Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 2000, p. 6

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6 - Tise Çanadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 4, 2000 SCOMMENT Marian Courtyard projeet quite an inspiring venture The existence of the Marian Courtyard residence is an example of what regular people can do when they set their mind to somnething. The 50-unit adult community building is now standing because seven years ago, somne Holy Rosary Church parishioners decided that senior citizens needed a local place to hang their hat. If no one else would provide it, they would. Years of frustration and setbacks followed. Progress was slow and money tight. But last weêk, the first occupants packed their bags and moved in. It doesn't take much searching to find examples of commitment to a goal that pays off, to the betterment of ail. Locally, astronaut Chris Hadfield told us that the sky isn't the limit. Lttle Deidre Scholtz showed us that the odds can be beaten, and Lynda Mckenzie gave us an unflinching look into the stricken face of Parkinson's disease. ~\1&oR~Àx~ ~T~xc~ff, And just as heroic are the hordes of volunteers who do their part to !.- make the world better every day. Not everyone's accomplishments are as visible as a brand new build- ing. But vision, in aIl its formns, deserves both gratitude and applause. _________________________________ O UR READERS WRITE Letters welcome bitters must be signecl and the address and tse telephcane number of the writer included., Mail letters to: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., 19T 4N9, or leave themn at out office, 191 Main St. E. Governmeflt could Iead by example and create win-win situation Dear Editor: One Saturdày a few weeks ago, I isestiet over ta my daugister's scisool to pick up tise plants I ordereti. Wiie tisere I saw tise scisool principal ai tise barbe- cue anti teacisers isanding out plants anti running gantes. I ssw tise Jazz Cats fromn a eseazby scisool per- forming witis tiseir teaciser directing. My tiaugister's skipping tearn also performed asti I cas attest ta tise masy practices befare and after scisool sisat tise teacis- ers orgasiziesg tisis tesmi superviseti. I iseard front my older daugister of tise many long practices ber faientis ait isigis scisool were involveti in before performing 'Faidiler on tise Roof'. Anti, I know tisat tise isigis scisool across tise isigisway isat a very fine production of 'ise Music Mas', wisicis was not acisieveti witisout masy volunteer isours. +THE CANADLIVN CHMPION Box 248. 191- Main St. E., nos Canona ChampIin pabtisttail avery TsedaY and Ftida ai 191 Milto, On. L9 4N9 Main St. t.. Miltor. Ont., 9TS 4iN9 (Box 248). se sneao TireMetoiatti Miltn, nt.L9T4N9 Painig ptuihg & tistrbaals LUtI. grsap of subraina caopanies weiico lneclstoas: Ajas(Picttirini Nes Atovertisir. lstra tieralieessrter, Barrie (905) 8 78 -234j~ 1 Advance, Barrys Bay Thtis Weêk Bolter toterprita. Brampton urin Bartingtar Post, Bsrliirtsl Sthopping Nes. City Parent, City ot Yonk Guardiat. CollisgwoodiWasaga Cortectistt, East Vonk Mii.r trn Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Advocate/Cousesy Routes, ttobirsla suardiar, Flamitsostit Post Paer Young, Georgetownr ttdeperdartlAtiets Pree Press. tiarsna Busintess Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Tmes. Kirgston Titis Week, Lindsay ThIis Wetit Maricharo tcssmist & Classified: 875-3300 Business Titres, MiSitsaaga Naes. Naparee Guidte. Nassagaela NMe. lmn Oliver Publisher Oavl evr Z? akvilSoppinNews, dimrs Hocey NesOrilia Tstlay, OsttareaIWhity/lants/Port Perry Thtis Weoit. Owen Soard Neil Oliver Associate Pablisher 'tribune, Peterbtorough Titis Watt, Picoor Qoarty Guide, Richond Bili Begfin Generai Manager iIiThorritlNaughar Literai, Scaritarrusi Mirîs,, Stouttviiieiiisiridge Tribune. Ktarens Smith Steve CrosSer Tedi Casm Mot cos Edaftor Adoartisirs se accapteo on t condtition titt.ir te avant ot a typos- grapiticat aroi, dutoto 0055 tihS advertsittt space occapied by Sae erra. Carcualiofl Manager raosai, togettrar wit a resstealoancec tor sigratare, reil rat te Office MWanager citarged o tr, buat tire bialance 0t tire advertisarret aiti ire paid tir ai tire applicable rate. Tire pabliUitr reserves tire riglot O categorize adairtisa- prodaciof Manager crients sr declime. At my own scisool many teacisers were observeti iseiping run events recentiy ai our 'Spring Fiing' and last week we isat two evening productions of our musical 'ise Canada Goose'. isese events represent a iny microcosm of Ontario. 1 does't tisink we'oe unique anti I isaven't covered tise wisoie spectrum of extra-cumfcular events curretly isappening in Milton by any means. Norte of tisis seems to alter tise prospect of Bill 74 ait ail. Tise olti saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it", doesn't cut a lot of ice witis tise current provincial gov- emment. isey aren't iistening. Tisey are more fond of tiseir own expression. Tise lesaders of our federaiions are Our eiected repre- sentaiives, just as our MPPs are our eiected represen- tatives. I would venture to say tisai we isave been can- vassed anti surveyeti for our opinions on a mucis more regular basis tisas tise govemmetit in power canvasses its constituerts (ail its constituents, not just tise anes witis vested interests, large bask accotants anti massive power bases) except ai election time. I know tise Harris govemnment often ovemides objec- tions to its policies anti tactics by saying tisat only spe- cial interest groupa isave any probiemt witis tiseir ýapprolacs. I wouiti like ta refer tisem ta some profes- sional literature, wisicis I believe would aid tisem immeasurably in tiseir leadiersisip SIS. Stepisen Covey is as autisar wiso cannot be saiti to ise's isighly respecteti in tise business worid. I note with interest tisat his wideiy reati book, 'Tise 7 Habits of Highiy Effective People', is detiicated "*To my coileagues, empowered anti empowering." 1 wouid refer ail our MPPs to chapter four entitieti 'fThin Win/Win.' In it, Mr. Covey speaks of tise pos- sibilities among wisich are win/lose anti winlwin. He says, "In leadership styles, win/lose is tise autisoritsri- an approach -- I get my way; 1you don't get yours. Win/iose people are prune to use position, power, cre- dentiais, possessions or personality to get tiseir way." He continues, "Most resuits you want depenti on cooiperation between you anti otisers. And tise win/lose mentsiity is tiysfunctionai to tisai cooperation." Bill 74 is very mucis a reflection of a win/iose approacis to desling witis others. However, winlwin is alsa a possibiiity. Weii we have a govemment who's deepiy scripted in winllose anti tise ultimate losers are aur cilidren. Healts care professionals, patients, educators, parents anti cisiltren -- ai of us would benefit fromn being in win/win situations. Isn't mutual learning, muttai influence, anti mutual benefits, wisat we want for our cisiltiren? If tisey cisose to, our govemment couid leati by examipie. Mary Reev.a Lome Scots Drive Pud by Steve Nease r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pm AL 1A6 NUOID1

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