30-The Canadlari Champion, Frlday, July 7. ni Vil'! Automatic Lawn Sprinlders Save time and money and protect gour Iandscape investment. Terry Rowley Mechanical hic. 925 Main Stî'eet East, Unit 3 878-1979 hluuumter" àfAIt~k2IDA M 1À~I ! Hi ITII SHER-BOND MASONRY * Block Foun<Iatione *Chirnney Repair * Retaining WaIIe Free *Fireplaces~ 'General Maonry Work Cail Steve McDougali R 7R-9560 ~1~d! ru 1111 h ~RU~ Aise n:ulSIi~7~&>fflI~ Pasi~Ia aid TIugh Call8775383 between 9am & 9pm WASRAPJYV ON WORKMA5SHIP Icp WORK q ~ Apartment~ House~ Business Seniors Discountsl Servlng Milton, Georgetown & Acton -e. g~ Over 50 Vears Expenenoe Residential & Commercial ,.~. HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: <905> 876-0958 4*52 Henderson Road R.fl. No. 1, MiNou wr axs Res: <906>878-3447 Fax <SOS) 875-0936 Uv.. 5 1.B77.817-4958 Concept CaI~in~te ~ H~4~L~4 ~15Oin KItChtfl & VWJtOj CabkieCe FOR ~UiEY' LTD. AREA O WIO!i, Cuetom Mbvrlc SALES * INSTALLATION * REPAIRS Hîgh Ernaency Furnaces, Air Con<htsoners, Gas Fîrepisces Mal, St. lait, Unit ~ 8789177 878-4821 103 Steeles Ave, Unit #7, Mlltoi Natural Gas & Propane BBQ's BBQ Parts ALLU~' ,MOLS Terry Rowley Mechanical mc. ~jgf 925 Main Street Enet, Unit 3 878-1979 *wuongas ~.M TowN & COUNTRY WINDOw CLEANING Eavestrough * Siding Windows Satlsfaetldui ruily Inured & ionded - foaqmatmmd 12 Yrs. of Profruloual Expernîce - M o..~au us ior ai 1 Free Esdnsate 1 -I a M L~ ~*J LII I i L~ - SUPT1C TANK PUMPINO Robert Noble Ltd. * 180 ft of hase for cross:ng lawns 3 radio dispatched trucks ta serve you Don't wait for trouble - Pump befor. Ws toc latef (Should pump at least every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acte. Answeriflg Service 878-6869 (WICD ~fl VCARt F5<PERIENCEI Gavu~r Doors - Jlectnc tipeneEA Sales, Srvlco and Installatlsan Windows, Enarance Doors, Stoan Doors, Patio Doors TEL: 5198532114 (ACTON> - ~W~7SNIN W-E ROOFINO * FLAT ROOFING * CEDAR ROOFS * EAVESTROUGHS FULLY GUARANTEED X~J'~UDUI FULLY INSURED IIi~ * small offices * free estimates * weekly, biweekly, party deant~ PLEASE CALL DAVE REFERENCES AVAILAULE 878-2097 -s. S.v'J. Po~n~iêx~- c~ Re~o~ioekion~s Hardwood Steal Studa Drap Caflhaga W Caramlc Tuas Rau Booms Dathroams (905) 875-4023 g L' w ~d.1 u ~ -' M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parts for Wash.rs * Dyers * Ranges * Freezers Refrlgerators * Dlshwashe'5 785 Main Strest East TO-I 138 Acrosa from the Go Station I Il L J~o~e ~76~ J'~ome4 ~. Quality Custom Homos Additions - RenovationS Commercialllndustrial Construction .0R02 Free Estimates *1 M .A.R.C.H. CaSer Furnace Systeous * Oas, Propane and NomS Pumpu - AI,~ Oround Meotri. Furnacos j-q & Water sources * Nlgh Ufflclency Air Central & Resus Air FUSer. & HumidIfIer 785 Main Strest Emot Stan M 870-1138 (SERVIC6 875-27W> (SA Terry Rowley Mechanical hic. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Pumps * Furnaces VUIT 925 Main Street Enat, Unit 3 ~V000tI 878-1979 LENNO* Speciauzingin Custe>mu Pillai VI~,gl Wladowa md Eutrance Sgatous il i