Champion, Tuesday. July 4, 2b0ff -. t ~ 'BigPipe'onItswa~ Construction about on sehedule * tram '810 PIPE' on pga i But when available, road shoulders have been used ta keep traffic fiowing. "We've niaintained îwo lanes of traffic whenever passible but there are tues when safety cames flrst," he said. "We're very proud that we've had no lost days due ta accidents since the project began." Workers have also hati ta deal with heavy ram, which has at tues temporarily derailed tise project. "Overaîl, they're about s week behind schedule, but they'll catch up quickly," assureti Mr. Ohashi. "They're stili within scisedule and they'll niake up aloi" Ironically, Halton Regian staff serve as early warning systenis for traffic troubles when they encounter heavier than expecteti delsys on their way ta work. "My best gauge is the staff here," said Mr. Ohashi. "If somewheoe is backed up, they cail and ask nie why." Construction is being han- dled on adesign-build basis by D'Orazia-Walter Joint Venture. Its task is ta bring bath s wastewater snd water pipe up Higisway 25 anti into Miltan. Sa far, about 13.5 km of con- crete pipe has been laid oui The water pipe will eventual- Iy take a îum at Derry Roati, head esat ta Fourtis Line, over ta Thompson Rami, then swing slong Laurier Avenue. 'lise wastewster pipe wiIl end at tise Laurier Puniping Station. Construction began in January sud is scheduled ta end in September. The first flusis - or when water is expected ta be avail- able ta service 6,200 residentisi units snd 500-700 acres of eniployment lanti in Milton's phase ane gnwtis - is set for October. 0% 9NANCE RATE EXPIRES THIS FRIDAY JULY 7/00 0% finance rate is available on these models 2000 CARAVAN 2000 GRAND CARAVAN 2000 TOWN & COUNTRY BETTER SELECTION BETTER SERVICE Haif of ail residence units sold trom MAHIAN on page i chair af the steering camniittee and basai af directars that literally helped builti the right-ta-accupy candomin'- unis <rom tise ground up. Hank and Louiae Mass are tise sec- ond cauple ta seule in the building. They laid dawn their deposit a fulI faur'years ago. "When they decideti they were gaingtabuildwebaughtSWii~"said Mr. Mass. "It's close ta tawn, close ta chuitis, close ta scisools," When it' s conspletely donc, the building will spait 50 individusi unita, ranging in price <rom $lO8,000 ta $1S4,000. Tisere are 10 different modela ta choase <rani, ranging <rom juat under 700 square feetta almoat 1,200 square fret. Scaling back seenieti natural ta tise Mess', who raised tiseir braod in a four-bedrooni farmisouse in Caxupiselîville. "We hati five children," saiti Ms Mass. "We needeti a big bouse." Now they're looking forward ta being near their grandchildren's achool. "We can catch up with theni at lunch," aise saiti. Tise couple nsoved in Saturday, but ss of Thursday, carpet in their unit wasn't laid dowu. A parking garage wo6't bu ready for anotiser montis or se. Ami aixace tise units are being buik ans M a Urne, construction will bu an- gclug for a while But everyone appeaxeti hapg~t ta bu flnaliy moviug us. "Buautif4al, oh, everytisiug," suer- vel*ei Ms Iforcisiaka on But 5181% 0< ber u~wisawsse~ "BveytlslnglsntceY And haudy, - est Ms Glesaca A grooery sud dsxsg store simd only blacks away, nid botis deliver. Holy ~o~aty parisisioneri won't eveas nemi te ltnow tise weatiser ns tisoy travel tise covsred walltway ta Iheir cisustis. Anti houssa of worsislp of ail denosuina- ~onssrejustsskipsndjuuupaway. 'We't'e rigist by tise core ai tise tawu," mai51 Ms Oleeson. "A lot af shuiotu' places are stock in tise initidie ofasowisere." Sean, there will bu Iota se do witbout leaving Ibegnunstis, A wellness centre wllis a ushiflpoal anti exestise <ocre is plaulied, us well as s place for a hairstylist ta make bouse cilla. Tissus wlll sisobe a craft rooni~ work51io~s anti a ~t md gaeet lounge. Cemppiiou*lp le eue tesSon tise Kercistiaka'a nieveti <fout Thiander Bsy ta teks resideuce lu Marian c~auetyad~ "We wanted eompeny sud tisiugs like tisaI," saidMaKondauka ctsersntly, abesstlseK tise imita aie nid Ms Gleemes is isopiug 51is ailiers will foliow suit lu cadet te psy off tise Diaceas M HumIlIas, whiçh prevideti nunefl~5ackiugfor1bePttIl5~~L ~ut as tise pioneetlstg souples roameti tisressgli tise cansisasullon, a senseeftriunsplswusinlbelt. "Tisese couples isavS witsd five years ta mave lu, They've besu very patient," said Ms Gleesan. it's been a 2000 NEON