Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2000, p. 6

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6 - The Canadien Champion, Frklay, July 7, 2000 COMMENT ITS A LITTLE LLATE COMMENT FOR A'HARR 11 lCR Let's flot quibble over MOE. c osts in this scenario Wben it comes to bealtb care, it often doesn't pay to quibble over costs --especially when there seems to be a clear benefit attached t0 the extra expense. That's the case witb local ambulance service, wbicb will be officiai- ly downloaded to the Region August 16. Halton has set a mandate to improve care by beefing up everytbing from equipment to staff numbers and training levels. bhat means Milton will finaily have the benefit of highly-trained avanced life support paramedics in its crews. weepractîcally glacial bere last year -- 15 minutes, wben about eigbt Regional council is poised to move ahead with additional biring at an annual cost of about $7 12,000 even tbough a 50/50 funding promise from the Province bas yet to materialize. Tbe Region sbould move abead. We're ai getting older, and witb age comes the likeli- bood tbat our ives wiIl one day depend on tbese front-line workers. Bme-pparamedic numbers and training just increase tbe odds ofsurviving the experience. SO UR READERS WRITEL WhvwAn' ~tAe cose fr ireorsLitterbugs have no respect for anything the hugeen- success itse has beom.Its 0pikUp20 mpycas fsi Dear Editor I'm writing to expres my concemn for the safety of the citizens of Milton Who attended the fireworks display Saturday evening. In previoun yeara, the police alwaya closed off Martin Street to0 cara. 88 was very bard to enjoy the display when I was constantly looking at the pedestri- ans, rollerbladers, people with children in buggiea and bicycliata criss-crossing the street with cars trying 80 weave around themn while trying 80 get a glimpse of the fireworkas at the same time. Two police cruisers and an ambulance drove by nminutes before olé just at the atart of the display. Obviously, they must have had more important thinga 80 do aince they were so oblivioua 80, the potential danger 80 the publie. In future, I hope the police and the organizera of the display will be better p repared. It flakes nothing to close the Street off for an hour 80 prevent any pos- sible miishap. 'hat way we can ail enjoy watchlng the fereworks, which conclude Canada Day celebrations. in safety. H. Radukae Milton THE CANADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The Canadien Cheampion, pubistted eueny Tuesday and Friday a 191 Main St. E. Milttun, Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is une of The Metroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Pninning, Pubtishing & Distnibuting Ltd. grtup ut subunban cnmpanies.which mctudes Ajax/Pickening News Aduentîser, Aliston Heaad/Cuien, Banrie (go5 8 78 234 1 Aduance, Bannys Bay This Week, Butten Ententiniso, Bnampton Guandian, (905) Buntington Post, Burtiognun Shoping News, City Parent, City ot York Suandian, Cottingwuod/Wasaga Connection, Ea st York Minror, Enin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Aduucate/Cuuntny Routes, Etoîicuke Guandian, Ptamborough Post, Ponnene Yuung, Geungetown tndependentActufl Fnee Pness, Hunonia Business AdvertisinC Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingstun This Weeti. Lindsay This Watk, Mantiiam Ecunomist & Sun. Midtand/Penetanguishetie Mîrnun, Mîtun Shopping Ns, Mississauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mssissauga Nens, Napanen Guide. Nassagaweya Ns, Nenmarke/Auona Ena-Banner, Nthtumberland News, NoudS York Mînnun. Ian Oliver Publisher Oakuntte Beauen. Sateuitte Shropping News, Otdtimert Huceyu SNs. Onîttra Todau, OshanaWhittyCaingtin/Pont Penny This Week, Owen Sound Neil Oliver Assuaute PaaPeta.her Tnibune, Petenbonough SThis Week, Picton Counity Guide. Bichmund Bill Begin Genaral Manea~r HillTfhornhitt/Taughat Liberai, Scarbunough Mînnur, StouttuittetSxbnidge Tribune. Karen Smith Editnnr Aducatîsîna is accepted on the cunditiun sUat, int he nunt ut a typo- SteveCrozir Cirulatin Man g tgaptrical enio. fat poron ut the adueOîisîng space uccupied bs tha ennu- Stev Croler ïrcauatiiet uana~erneout item. toguttier witti a neasunabe ationance for signature. nitt tnt he Ter! Casas Oftdce Mantagaer changed ton, Sut the batance of tht aduenfisemtnt null Se paîd ton ai the applticabtte rte. The puttfisher neserues the riglif f0 catfiea aduentise- Tim Cotes Proiductionl Maanagyer ments; or dectîne. Dear Editor: Milton indeed is a beautiful town. That's why I chose 80 live here some 18 years ago. In response toi Katie Patrick's letter, the Milton Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) and businesses try hard 80 maintain a dlean and healthy historie down- town core. 88 sometimes seems like a losing baie, but we keep on try- ing. Our sincerest apology is extend- cd 80 the Milton Farmers' Market for the state of the street and side- walks on the morning after the Moonlight Magie event June 16. We tried 80 go that extra mile by hiring staff 80 pick Up the garbage that was lef! after about 4,000 peu> ple enjoyed a fun and successful evening. A huge thank you to aIl the artists and participants who made the event a night of fun. We would also like to thank ail the people and Sheir families who attendcd this year's festival and helped make it a small way for the DBIA 80 thank those who have supported the downtown over the years. After aIl, this is were it ail started some hun- dred years ago. Settiers had a vision and out of that vision grew a thriving town filled with family- owned businesses and churches. I8 was the heart of the area and the gathering place for friends 80 meet and enjoy each other's company. It's nice t0 know it can still ail hap- pen as it once did back Ehen. 1 didn't invent the silly string nor the shaving lotion that our youth seem 80 take such great enjoyment out of. But even with the litter and mess, I love 80 sec the smiling faces of our youth having good fun. As DBIA general manager, 1 assure you that we will try our best 80 add to our dlean-up crew 80 ensure a better state is in place next year for the popular tareners' mar- ket tIse following day. So, as well as personally trying string aE 1 arn. along with an exhausted crew of teens, plus pay for and have ail the receptacles cleared of garbage by a private company, we'll hire extra staff next year to try even harder 80 have the core spotless for Saturday moming. Ail the events are as important 80 us. If anyone has any ideas of how we might address ihis problem, please give me a call. I'd love 80 hear any suggestions. It seems 80 he an ongoing problem, not jus! after special events but throughout the entire town. Litterbugs aren't a nice entity but every ycar they seem to get more and more plentiful. Every town has 80 dca! with il. Litterbugs have no respect, no conscience and no pride of anything. If everyone does their litie part by cleaning up their own mess, the litterbug suddenly disappears. It's a win-witt situation. Darne A. Wasilkowsky Milton Pud by Steve Nease

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