'cAe CanadîartanCnploh 'Prtnty, 'Jiay 14, 200--211 GAME HIONLIONTS J... 26- JuUy 7 with Olivia Horbasz & Stephanie Rietman Mini Edition MIXED UNDER 5 Milteu Cemmuulfy Nursery Scheel 2 Rolubore Village B Rainhote Village ccd Milton Comntnity Nursery Schot met n c licaly match which 50te Miltoa Comntcnity Nursery Schaal omorge in the erd mith a 2-b cictorp. Goals for Milton Cantntniîy Nursery Scboot mare sconad Bp J.'J Schcpp and Cassie bacidsan. Goal tenders for Rcinbom Village more Michael Giegnos and Nico Sonoige. Miltan Csmntncty Nursery Scbaol goal tees daecded Bp Mitchell Macbonald and Aaron Tecgce. Lacas Bacdewyn ced 10110w teammafe berak Preston canfnibctod bo Raiebote Village's excellent effare. Zehlere 4 Weudy'a O Close ganta ail anccnd, great goal Ieadiag Bp both 10cm, bot il the second bail Zoliens scored an ewescnta goal Bp Gcaee Bromne faitate qaickly mono more goals Bp Taddp Lipeap. Weady's ogbt bond mit b great effare front Ecao Rcdd, bel Zoliens came ot on top. Lackporl Aube 2 Sole & Seund 1 A supen gante for both Lackport Aato ced Sala & Socod. Lacbport moa the cary close gante Bp a score of 2-1. Lockport Actas goals came flront Wiliant Soryk and Jordan Hopper. JJ Stlntson seoredth 0e loe goal for Sole & Sound. Tha goclies for Lockpert mere: Entiiy Chcrchhitt, Dai and Tbontas Crantar. The gootie fer Sala & Sound mas Ryan Cecisea. A speciel mentio gnes cal ta Aagete Boafan teho plopod 0e ahsetctetloefatectic gaine n Ber Birthday. Nerthgabe Fane 9 Raiubote Village O Excellent pfaplog Bp Naefhgete Pans brccght ont O shaening min agalaît RaieBore Village. Goal scerers inlecedt: Jash Searle, Zackart WctBam, Sarah Mittar and James Btatey. Key plapers Io ain oiea Village inctued: Michael Glegros, bereb Mat and Nica Sieniga. Gret gnl-ftnping mat sBewa Bp ail goalhes. Lociopotl Mio S Greupart Homest O Lcbpare Auto came out et tbe gante wifh an anteeishiag S-G aideor. The goals conte Iront Jordan Hopper(3), aed William Soyb(2). William mas goal hoagry and mas a part aI ntest ploya, montas Cranter bail a laeteslic ganta neebng op a goal fer Jorda. The gealies Ian Leckpert Acte mare: Jerdan Happer, Ereity Churcbill and Jonephiat fia. The goaties for Greaepaob ment Ceea Crippen and Taylor Rico. Specici nten- îlot tai Brett Kiniameod Ian scernog bis lirsI goal in O 101er gante! Zellera 4 Scellas Car Cern S A groat gante wea piapad Bp Bath teants. Gealias for Zelters ment AlpIon Cochrane and Moffhete Bergmtan, and fan Scella Cor Cote Rpae Stark, Jessica Howeard, ced Tristen Buota were in net. Arthur Pryer hail an ameaonte game with live goals. Scetî's Cor Cane cîBer geai mas scarad Bp Catie Moltbp. Gareth Bromne and Teddy Liptcy I ront Zoliens a100 hod a saper gante mdth Be goala oach. MVIXED UNDER 6 Palulech S Sale and Seoend 0 Paietecb piaped Sofo ced Sound in an eacitiag gante fait of mny great ploysancd smea eo anticsl Final tinte gsalies Alpasa bodson and Taylor Cross eoreed c shotot Ion Pointecbl Gregory fox mas a bey ployer aidino Galn Wiisca<1) Careis Caie(l) Justin bavidson(l) ced Mackenzie Rcberfson(3) le thein min Safe and Sound gecties Benjamin Globes and Gene Breckon pleyed wel againsi Paietech Sfraeg offense. PeiefecB 7 MePhaîl Chireproctie 2 A terril c gante boeooen Pcicîach and McPhaii Cbinopncctic mas plcyed ai Bronta Moadotes on Wednesday evenirg. Mosquitos aside, Gregory Fox And Zacbary Boycbok hotd McPbail cbiropractic ta goals sccred Bp Moahete McPbaii ced Thomtas Gibsan-Gentache. ecch miii ana. Amesonte galtending Bp Nicole Bebin ced Thontas Gibson-Gemecho for McPhait Chiropracfic teba kopt Pcinlech's bffence bop- ping. Goal scared fan Peintech mare Coreis Ceinjl) buon Witso(l) and Mackenzie Robereson (5). Palotechas toant effare teas cntatcheti and the rehate teant deserves ima rhumtbs cp for ibeir ecellent Ioan spirit and pasaing