H alon ot op uip it orThe Canadian Champlon, Frtday, July 14, 2000- 3 Ihazardous waste: Region ~I t! hl, By IRENE GENTLE The Champion The City of Burlington has been taking it on the chin recently due to media reports citing it as a heavy- hitter in the generating and receiving of toxie waste. The news articles were drawn [rom a sludy released by the Canadian Institute for Environmentai Law and Poiicy (CIELAP), which [ingered Buriington as the third largeat gen- erator and ti[th largeat receiver of the hazardous sT[ in the province. But Buriingîon's bad rap is actu- aliy the resuit of a misunderstand- ing in terms, and its black eye should he shared with some other guy. The study, calied Open for Toxica: A Study of Hazardous Waste Generation Disposai in Ontario, did place Burlington in the top [ive of toxic -sources in the province. But it was re[erring to the District o[ Burlington, as defined by the Ministry o[ Environment. That covers ail of Halton and Peel, inciuding Brampton, Mississauga and Caiedon, as weii as Oakviile, Milton, Haiton His and, yes. the city o[ Burlington. The misunderstanding, said Halton chair Joyce Savoline,' has put an unwarranted [ear mbt local residents. "It has aiarmed some cilizens that hazardous waste is being han- died in this community that lhey didn't know about." she said. The top toxic cuiprits aren'l iocated in this region at ail, assured Haiton's Planning Director Pal Murphy. "The prime generators of haz- ardous waate are not in Halton at ail. They're outside our bound- aries," he said. "And our treatment facilities in Halton are more than capable and meet ail ministry stan- dards." Haiton receives no hazardous waste other than that coilected [rom ils Household Hazardous Waste depot, added Mr. Murphy. A rebuttal report drawn stp by Mr. Murphy fingered Mississauga's Sa[ety-Kleen Ltd. as a prime source o[ hazardous waste in tihe Burlington district. Town planner says report incorrect qu milwmm Stereo towers & a large assortment of Many computer filai tops, roll top desks, entertainment centres available. Book cases f rom 36" - 84" high file cabinets & office chairs for ail your Several stains to, choose f rom. home off ice needs. GUELPH ULINE, CAMPBELLVILLE (905)8540649M E The CIELAP study - the first of ils kind in a decade - found that toxic waste imported mbt Ontario jumped hy 138 per cent hetween 1994 and 1998. And waste generated within Ontario leaped 42 per cent in the samne lime [rame. The study was hased on Irans- ported quantities of hazardous waste or liquid industriai waste only, which are monitored hy the province. Leachale waste - the stuif which leaks [rom Iandfill sites - la considered by the sludy as a gener- ator of the toxic stuff. But under Mînistry guidelines, the leachate [rom Halton's landfill is consideoed non-hazardous waste. Mayor Gord Krantz wondered how valid the findings were given the intereat of ils authors. 'How concernied are you about special interest groupa like that," he asked Mr. Murphy, who opted 10, keep the door open on the fmndings. "Il certainly doesn't mean we can ignore their issues," said Mr. Murphy. "They do bning up good issues [rom lime to lime." To which Mr. Krantz responded -'Mei important phrase is from lime 10 lime.", "The business that considers itself immune to the necéssity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business."~ De rby Brou%