26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 7, 2000 Classified CLASSIFIED BONUS! HOURS AI I Classified Ads MONDAY TO FRIDAY 900AM 500PM appear ai... I I~I~ - I I'I 21ST BIRTHDAY ~NNIVERSARY CHRISTOPHER - Ian ard Joanne )nee Waniess) are lirrilieti le announce tire irirlir et tireir second daugirler Meagan Danietle bsrn on Jane 16, 2000 ai 7:04 p.m. weigiring 7 lire 7 sz. Prosd Grandparents are Roy ard Magdaien Cirriaispirer, Grandpa Jîm Waniess ard Great- Grandad Wiltred Lewsen. Weicomed by Aunt Chrinline. Uncie Mire and Cousin Prîscilia Reberison. Mary Ihanka 10 Dr. Sirarma and Dr. Peers and ail tire greai malernily staff aI Miitrn Disîricl Hrspîtai. Meagan will aiways ire walcired reer by irer b 9S eler Heatire andG andmolire Fnac tsf om Heaven TOSTIK - Jîm & Debnie )nee lindail) are proud Ir annrsnce the udr ot their second son Kyle Joirnaihan ut Mîlton Dîsîricl Hrspilai aI 3:31 pm, Jane 23rd, weigiring 6 lis 15 oz. Encileti irig brelhem are R y an & Dantel. Proud grandparenls are Ha~ey&Drreen Pay're, Jim & Linda Teaiik anti John & Bey Tindait. tipeciai ihanks 10 Dr. Shamra anti Dr. Tam anti ail tire nurses r 0.6. 1er iheir wordertsi care. A Coffee & ~ Cauab~an (bampion ...the best way to start your day! 8OTH BIRTHDAY RETIREMENT CORDES, Mîke anti Danielie et Milten are pieased te anneunce tire birlir et lireir ssn Maiihew Anme Michael Cordes ceigirino 9iirs 45e aISI. Josepirs Hespilai n Hamilten en Juiy 22, 2000. Preud Grantiparents are liera & Reine Cordes, aise Aunt leva, Dave and speciai cîshes Item Oma Cirariefle & Opa Gerirard Reiscir & Anneliese & Bernirard trnm Germany. 00e are so irappy yeu are FINALLY heret WILLIAMS - Nicirolas ard Rebecca are pieased 10 anssunce tire birlir ol tireir baby sinler, Sarair Louise, weîghirg il ibs. il oz. ai Milles Disîricl Hospilai on Jane 26, 2000. Proud parents Raipir anti Dawn give speciat liranks to Dr. Sirarma, Nurse MuSa and ail tire 060 staff. HARVEY, Mugir Ai lire Miton Disldcl Hospital on Friday, Jsne 30, 2000. Hugh Harvey, beirvéd irusband ot lire laie Reena Harvey. Loving talirer n Aitan ard iris wite Ciradene ard Hugir and iris wiie Terry. Sadiy minsed b y iris grandrirtîdren Jennîter, Rrbîn and Alian. Dear brother 51 Agnes. Family ard Itierds visited aI Ihe McKersie-Krcher Fanerai Home 114 Main Si. Milion on Taenday trrm 7-9 pm. Tire Funeral Semice was ireid on Wednesday, JalO 5, 2000. inlermeni triirwed ai Eveegreen Cemelery. Donations te tire Kidney Foandation n Ha g ira memsiy weaid ire appreciaied by tire famiiy. T ire tamiiy woiaid lire Ir erierd tiroir irearifeit troncs Predeceaseti by a ninler Lena acKay. Helen Shirley wiii ire sadiy missed by irer randcirii- 0cr lime logetirer was ImelO blessed Aine 10 compare stories wilh lire iresîl 00e love anti miss Dad more each day Remembering mm n sur own speciai way! 00e love and miss yoa Dati & Poppa Love aiways, Wîlma, Carde (Buffy), Jay, Brenl, Karen, Ryan & Kevin Tyrer WANTED Ail-China, Sîlver, Crystai, sewing machines... Osaiton, Mrsrcralt, Qailîr, Glass, Watches, drus, painlings, coileclibies, esiaies. Jrhn/Tracy (905)331-2477 Stag for Roberto Savio rBuffetr Draws, games, prizes Wben: Saturday Jsiy 8. 