Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2000, p. 28

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28-The Canadien Chamolaon. Fridav. Juiv 7. 2000 DOMINOS PIZZA is xxm hîring Drivers. Ali nom ap- plications serti be considereil. Also requiradI de day alr4pra to 17Wlo0rv a e onro 876-303. LOOOCIN lor matura x*k Iniiut w0 eut varioue meekenil positions ai the Ontario Renaissance Fes- tival, seven meekexils steitin Juty 29 unti Septem- ber 10, hrddg Civlc Holiday Maxday andl Labour Day. Cerne jetsn thre tant Phone te arrange an inter- viem. <905)878-6948 SALES REPRESENTATiVE Construction Equipm.nt Rentai à Sales Leadiot sapplier of constructien equipmenl ix seek- gexepriencedl sales pernon lx reol andl nelI lx cxxrcioani orustrial neclers. Position pays a base salary, plan commissions, car allomence expennes exdildnes an excellent beefit package. Seod resume Io: liax UN0, gls SÊuIlle su 467 Spoen Rd., Sekille, On, LIE 384 ASSISANT SALES MANAGER flakoille-baseil heail office ot national whfreeate dis- tIhaler requires incambent for marketing anelysis, some rates reprenenlalien, andi managemrent nf cen- tral filint fanictien. Cempaler lteracy crilical. Mar- keting. backgroundl iesirabte. Excelent gromlb po- tentiel Seperixr scope for leaming statf sales/mar- keting fardcions. Excetlent salary andl berefiln wilh gerres profit sharint pregrara. e IV, te: Tb@ Salles Manguer tPredacs PJ. Box 70 Gakulle, Gatari LOi 5C4 P/T SERVICE ADVISOR teqaîra espenienceil. consCientixes ailvisor mitti key boarile exil custemet service skilîs. Approx.2 bous pet week inciviles Tlrarsday evenine. We effet a sappertive organizalien witti excellent C andi greal proilact. Appty le Service Manager. Phono (905)632-5371 or fax resumne to (905)681-0098 Expanding wholesale lumber company in Milton ares presently ecceptxng reaumnes for the following faxiltime position: Experienced Lift Truck Operator e Building maferiat backgtoaund an assel Fax resumes to: (905) 854-3259 Lawn Cars Techniclans e F/T Nalri-Lamn Ecotogy Frieetdly Lawe Care ix Iobing fer energetic, self-melivaleil & service orienteil inilividu- ais fer taiffime empîxyment. MaxI la seat & lily ix appeareece. M.O.E. Class 1&3 Lic. are an asset. MaxI hava a valiri D.L. $9-$14/ttr ilepending on expi. Foward resumes tai Kevin Muret at: S15-4087 Harvester Rd., Berlîegtex. ON L7L 5M3 AZ DRIVERS Allied Syntemo, Cenada's largest distribu- loir of finiahed vehictex ix seeking AZ Drivers for ils Oekvitte locatian. Thix posl- lion ix open to att AZ Drivers, enpeciatty nomneone who Iras had previoux experi- ence in handting speciat commodities. Att interested applicants are ta cati Cal) (905) 845-1631 We Need Helpi Hattorre number ana Family of raeb sites, oakvillebeaver.com burtîngt onpoSt cool mniltonchampiol.comf la looklnq fora. sales representative ta seit an excitrng new teatuare. Knowledge, of tee Intemet and sales experierice a muet. Piesss e-mil resumne ta: nell@woeldchatCOri or fax: 905-M2-0943 FULL-TIME RECEPTIGNISTIASSISTANT For ait femate" optomarîne praclice. Excellent tleephone manner computer competesl. strong organizutionat stritîs. Friendty ulesosphere, greel co-merkers. newty renovaleil office.1 Pleane fa« reaunies te 876-3559 er tuat o Dr. S. Jaay, 327 Erente St, S., Miltn, L9T 4A4. Wr thank att appticexts, however enly Ihose setecteil for interviewe witl te coniacteil. ACCOUINTING CLERK - Milton Jais a growing national