skiits. Millon Phyalolhuropy 4 Sole sud Sound 2 What a great effort mode hy ail playero donnai ihin action pocked game. Michael Lobb ai Milton Pbysiatherapy nccred the liraI tmo goals cf Ibis game and teammate Eric Scbroder pot an his teamo tant tmo goal. Canner et Sole and Socnd scomed ane et bis teamo goals whiie the oecond goal tees aad eocitiag display of Milton Physiatheropy being in the right place ai the wrong limie! Jordon Webher, Rylcy McCafferty, Storm and Tyson were oit aweome in net! A great effort by ail. Reneper Construction 5 Ernht and Young 1 Greot actioa tram bath cidre with Raopor's Coda Soutb, Cameroa Stoccali and Mothem Psewictra scaring the gools. Joathon Brisoe hadl the lana goal for Ernst and Yocng. Ronspar had great goal keepiag hy Tim Cacao and Dacid Londry and Ernst and Young kepi cp the poce with great aces bp Ptick Boaial and Vanena Hartmica. Von Donegen endsaong Knucie Speolohop An eeciting gante! Goals for Van bongen hy Liant Rcbinson(2) and Stephanie Bennett. Scorno for Keccklos more Kecie Nicholson and Stephao Pibzsirenons. Great gal- taadiog bp Rachel Pop. Gneg Rohilterd, Jacquline Sincoaich and Galon Blanchard. Apple Aluta Glane B Heimaet 4 TerrAfc goeiteoding hy Ryco becriea and Brooke Baicedere cf Apple Adto Glass and Casaidy Schccera and Wesley Croa11- Moare of Hattntark. Thrne excellent goals Bp Dylan lnaes and oae Item Wesley lad ffalimark bo victorn. Great hostie mns shomo Iront Cannor Appletonacnd Marissa Scholtz. MWIXED UNDER 7 Hewkeyeo B fAdlure 1 Great pleymng by cli, special meontion goas 10 BriOtany Shnaden Ion ber excellent speod. Succoosfcl penalty goal by banio Cnisci rebo mcdo the scono 1-0t. Excollent delanse by Natalie Pointa. Congratlatins bo ail tho gocitandons mbo maoagad tai kept tbe score 1cm. Mefformt 4 Suerit 3 An oatstandiag four-gal performance hy bauron Fcnifr gave Metfarnt the adge ocer Sears in a hard focght match. Cameon Parant mas soiid la goal fan Metform white Mark Nardstram mas eqoal ta the tank for Sears la the first haif. Mark Nordstrom sored tea gals in the second hall and Aaron Cahili aetted the single fan Sears. Hcgh Ritchie cf mefform and Kiera Wade af Soars wore the 2od half goalies. Etisha Robinson mas gond in detease atong mith Aaron CahilI aad Mark Nordatrom cf Sears. Metlarm bcdl ctrong perfor- mances by banial Mikclic in dolence and George Stanford in atteck. Fora' Foed Mort 1 TD Iefernetioual Lld. 3 A tuafl rscgh, ibis action packed gante had Alicia Carey and Metana Harmen marking bord in goal for Paroha, homecer they cocidot stop the amazng Tyler GarnIts and Christian Rahartsocf TG International Ltd. lb lotentatioalas goal ten- ders mena Matthem Lcce and Tyler Gerrits. Canteron Chanthars got Peraba goal, lb lalemotianat's gala, Katdoea, Sabrna and Chelsea tee amesontel!!! Metferun 2 Adeulture 1 Adcctce strcck final mith banlo Crinci's costoppabte ohot. Melfoums isI liaif goatie Amande Rogens moald not lot Ibat bather hon and tcrnod amay ecory shot Ibat Adccltore mootd ollar. Adcallanes David Hopkios tcmed Metlarm cmoy mith bis strcag play in goal. Botb teants mono ceny ecenly ntctchad milb Hogb Panik aI Maltons stopping Adcctcne on ecory atack in goal. Adccltoron Rnbbie Green mon soiid in goal in the 2nd hall. Metform's bonea Fonda slrack tinsi fol- lomod by George Stanfordo alt minute goal. Wakefield Wlldcof 5 Zekes PBermocy 4 Wbat a gamel Tbo Witdcafs goolie Erik Boascoînt sacad chbar- rage aI shots in the lot bail and mas mou oouppcnted by Caleb ffabdea an defeoso. Zakas net tock c pacndnng, buf nome excellent goctkooping Bp Rebacca Johnsan-Finnie ccd Mikbail Palel bcd the colo pcnrnng. The gante reaily cama bo tIfe in tbe bort hall. The Wildcets mont cp 4-1 mitb goa tram bmw Caracon ced Nichalas Gancie(3), bot sepenstriker Sean McGocorn addad 30 bo is 1tsi hall goal lotlie