Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jul 2000, p. 13

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday,July 11, 2000-13 If you'have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Aak The Profeesionals" do The Camadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 S.,G0NV NArt1pe- TH/E NATURAL C//O/CE The Nalural Choice in HeaIih Food Laurie Vaughran-Shrermnan C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N.U. 190 Maim St. E. Milton 875-1342 Laurie Vaughan-Sherman is a Natural Health Practitioner, as welI as Second Nature owner. Launie le a registered Certified Reflexologiet with R.A.C., a Therapeutic Toucb practitioner and Auriculove coning practitioner. Laurie has been a Miltonian for over 30 years and in fact bas the only local Health Food Store wbich ie owned & operated by a Miltonian. Second Nature je located in the heart of Downtown Milton, on Main St. Second Nature je open 6 days a week to offer you n the best service "the best prices o the beet selection e the most knowledgeable staff. Hours: Tues - Fni 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. 7:00 arn. - 4:00 p.rn. Sun. 12:00 -5:00 Second Nature also holde worksbops & seminars on a regular basis. flmilli TfSrapeuxic Massage CIInIc 75 Main St., Ste. 10 (arsu tm Zaks Ptaraay> Il 878-0800 - Jile ud Rogistored RPRanwmr ilios.). Se., RN Massage Therapy 8.8., MT Stretching Stretchmng s w andasbthte mass rÀsmpta and olffactive, yet aowbatrd exorcise thora as Evoryose car basais tram has pructico - tram pratessioai atisetas ta tira earty. The oseraisa con ha perlorraod qslctdy and oasly, asyohoro (at mark). and asyhno ta renee physical and montai tension. Muscles are otastic asd cmrtiractla - thoy are abte Ia ostend ltratgh a great range af motian asd contnact: sg ta a voty shart length. Haweae, wen msscles ara compramisOd by avrrsa. ln#",y or lackaof use, ltae rosult la mss& cfa dystancasa and nsmeoas abscure pain syndrame$. Fon example: lte chronic Oiitarns of W55 one ai lim ahastder reater cait msdes cas lead ta trazen ahastdnn - a savae and paintat condtioan carrirdy atfacling mniddle te ashuagesi istadeaa, Muscalar dyshrla asualy masitesta tiett as contractures, animais' Thosa ara araas that 'rail-sp and heoa ne slastic and incapable oficontrae> tian. Thay are asualy sexy paitat and conmproise the rosa ai lira rasde hacasse h rassb treth rirand cantract hardonst carapensate o thei dy& fanchanat area. Tis ircreoos the potentiel fr fsrthon islry. Strotichlng con help alieiaf lihe tension ln lirese conrtractures, lirery redacing pain, increosing atronglir. range ai motion, and rasitg hoalt thie lIsse. Strelchns con ba portansed acsraoi (wkthe lr of~ a analir eas rat) an passivoty (a wel-slnotdr). Be srm ta strascir bath adoes ta halance tho bady. And moare lrrstasiy - brathe deep and RELAYX The thast M s t fislats tho rasde noquad is ba atretched - yas may sood srame guidance testhrd the dirt ladsrksae. Entend te rasade stase- ly ta tho end afilha range and thon Wra bayand sal tesionr is fali- The sretah shauki sa ha paistt ad shedld ba held stoady for at faass 3h seconds. Vas cas "upt liM mary limas thmspirout the day and Ri asa st portast batao asd atterosxerdue rahon the rasades are a mnec Lop. Try and mata lia negu- tan habit and ysa mass baisse the diffarenco strch easy oxorcisos mata. Plesr cati Ryas n Jilias at the Miltisn Therapaahic Massage Ctinic, 87li-08i5, tan asy questios ragardlng regeatoroit massago shonapy an ta book an appaintment. Â Hawkins Animal Ho pial Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street Southr, Miltona mi (Pizza Hut Plaza) Dixirta Hawtdea Phone (905) 875-68 B. se., DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 W Q: Please explain tire relevance of Spayimg and# Neutering. PY A: Tire hsmaxe rosas for thre above mentioned procedures la ta redace the namber af honreleas pets who arc exthaniaed each year. Handreda and thossanda of kittexa and pappies, adslt doga axd cats are exthasised ixf Nartir America atonte, irecasse thay have no home. Hamane Societies axd Adoption Agencies are oven rus with homeleas, heipleas pets that wiIi prohairly neyer ire haased. For eveny titter of papa and kittens tiras are irn ait home and tirose successfxlly adopted meaxa tiree are tire rame namirers in ahelters who raili neyer fixd homes. "Heartirresking" barely descrihes tire emotiox here. Medically