service provider as ex Accounts Reciable Clark. Reporting te tira Accoanig Manager, thre cusloraer service protes- sional wiii balance acceunts, reconcile bank niais- mente, eail post to gexieral ledgers. Il you demnonstrete lhe necessary expeience, complimenteil mith excellent totemw up shulîs, sond enjoy morldng wittrin a dynamic environment please foeward your resamne for immediale ravisa. tan Martin Ltd. tellscl@ml.om Fax: (015)281-2=13 Ph: 1-8-9675 AccountsReceivable Clerk- Bilingual Wholesxle pharmaceuîlcal cx. seeks ax exp. Bilingual NIl clerk. Abilily le wxrk in a compulerizeel exvirox- ment, must hxve collectio exerinc, communicatiox & customner services skitîs. This enlry level position oflers a compelitive compensxtion packrage. Fax rmons in confildence: (905) 560-7013 Senior Accounting Clork Truxet accesxry dixtributixx cxmpany localeil in Oakxîlle ix loeking tnt an exergelic iniijial able lx multi-task in our fast-paceil enoirooment. 5yer minimum experience. Must have B.S.A. and be lml larwith ai aspects xl accsuntiog incluiling MS Excel or Lotus, tinancial axialysis, projections, payrsli, A/P. linunciet sitements, trial balance, etc. Fa mae by ,li 7M0 ta: <95 929-9942 ReceptIorist Politime for espextlixg distribution centra ix Oak. ut Dunrtas/14t3. We are ieoking for someaxe mith an azeL Mdnflelephvne massner phoxes.inveiciog. citri- cal daties & xbility tei mark milh others. Ksemtedge of Excel, Ward and French ix an assel. Fan romas ta: (Ba) ms.a (Oxfly îhose ceesidereet ini De contacted) FT/PT Front Recoption Mest excel ix cas- tomer service and te a mature tesx ptap- rt Evga & mknds a maxi. Cash exp. an assai. Apply: CEDAR SPRINGS Heaflh, Hacquet li Sporisclub 900 Cmmberiand Burlingten DENTL Receptionîst/ Hygiexe coordinator. Expenaenceil, organazeil EN f EPN individuel mite excellent Peemalee onterpersoxal abutes te- p.FM-dm maya, qairoil tor fuiltlime peer- 0 a lapida. tion sn a progressive Smalter Burlirgtxn tsmiiy practice inx eieen oe Georgetomn. Abaident ttrmn oe experience an assai. Excellent reptation in Semas eveniegs te- lia csmmunity. Great qulteil Pliase tas te- mxtkiog condlitions. sume to: (905)877-3917 Competitive rtes & EUROPEAN ladies, CHRISTOPHER COURT milIr experlexce, miii Retiremext Hxme, hoip yva milfi Spring 392 Pearl St., Burt, ON cleanixg and regatar Fax: (953997 cteaning. Keterixa& CARTEU.E LTD fias an immeile openîng lot an OPERATIONS/LOGISTICS MANAGER This permanent contraci position miii te responsibie lortho ilay-lo-ilay xperatisns ex meit as business ilevelopexent. Please FAX ressexe lx: lm) 319-030 Wv vie De Lage Luaîden Financial Services Canada, (OLL), a divi- sion of Rubxiank Canada, a ieaiig intertnl supplier wilh over 30 yeurs experiesce in vendor finance prograras mith offices in 13 coun- tries. Rabobank eexptoyx ix encras et 49,000 people morldmida mith. profits in 1998 xl oxer $1 billion andl are oniy ose of 6 mxajor basks moridwide mith Standard & Poors triple A bond ratlng. We are currestty seekint candidates for the tolloming positions in our Oakvitio location: Ci SALES SUPPORT - Evenîng Shilt, 11:3Osrn-Spm t3 MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR CI DOCUMENTATION AND PIfOGRAMS MANAGER - muet hav mIelmur 5 veau relevant espertuice wflh &Il sella "spubl et leam ceultrarta CI SALES ADMINISTRATOR CI JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT MuaI have high energy, be a team player