the gante fan Zakas. Tha Wildcato goalies Liadsay Smith aad bmew Cancan faired meit hut mont hace had kitteas when fhey ar Sean atfackiog. Liketeise for Zakos, as Nicholas Sarcla bracght hic tally ta 4 which tees a bitter "pill" fan the Pfnnocy fa swal- low. Spocial mention ta Rary Timtmona (Cals) for a great effart & Zaka ployons Haptee brrew, Corey Bigoiow, Bradley Fifosimmons and Mitchell Tanner. Extra special mention tai becon the nef and ail the parents Ion getting inIa the spirit aI the game. OIRLS UNDER 9 PoIutecB 2 Vacher Ineeroncu 1 Spoctalors mere on the edgeocf their 00010 as these two teamo mont end ta end. Great goaOtendicg on each teamn kepi tha gama close. Paintech goalioo Carly Vimini and Anne Rahino alappod aIl bct co Vanter shat. Vater goattenaders Kalie Kluge and Teresa Fisher more eqcaiiy imprassica. Paintoch's Jonaifer Straab sccntd the lt halls anip goal ascisted by Lacrea Kelly and Rebecca Selmayer. Vanteras Katie Kluge lied cp the game fan Vanter aller dafeasica plays bp Brianne bacidoon and Beceriee Hay stappad a Paintech rush. Il mas Paintechs Caily Robertson wha brake the tie tate in the game an a breakewoy. Miltou Jayos 1 Davia Truck Repoîr 2 Great actian fram beth sides with Chaoteiie Kennedy and Krpstal Kanady bath scening one gai for Dain. Miltcn Jayceas' gaal acccntpiishad Bp Eleanar Lecmn-Piaeae ciao. penalty kick. Robin bercech and Atecandro Schader serced as goalteadera fer Dacis Trach lapait. Lara Caclaco ad Krystai Poweer setnedl an Joycee gcal tenders. Lctso0f acton on front cf the nefs wilh greol aces by ail gabes. Pelufech 4 Davia Truck Repaîr 3 An eatremefy actian packed gamel Paintech goafies Codp Vimini and bansa Jones hetd Davia Truck Repair ta lthe thone goals scred hy Koyatal Keeaedy (2) and Stephoane Rothy wehita lending aif maoy great attempta Bp the entine Gais crew. Glicia Mazoarato, ptayieg the enfire gante ta net fan Davic, haid a terrifie gante deapife Paletechs geai scannas Colley Robertsaon, Jessica Spiers, Jeacifer Strank and bauron Kelly aach sccceosfctty eting lire hall. Rehecca Setroaper ad Rachat GaMarsh pct practice inIa play aad proeet tc Be indispentablo ta Paietecfto offense. lhe Doues Sheppe Pelufeca 2 Peintech 100k the 2-t cictorp in a clasely focght gante with gaals farte Caitey Robertson and Jeandar Stronk. Special mention goos fa Rachat baMarsh and alla Rebecca Seintayer fcr the ansist. ta goal for the bDace Shoppe Bath Ashlep bacidaan andi Aleanodra Pinheiro ptayed cery tef . The banco Sheppe gcoal came tram brio Caneing. Speciof mention goos ta Brioona Pitzsimmans and meiconto bock 10 Rachat Harris ofler ber itiness BO YS UNDER 9 Llndsay McLaren- Remox 3 Dure Beiliding Systeune 4 Bath leants piayed c groat match despite the caid raia. Roman's Jim Shepherd aad Jako Cochraae did a good job in net. Michael Pnysoiak got bis second bat trick aI the neason. bora's gaties did a groat job and Nichotas Karst, Jason Mclirido and Kat Liton scored far bcra. Zehlera 2 Kuacles Spertsop 10 A scper gante ptayod hy Koccktes. Breat and Scao did an ecellent job an net Ion Knacktes stcppiag great shots by Zoliens' ployons. Both limace and Mari tried bard an net fan Zolliens Nichalas sconrd both goals Ion Zoliens. Brondan and Jandan ecl scaned Ibrea goals tan Koockies mith billon and Blair cddiag Bec mono occh. Meriter 3 Sheppera Dreg Mori 5 An aconly matchant gamo mas enjoyod by ail. Shoppens bnog Mare offensa mas lad by Broct Panquacsoo mitb Ibrea goa, Brandon Hagoart mitb Bec goals and Tylen Garnard aasicting on the last goal. Monitor's goal sconars mena Scott bermoOt milh Bea goals cnd Kyla Gocch. Good gatteadirg hy Patrick Patience and Brett Phitiips Ian Shoppens and Ryan Burgoess acd bavid Casmeli fan Monitor. Gaad dafonse by Tyler Rioce and Andrem bacidoon for Monitor NOW WATCH FOR FoTaNte EVERY FRIDAY!I