apealcing, apaying s dog on cat irefone paberty (5 to 7 montha) has heen proves ta neduce tire incidence af maramary (irrest) cancer ta its minimum and aiso redacea life-tirraten- ing infections of tire uteras called pyometra. It alse elimiaistes raessy "ireat periadx": and redacea tireir ange ta wander. Neatering of maies befote puirerty (7 ta 9 montirs of age) sll elirainate undeairahie habits sacir as arne manking in tire houe and wandering. Pets tirat seanden in searcir ai females in hein are mach more prose ta ireing killed on oar even-buaier ramis. Again. medically speaking, a sound neason ta neuten a maie dog is tirat ta do an eliminates tire chances ai proatrate disease, aucir as cancer, infections and elargements. Please feel firee ta contact as ion farsiser informsation. Wisiring yoa and yoar pets a irealtiry and hrappy Summer. 15 SMainSt. 905-693-9594 Mnao Masina Stanaly "Provtding a Natural Way ta Beter Health ansd Wellrxess 0: hava trled juat about every citat ln thultest ree y.ars end I can't aeemn to keep my weigirs off. Why la that? A: Tire ansseer la roall y qutte simple: ditots dont workl Unfontunstetly, thora are atlot af "qulck hx" promises, ranging trom "fat-oating" pill tall-pratoin dioba to muscla stimulation inseati of exorcise. Tire commarr denomînator among thexe ix that they altier short-terni solutions tea lang-term welgirt proirlera. Most makic unprovon ctaims of raalght losa", and can ire potentlly dangeraus ta your health! At Hrbras Magic, me undarstand tiraI achiaving long-tonn weight loas resufts roquires facus on tire undoniying cause af maigirt gain: pon eehing habits! Tire must bo a change in tira way one approachos food an a DAI LV baste. Wltir this in minci, Herba Magie iras deaigneci a sensible, moli-balanceci ahng plan tiras uses only yaur otan gracery store iraught fooda (na ahakes an pre-packagod mele). Sala, ail saturai heriral suppléments are useti ta hélio contrai appétits rand boost mata- bolic rata, meking tl oaxier teaedapt ta a heatier, ealing iffestylo. Tire trainod iréaith caunsalors et Herbai Magic know hora hard tl a ta break aid habits, so ana-on-ane caunseing antd guid- anrce sa pravidied escir andi avery vist. For more information, stop by or cati us et: HerbaI Magie, 15 Martin Street (Cardage Square) 693-9594. Maxin. Stanley hies a B.A. ln Soclology and an S.S. W. ln Social Work. Shl has wked wMêh dh Heoba Magi pmrom Tooth Tik Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wen Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.S., D.DS. (905) 876-1188 Denhure-wearerx need reginlar care People raho, oear dentures must diligently proteet tireir arat iseait irecause tirey could suffer frmm several probtema. inclxding abra. aises, irruises, inflammation and oal cancer. Dentures intimately intenses raitir oral tissue and cas affect tire onerali qaity ofa pen- ann's lufe. Regular cheekupa asd praper dental casa for denture raearers are essential. Dentures are mate ta fit preciaely. If tirey are cared iar properly, tireir shape ix permanent. Tlsey cas ireconre baose irecause of noterai changes in tire guras and hase suppanting tirera, If detn- tares no langer lit pmoperly a dentiat airould adjeat thera. Patienta airould sot try ta adjuat their dentures theraselves. Tis raay data. age tirera and/or cause trm ta irnitate tire garas. tosgue and cireeks. Home repaira alan may cause sirninkage of the gem rtdges in tire mauta. Wiren tis Occam., dentures are siraxat impassible ta refit. In erngencies, denture aliresives can bre uaed ta keep sire dentures stable Iut tise patient can sec iris or bar dentiat. Hoseever. patients shouid sat keep adding more parader ar'paste tx make tire denture lit iretter. If useti constantly, tirese prxducts can mask infections and cause hase lasa in tire jaw. Unlesa adnised by a dentiat ta do an, patienta airould sot use denture adiresivea regularly. Denture-wearers also should sec tiroir dentists regularly for oral esaminatiana, whiicir inclade cirecking f'or protalers raîir tire gara nidges, tangue and jase joints. Dentista aisa laok for pre-cancerous lesiara or Camons. For massy reuons. many aider aduits are more prase ta aral diseuses. including oral cancer. About 95 percent ai ail cancens are faund in people aIder than 40. However. raany of tirese cancens are treatable if they are detectxd early. y-4q«e

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