dedicuteil and setf-direct- ed. Abiiity to manage mufti tanks In a fant-paceil culture. Must te proti- cient le Word and Excel, Infoleuse espertence a definite asset. We effet a competitive compesation andl tenefits package. Please fas or mail yxsr rexume ix confidence lx: Humas Resources Department 1235 North Service Reail West, Suite 100, Oakvitte, ON L6M 2W2 Pan: (905) 465-3173 OnIy fkoe candidates electeet for it erview il ie coafactedE.O.E. de IageIanenà A global force comesiffee te growing aur ckients'business STAFF ACCOUNTANT Oakville Accoxxtinig Firex seeks self slartrng îniviilxal euth level 3+ CGA or CMA anil public csuting esperience lx assisi clients weuh hxskkeeping, prepere yeat exil files anil personat anil carporate tas retoox. Successîxl caniiilte wîll have prslîcîenl skilîs euth Casemate, Caxtax anil Microsoft Office, Quickhooks anil Simply Accxxnting. JOHN MACDONALD & ASSOCIATES 22 Lakeshore Roail, West, Suite 5 Oakvitte, Ontario L6K 1C5 Fax: (905) 338-8042 ESait: jrnac@lere.on.ca Coordinator Natural Cas Control ECNG, an energy management consutting tires, requires a coordinalor af natvarat gas contrat at its Oakvilte office. The major duties consist of. manthty naturel ges nominations ta thre pipelines andl gas dislnibutors an wett an tme contractuel interface with thre Ontario and Manitoba gas distributors. The incumbent witt posseas hands-an experience in a Microsaft environesent, including Escet, a bias for deteuted wark, strang arganizationat akills and thre abitity ta, functian as a team player. Previaus experience with a gas distributar is a plus. Please farward yaur resume ea: FAX: (905) 825-1066 Attn: Direceor Energy Suppty, ECNG lnc ar EMAIL: ymasse&cng.com Only those selécted for an intervi .ew wili be conîacted BURLINGTONS MUSEUMS ARE SEEKING A Special Evonts Programmer teuimemeots: college iloexWcerificale ix market- ing an il/or retateil fielil. 3-5Sprats exp. ic, speciat en- ents planning anil promotint in the textinra inilustry. Priexary respoosibitities: Develspmett, imptementa- lixn anil moxnitoring of aIl speciat eveots inclaiig tev- enue genertiot initiatives. Designs, anil cx-xtilinates the prxiluction atil ilistribution of brochures, press retease, etc. Pxbiishes a qxailerty tewslettet. Seeks oui sponsxrship atd/or txoiling. Builget ilevetop- menteHurs of Wxrk: 21 hrs/meek, Salary tange: 615.57/ht Ferward reauma ta: Barbera Testere, Directer af Messama, 2168 Guelph La. Berlingîse, ON L7P 5AS by July 14, 2000 ISN'T il lime poa met somoona nice lx uhare pour Ide itih? Miaty Riv- or Introductions, On- lands tradilionai mult- exakor, ut (519)658- 4204, (416)777-6302 $3,000 - $35, Cars maxteil, 905-457-5713. Stop Car Tbaffl Sait loi-i conseil recylcer. 906- 457-5713. WANTED 2 beciroomn uparlexent ix Mitox lot senior laily. Needeil for oarty fuît. Cati Cathy 854-1291. WANTED 2 or 3 beil- room accommodations reqaireil for Octobar ax oexer for youxg famity amailixg tor nom home 10, bu buili. Please cati 519- 822-0267 or 416-932- 4295 DOWNTOWN Cornet location. Milton aien. 3 bedroxes tesidextia. Fridge & steve inci. $125 plas atititlex. Cati (905)854-3276 ELUXE losenhoase, 2 xtoray, exnd ant, avait- able Aag.le rSept. 1. 