh experience te: Rebecca et (905) 257-7238 Burlingin Anocluilo for file Inlellecually Handlcap,1ied requires Personal Support Wo as ($1180 par heur) The ouccesoful ceodidalex will ta respoosîblo le previde cee le cee sepperi le ce elderly pence. Dc- lies jeclede penenal care, secial developrimel, heese- helci cherra anri aclivilies et daily livieg. The Icîl-time aed pari-lime pesitîcen are avaichle fer eeenie~s anri ceekeeds. Ocalitications incîcrie esperience wrlh île elderiy anri/or individeals with special needo. Ferestri resames hy Jcly 26 te: Huma n Resourcea. BAIHI 3057 Malnway Drive, Buringlion LiN lAi fax: 335-9919