4 - The Canadian Champion, Tucadar,, JuIy 4,2000 mci VACATION PICTURE MLL 1118 SUMMER? It may be tîme for a coolîng system check-up! Before You Pay For Your Next Brake Job For Safetys Sake Have Our Licensed Technicians Evaluate Your Brakes Ii~5I IONTA51051 CLEAN Accredited Test & ~e~alr Faduity Àctive Kirk honoured for dedicated volunteer service By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion M ilton's Mandy Kirk was recent- ly one of 20 older aduits. in Ontario to be presented with the Senior Achievement Award for out- standing voluntary or professional achieve- ments at Queen's Park. Ms Kirk, 92, wbo was alan recently presented witb a necklace for the 5,000 hours she volunteered at Allendale, said she was pleased to receive the award. "Iamquitepmudofmyself"sbesaid But she said she volunteers as much for herseif as the people aIse helps. "It's sometbing I like to do," she said. "I'm a people person. I like people around me." Every year, tIse minuter responsible for seniors pro- sents awards to older adulta who bave made signifi- cant contributions in the arts and literature, communi- ty service. education, environment md science, fit- neas, recreation and sports, bumanitarian activities, preservation of hissory md voluntarism. Called amazing While Ms Kirk was modest about bow much she does, Anthea Hoare, coordinator of volunteer resources as Allendale, raved about tIse woman wbo was hired 14-years-ago. 'She's amszing. She's absolutely amazing," shc ssid. Not only does Ms Kirk work two fuît days a week as Milton Place, an aduit tIsycare facility as Allendale, she often arrives before the staff md leaves after they do, Ms Hosre said. "She is s very special pcrson snd Allendale is incredihly Iucky 50 bave this person as part of our tcam," she said. Long-turne ~iienaaie voiurneer m.nay ftIIK waa rec.ntly honoursd ut Qusena Park. Wben Ms Kirk is nos helping people at Allendale, she cm be seen Iselping residents, mmy of who are younger than aIse is, as ber apartment. Ms Kirk does errands for people wbo are conflned to their bomes or visita tbem to make sure they're okay. Ms Kirk alan enjoys line dancing as well as playing bingo md cards. She was nominated by Margaret Strecker, Allendale administrator. "t'm really proud of Mandy md I'm overwbelmed about Isow mucb she does as ber age," Ms Strecker said. 'Sbe does more titan I do md I aro nos even a wbole lot more shan baîf ber age." NOTICE Public Iliput Welcome - July 24,2000 at 7:30 p.m. Allocation of Siot Revenue for Community Funds Council Chambers Milton Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton Council will recuire lapai frein lite public on Jaly 24a, 2000 to consider dîfferent ways of allocating the community portion ($500,000) of siot revenue i.e. - Sbould a consmunity fousjdation be established? Should principle and interest be used annually? Should the community funds be distributed by a foundation or by Council? On lune 12,2000 Milton Council approved Staff Report CS-51-00 that ses nuS policies for allocating Siot Revenue received by the Town of Milton from tIse siot machines locatedat Mobawk Raceway. Based upon an annual estimate of $6,500,000, the funds received will be used as follows, Polacing Service rature Capsal . 3% ($200 k) ($750 FacilatuealProgrsms Elumiaste DebI 10% ($678 k) - ($3 M) Conm'umty PundîsgW 8% ($500 k) Accelerate V lnfraatnactarelContingesey for Provincial Grants Loss 21% ($1.372 M) TIse UalYi~por5 CS-5I-00 md tIse' Council Resoution is avaitable at the Reception .Deak ut ~iie Milton Town Hall. These documenta are also accessible on the Town ~rebItt6tt bttp:/*wW.toWsS.milton.055'Ca. ~f~yo4 'tirant fus1b~r information about tbîs subjeet, please contact Jim McQueen at S4~S~0gL 140. Yesa ara welcease te sabinil wrllten cenuneats hp 10 Ja(v 19,2000 lhfeceanuaalOAutdIE*tté M'& ildea 1Jsi~ ae4, Teint oIMU1en~ 43 Il~1mJ~xsOntarioL9T 5H2.