3 beiltorns, maee sol- taxer, fixixhed base- ment, separate garage off deck et test. (905)854-3735 HOUSE for rent. 3ba- rvom, 2 bath, downtoax ClOse te everythmnt Fridge/lot0ve $1Z 0nll. Availate Sepî.l. Cati Tony (905M88-723 HOIJSE lot rani. Tmo or th ree badrearas. tes Avaltl AsJt1 2000 apblte Cait (955409 THREE badrooni bun- galow on 41fr Lina, Ac- ton. $1,500. Application belote showing. Con- tact Mark Mallaliea, 876-0633. Common- wathf Real Estete Services Corporation. THREE bedreoom lorn- house Miltox availabte Sept. 2. $1,150. Appli- cation belons etnowexg. Contact Mark Matalsau, 876-0633. Cornx- weaffh Real Estate MILLSIDE TOW- ERS - 82 M1LLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 2 Bedteoms avait- able os ban route, treshiy decoratoil, 2 appliaxces, on-aile iauxdr., indaudea ait alitiiex (oxcepi phono & catie.) Free parkixg, no pets. Roferoxces reqired.Aaial Houra are 1 'n-i 905-47U-249 By appeinlexee onty in this nursing assistant programt ia the diffeece! We are commit ted to your success! * Smetl Clas Sîzexl * Practicat trainingi " Work placements gel p ou ixthe dor ta j 95% aof our prng Course ee/a Sept.il,20 333-3499 'a or 878-1240 1 a. www.thecentre.on.ce eICA Centr NOVENA PRAYER TO ST. JUGE O Hoty St. Jude, Apoatie exil Martyr, grat in virtue exil de ix miracles, rieur kinaman et Jesue Christ, hatIul ixterceasor of ad miro invoke pour speciat patronage in Uime et mort, te pou t have femmure trois tee depte et rny heurt sert lrxily bag le abois Goil has givex mach giait power, cerne 10 exp assistance. Heip me in exp prenant argent petition, in relues 1 promise tei meke peur name kxomx andl ceuse pou te bu invokeil. Thrae Our Fateer, thee Hait Mary exil dires Gtory bu. St. Jade prap lot u anxi ait mIre invoke your aid. Amn. (Publicatiox met bu pesexiseil.) (Tis Noveria fias neyer beir knxmx t fa it. This Novena met bu seuil for 9 conseculixos dape> Thank-poa. AU~u5T 1, I TO eai- room, centrai air, te- servect parking, modemn building domntomo Mit- ton. No pets. Referexc- ex teqairail. FirtllasI. $895 Mon-Fni 878-8123 CAMPIBELLVILLE As- ut 1, 2 bedreora, 2 .sthroom aparteex milfi large dock. $975 (heoui, hydrx ixcIadeil) Jeux Snoxdex, Re/Max 878-7777 FOR ront, baseinext bacheor aparimoxi, iauxilry faciltiies, xxx- nexakor, uvailabto im- eoiley. $575/mxxlh firsi & taxi. 876-1529 LARGE 2 - bedrxom api. country, close lx, loren. Avaitebie Augaul 1. $900 pet exo. me. hout.' hxt matot axil parking. Cabie axil tauxdry facilites avait- able. Ny pets, raferaxc- es reuirel. 854-2294 ONE large Ima bedesara aparinent. Main tlcor of flouse, domntomx Mail- ton, close te ail arneni- lies. $875/exoxlh plus alililiex. Firtla st re- qiuireil. AMaitable -et100Ct Tony O BRONTE & Dexry are Nox-smoking protes- sionalx aoharo a vice neal 3 bedraom towx- Irouse wih orne other. 2 badroxexa, rec room, iaaxrtry, utititiex xnc $600/eaxlh. texeedmale occapaxcy. Cat Chois (905)8-5288 ROON for terri, sutialsle tar a man. Phono aeet P.M. (905)875-022. 1 Clasified Telcphone ... S7-1-37 The Burlington Post sa looking for an enthusiastic NMehtwIou .pvss.Iad Our busy distribution department sa presently seeklng a full-tUme District R.pr.a.ntafv. Candidates should have initiative ta seore eu on their osen, loe innovative, creative and work well wlth children. Experlence flot neceseary, on-trie-job training pro- vlded for the rlght candidate. Osen car a neceaslty. Good startling satary wlth auto alloivance. Reaume ta: The Burlington Post 2321 Fairvisw Strust Burlingion, ON LîR 2E3 005-432-1024 (Fax) ATTN: Chaffrie Hall Th petroespesonalze-nstucio

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