Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2000, p. 5

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TiMe Canadian champion, Frlday, July 7,20M - 6 HHalton could be on hook for ambulance costs By IRENE GENTLE The Champion With littie more than a month to go before Halton Region takes over the recently-downloaded ambu- lance service, a 50/50 funding commitment from the Province is stili in question. Andi that coulti leave the Region on the hook for approximalely $712,000 worth of addiîional annualizeti staffing cosîs, HalIon's heaitli and social services committee heard Tuesday. Thats the price tag of about 27 additional fuli-time paramedics, which would help beef up the inheriteti service when il goes in- house Auguat 16. The aim is 10 rev up response limes, which have generally lagged since 1996. In Oakville, average response limes have increased from 9:51 minutes in 1996 10 10:26 in 1999. Burlinglon has seen an increase from 9:18 minutes 10 10: 13 in 1999. And Milton ai but limps to the scene with Halton's siowest response lime, at 13:42 minutes in 1996 and 15:07 in 1999. Only Halton Hulis has improved, going from 13:07 minutes in 199610o 12.03 in 1999. Regional municipalities taking over ambulance service are required 10 meet 1996 response limes. But Halton is tlying tu go one better by aiming for tlie Northi American benchmark of 8:59 minutes or the standard for paramedics trained in advanced life support (AIS), which is just 7:59. Provincial dollars, not staff numbers, is the real issue, obterved Halton CAO Brent Marshall. "The only reason we're back here today is we stili haven't got a green light from the Province," he said. WVe want lo be sure comn- mittee knows thal going ahead may not be with provincial fund- ing." The committee endorseti moving forward, and the issue wiiI go before counicil for final approval next week. But Oakviile Mayor Ann Mulvale chastised thse Province for downloading the service with a 50/50 funding commilment il hasn't yet corne Ibrougli on, while legislating response limes il couldn't rccentiy achieve. "Having tasked us with that, they're making the taak more difi- cuit," she said. "But if another level of govemnment won't lie responsible, we wiIl." That's the message Halton Chair Joyce Savoline could gel behind. 1Ils stili our mandated oesponsibility," she said. "We ought 10 send a message to the community that you corne firat in oui book." Improving service is the boîtoro lne, said Halton's Manager of Operations John Pereira in a separate telephone interview by The Champion. "We'oe hoping to reduce response limes on a regional basis, as weIi as a municipal basis," he said. "Andi we've got 10 start with a gooti foundation." That's what the Region is attempting t0 build with the hining of up 10 108 paramedics, including double the current complement of AIS paramedica. Residents also win by having a consistent andi equalized service throughout the region, hie added. ,/P.ramedic angry he lost local job 8v lINE GENTLE The Champion A Halton hiring spree to fi positions for the recently down- loaded ambulance service bas at Ieast one long-time paramedic feeling injured. Harvey MatIs is a 30-year veleran of pararnedic work, with 20Oyears below his belt in Milton. But wlien tie Region tiecideti tu take Uic service in-house, Mr. Malts was one of several in Milton who ditin'l make the cul. .I finti il very upsetting that we were overloked," lie saiti. *Ihe people wlso are there don't necessarily have better qualifications than I do but I certainly have seniority over them." Tlie reason is seniority isn't trans- ferrable to a new employer, saiti Halton's Humant Resources Director, Tom Clarkt Andi severance pay, also a contenlious issue with Mr. Malts, isn't applicable because hie stili lbas a job with bis current employer, but in Peel inateati of Milton. A level one paramiedic, Mr. MatIs lias received basic life support training. But in the recent hirmng apun, an effort was madie 10 increase tise number cf para- nsedics with adivancedi life support (AIS) training inateati, Advertiain for Hakon's 108 positions drew 185 applicants. "*We hati a lot of weil-qaliffld people for tise positions," aaid Mr. Clark."We féel we diti a prelty fair and equitable and tigorous interview proceas." Milton Councillor Rick Mallioeuf had hearti rumblings about the hiring praclice and took his concern 10 HaIton's Hesilli anti Social Services Committee Tuesday. Butwthtie meeting dissolvei, lie loft reassureti that tlie Region liat dore the riglit lhing. im happy witli tise process andi 1 have no mor =ommrna" saiti Mr. Malliocuf, LNisan'sBrigtestIj NO COST - NO OBLIGATION UN-HOME EVALUATION! ouîllmnwihom omtconuwoem e wto yormhmaid ewlafeM your cent Wa i neetis and rfleree AU at AV CW5 anti WM W NO 6JG7l0 FurthMlo, pflo f naatlo M we WU peM'm a SefM~c het gai calcUlatiof ensre accueeSOMh requIMren O1JRMCS AR TS4TSFY VOtRMHME COMFORT ANO CIll WU EXCPIOA VALUE PAYMENTS UNTI JULY 2001* THE "&SELECT' SERVICE TEAM Pnmvding moesAfi " Experience (20 years each) * Factory trained " Cmpeitie pice -Quality instlltion * àral e Gtaararmteed customner satisfaction joitde , dTaWd aM ffanBudet vaJTolIRSHouO ktmOmIIsJl ATO3.4 461 Harvestor Rd. (belf ppluby A Wdb,. LM@)> &Select Enesg (905) 632-1377 <J nsrnauHomwROmOaA 10 SATOUS4 A. F pafaNaIOcà-i*. se town Mark.tplaee Mail @'"Trde,,wk<dPR MILESInteman'md HoldinsNY v td undrr hcrnm by lxty

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