HOME lor suiv - private Spacîsus 4 r homv 3 baths on a large Pool sîze lot pic vsonu y land- GORRUD iSHLO H UIGA sped. Nicely detaled. New hardwood 11000 s HOn hait N A main levaI. Fiise ace room with wet bar Pleane O eafo cai ta view 876-4424 A, Ont.ario Housing Corporation 6 It 8 p(An Agency of the Province ot 0i NEW & USED Sealed tens ruor tIre prolects lîoted blow wll bereceli A 410 STEELES AVE, lime, July 27, 2000 by Halbin Houoîog Authorîty, 700 Dr AFAMILY BUSINESS WITM FAMILY VALUES Oukoillo, Ontario L6K 3V3. Telephove: (905) 849-8383 w $ o $H PWE - BUY - SELL - LEASE Ternie documoutu ay be vieuci at the. ouei Wrlg Harder to atay #1 IARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON ÎMu te oltab, fd, tender docuenta tImerse lsa 1 _ 1875-2277 Ctfdr .1 8ern 75-33W0 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 APPLEWOOD CRES. STREET SALE SEVERAL FAMIUES Sometnini for everyone SA .JULY 8 8 A.M. - NOON GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY 8 399 COXE BLVD. 8:00 A.M. Something for everyonel GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY 8,2000 TIIREE FAMILlES 575 -579 -5SU CLOVER IPK CRES. 8:30 - 1:00 PM. Items indaude: Pictures, trames, chandeliers, baby RIemfs, wo<ses's dlothing, mise. Res GARAGE SALE 318 LAURIER, UNIT 42 (e the bock> SATURDAY, JULY 8,2000 2 Ikea Office Deaka 2 Office Chairs Small Fnidge Excerdsýe Bike 4 Appiances 8 A.M. _ 2 NOON GARAGE SALE 561 HAYWARD CR. SATURDAY JULY S Indauding Pool table, humidifier, rouch and much morel JTHORITY starno) ved until 11:00 amn. local oroui Drive, Suite 405, Reod adiroo. If Yeu au-rtmmiahle fee for PROJECT P.T. HHA -05/DO - REPARATIONS TO MASONRY WALL SYSTEMS 40 ONTARIO ST. SOUJTH, MILTON Bld Security in thse amount of $24,000.00 is reure 200 ONRNDABLE P.T. HHA -06/00 - REPARATIONS TO MASONRY WALL SYSTEMS B'DURHAN STREET, GEORGETOWN Bld Secunty in thse amount of $24,000.00 required. $20.00 NON-REFUNOABLE DEPOSIT FOR DOCUMENTS. The lowest or any tender flot necessarity accepted. GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY S 21 COURT ST. NORTH à MAIN ST. 9:00 A.M. Albums, tapes, golf equipment, dishes & lots more! GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY 8 800 GRAHAM BELL CRT. 8 A.M. - NOON Lots of Stuff MULT1 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATIJRDAY JULY 8, 2000 8S0OOAM -12 NOON No early birda pleaael Highway 25 Notth te Spayalde (lSth Side Rd.) West on lSth Sida Rd ta Sth Uine. Tum south on Sth Une, lout houoe on Whf, #1 10 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE SAT. JULY 8 9 A.M. 8469 RIRST LINE (West of Campbellville belmeen 3 Sie Rd. & Steeles Ave.) Snowblower, tools, stampa andI revers, antiques china, silver, crystal, jewetery videos, books, games, puzzles astI lots aNumst have" kitchen staff. CI) I1111 l11 hoe eoffer daily, weekly and lIve-ia service. Pets are so probtera, dogs and or rata. Atuo special atratngements for horse levers. FUI'Yd For more information, phone us et 11.lrd (905) 510-6705 Fax: 19051 335-5e13 or E-nmail as at jnaf344@Oaoi.com Visitaus on the web et: mmm angelire.comlblze4janshousitting Invisible Fencing of Burlington 5006 Tremnaine Road, RR#I Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Pani McCleatry (905) 876-12881 Eniaji. piiuîinî(oCigloaibal.verve.net Wteh Site: www.inevibtefence.cmspp ebSUMMER TRAVEL SAFE'SPECIAL P Change oi1, 5 itres of Quaker State Premium Qi) and Motorcraft oit filter *Rotate tires and inspeCt brakes for wear *Visual inspection of exhaust system, shocks/struts, suspension components battery cables, drive beits and f luid levels, wiper blades, air filter/cleaner, radiator and heater hoses *Lubiricate hood, door and trunk hinges and latches *Test coolant for temperature protection, al Iights artd signais Cali and ask John or Peter for an appointment today Jýohn Peter Mon 8-5 Tues 8-8 Wed - Fni 8-5 Sat 9-3 Getup and go to.. A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 141 Offer applies te moal cers anI llght trudks. Deleel vehles extra. Exp. Auguat 21. 2000 875-2714 Service Line (905) 875-FORD 655 MAIN ST. E. MILTON www.gailingerford.com Peter Appt. @gallingerford.com