2000 730 1230 Uioee ihompuen Memod~ Amena lupper leveil Tickets at the door or oeil 8784335 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS n tire nattera! ihe Estate of MARJORIE ELLEN McPHAIL laie of tire Towr e! Hilton r tire Regienai Maniempaltty o! Halion, wiro died Febmary 29, 21h10. Ail crediters and otirers having daims agatnst the Estaie e! tire satd Marjorie Ellen McPiraul are required te rend wntier patrîcalars e the ander- stgned soircitor fer tire Estate Trusice on or irefore iuly 21. 20101. airer wirich date the assets o! the Esiate ciii ire disirtirated jr accerdance with tire Wiii e! the said Marjorie Elien MePiraît iravisg regard enly te clatms wirtcir have tirer bren recetved. DATED ai Durnvmlie on Jane 28, 2000. G. Donald Chambers Barrisler & Seticilor 106 Loch Street East, Dunt.vdle ON NIA 117 Solvîter for Se Ftttte Traire APPLIANCES - lrtdge, TRAILER - lor sale", 2 door; Siove; aulomal- ideal tor constraclion or c casher & dtyet. Also, I niorage (905)876-3033 apartment net. Under Warranty. (905)637- f44 8328 CARPET Ca~et I have _______________ several lhrusand yards , " NOW ot new Staîrmasler and RASPBERRIESA 1000/r nylon carpel. I wtIl Rirabarir, Romatre, carpet yoar living roors Fresir Gante, Breccol and hall tor $349. Pnce inclades carpel, pad bage ard trstallaiton (30 Sq. "TH E FARI yards). Steve, 905-639- Pick your 0cr' sean 2002. 905-873-205C FREE Entîmales... GaI Mon Fn. 8-8. Sat. wobbly chairs... weak 15 Stderoad, ibm. NA springs... tîred Iooktng Ftrst tarm on sort! wood ttntsires? 00e do t aIl! Castom wood rettn- PICK VO ishing/turnîlare repairs. STRAWI Fîelds Custom Furnt- AT CHAS. C lare. 9-9 dailyl 875-4427 ~ Brb & M 15 Sidetoaî KIOSK 8'X8' with -~ Rd - 3rd dri locked drawerr. Was = ased as a Lo0o Centre, , make rifer. Musi selI ~Mon.. Fr1. (905)878-9250 sai. & Sun. ONE stoe sy soie Weaiher & Con frtdge/treezer $150, - 877 One baili jr dîshwasirer - $50, me manuel tread- $125 6 rus e HU TCL mdl $50, one cooden Ca 876 4125 -i doo s & ira dwood $25 .. SiTon iDonîsI n I ~:~:~j 6~ Replacemenl loam ton '<~~2~Z~ Walke cusirions. Resîden- tial/commercial. Fields upirolsle~. 9.9 ~ Pick-Vour-Own & Reas days/week! 875-4427. SUPER Special. Save STR.NWI S~ 10 3O~/r rn decOratOr ,-'r~5~fl tabricsl Pay no GST! i. Love your larnilure hale yoar colour5~ Solo & malcirîng chair lrom $788. Loveseats lrom $448. Chairs trom $199. .1 Fax t Free Estîmales. Senior Glas; Discranîs. Fields OSaIt- i ty Canots Upirolntering, I 876- 9-9, (905)875-4427. ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Uniîmîied Acceas rniy $15 95, greai local sereice anti rapport tram SURF TUE NET. 873-2002 KAYAK IPOOL-I IRuAbeveGmundl Iwldecking&FeaciagI IBalmaceefWarrantyl LE~ $2,650u 1-800-668-7564 HAY 1er Sale. Geed qaaiily, baied, in tietti, peu pick up. Cou (905)878-4044 PASTURE board. Win- 1er mn-on. LoIs GI T.L.C. ideai 1er senirr or pleas- are home. Cou Nancy in Rockwrod (519)856- 9215 PICKING - STRAWBERRIES Peas, Swiss Cirard, t, Cautîfiomer & Cair- M DePacati Iv 00600 intease naiti I - 877-7976 e-s. Sun. & Hai 8-3 /est ot Tralaigar Rd., t sîde, Stewarttomn UR OWN BERRIES .REIG FARM dt mile cesi et Trataigar veway cest et RR tracks Free Recîpes n Daily O Sm. - e p.m. e Sm. - S p.m. sillons Permitting '-7484 IINSON .RM ~O2 c'a Luote -2515 ly Prck WRRIES - afly day ssow! Weekdays 8am-8pm Weeirends Bam-Spm is your sifieds -2364