b G The Canadien Champion, Frlday, JuIy 7, 200-25 Terry Ro»wliey M echan ical Inei. Vour Heating, Cooling and Barbecue Headquarters - 878-1L979 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 925 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, UNIT 3 Thanlk you to Terry Rtowley for sponsoring the league standings. E~ Î ~ is a proud spom'er of - 1991 Chrysier lMr!pid AW tilt____________________ alog witb other local I.flog e aL ms teaui sports Sk a656879 MILTON'çS LI1TLE PROFIT DEALER Hous Leapue StanolMzx, a.m 2u Chapppsi L0 Výai T-alstandings am NCT posi.d durine the regular 1011( ilton uviflor B asebau Satunday August 19 th, 2000 asn.Fy bail an e n!a Vit us on the iset @www.skyiInc.netI-nv1rd RO"to Bil W L YTP p airy Qusen)i Brazier Playerof the Game MlI T-Batl. Rootae. Mosquito and Poe.e Ile ans vvili Auin and Noble Insuvasce Il 0 0 12 -- - -- - - _ _____-.-.- play on CIsmpionsvup Day at Rotary Park. Tomé Dental Croup 4 1 O a Divisioni Tior Score Player et ameé Tearo Score Pl!yo.r.ot Cané AJo on thia day we wvill noilude tIhe sils compolitions LobIss Milon Maoinet 4 1 O 8 T-Bahl Key Centre 2 0 Michael Major Hionne Cinema idldeo 20, Cody Krame for tIrese divisions. r alve Mamonals 3 0 O 6 Hunt Civrysier 16 Aaron ISlar Dairy Cc.., 19 LuIt. iandarson Rurnla Rcod Runrers a 2 O O Moaquito LileeallaIrea Car 6 Jordan Parsons lAitbn Jayoaes 10 Chris Ellis Players photos Mil bé available on this day. Mosquito Keay Centras 0 Erikt Nelsonr LrtstlaDrmeiT Car 10 Te4r Sim Key Centrea 7 1 1 15 Pe.Wèe 'ApplAuto Gîtus 17 I<>iaBegif GOvrudtAuto 0 J.Bcrommeramae L.fusyeVDram Car Garaga 6 4 1 13 MIln Transrmssion 5 RobarttMa ra TD Bank 10 Mita Marinaro HeIp Wanted Teao Cavadian Tire 4 5 1 9 TO Bank 3 Tyler Grava Gainais Auto 14 NiA IW. wIf néed lts of hélp on Ghamplonship Day lo run Mlton aayoa 4 0 O 8 banlain KPC 4 Drres orta Acton 10 NIA all tnéévantsathot vll bugoisg on. Bruce lisai Tranl 1 a 3 5 KiC 8 Grog ltieak Walerdon 12 NIA We wlll need skille competitlon Ialpérs, food talpers, Pu~ W"a KFC B Robert K<arsa dBilea Auto g Badl Gardon garnés hoipers, rea helpars. (rein oulae 1 point) Neill Transport 7 C. Nialvangelo Bilans$ Auto 4 JeiI Telli <714E MORE HECLP 71STH E ) Apple Auto ass 10 O 2 22 watordomo 7 NIA Mcciiéig Ilisurence 5 Blryen Beaudloini If you livan erydeors for éventa hUva yoa Ihinhi oiers ma Gorruda Auto Group 6 4 2 14 YVetndosn a NIA Wallace Wlelis 4 Hallen King anioy piesea, let us koaw. TD Bénkt 2 a 3 7 KillibrIde 5 NIA Bilas Auto 3 Phid Molay PIease contact Larry or Eleilene C 878-1834 Milan Transmission 1 8 3 5 Caise à NIA "rna Auto 2 Dan Cordner __ OMMai Yauth Mita Chitea 1 NIA Bijilagln 5 NIA Sala Tournarnaint Nall Trainsport B 7 O 16 Mlioan Ctryslar B NIA Bliigla 4 NIA Corne out and au marnae upcomldng Blu. Jays Boig nsAu nc 3d B 5 il1 play sortie greal bosebeîl. WaleWs elr 2 3 7 5 l G g rf al a e vlal Roftefl.I SNMed<i Juy212. 2. 20M KFlCe i Il Or 2 * Roary Part Youth1 0 Wa are loolcing for anryona intaraalad in a.lting Up a Il you or your conipanly are Irtereted In Cahsaa ovni Millon Chryàler 4 5 1 B tablé ai Rotary Part on Auguat lgth durtllg Oui danvating an item to be raMai off on Please check pour standIngs as per the tineoI Mentor 1 B O 2 Champlonstilp Day gamet. If you ara yIteraated plue Chainisip Day please contact endlng July 2, 20M and catI Loriy Q 878-1834 JunIor contact: with any discîspancias Mta GeaiCer 0 0 0 Lorry or Darkene C 878-1834 Lorry or Darlene C878-1634 The 90« ontre 0 0 0e1 MILTONS CHOICE SINCE 1860 mmfuEE-W eýW6 -q aPipe e Hydraulcas aValves eaHose aFittinge a Adaptera 761 Main St. E., Milton Tel: (905) 693-9300 Fax: 693-9900 ~~TRANSMISSION standard Clalciies à Dm$l Forag à O-iOIC- Front ishWn Driva -Hi5h Palrnt- -Front ale Repeint NATIONW5DE WRFdtàOiT AVNILABLI TRV A WIOf5Ie MAIeS PUCR - Fr.. Inspection K011 AiRWED - Wnvatn Guaravtos on Ai Woir 8,Dom.:0on5p - ireeTovg wlhiv 5 Miles wth Malor Repois ORIipv 905-878-8156 ii:00r-5:0 PMv 1Ijusl love agond lwisvr V'r Ac clrcli riglil' Try the Ncwv T*igiter Çasnj*ick -jivit 02111' Thv Tywislors lin Crispy Chloren Slrips. Ielture, lorvalo ami speciaî sauce, ail lwisled Up inl a warm fîour torilla. 276 Main St. 878-4171 Teams 1 Milton Bible 2 Hilîîrest 3 New Lite "A" 4 South Sida "2" 5 South Sida "1" 6 St. Georges 7 New Lite "B" 8 Knoix 9 Holy Rosary 10 Boston il St. Pauls 12 New Lite Deaf 13 Grace s as of JuIy 5, 2000 ame Wins Losses Ties 15 12 2 1 15 il 3 1 13 9 1 3 12 9 3 O 13 9 4 0 13 7 5 1 14 6 7 1 14 6 8 0 12 5 7 0 13 5 8 0 14 2 il 1 13 1 12 0 13 1 12 0 Pts. 25 23 21 18 18 15 13 12 10 10 5 2 2 MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE 1 ffl standing ý5 STEELES AVE. EAST, Units 3,4 à 5. MILTON «Xez