4,2000 Fax fl ~.l4-~>L4AI e info to 878- 4943 'n plenty of time before the event. Sun Safety Teach children and teenagers proper Sun pro- tection-use a broad spec- trum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, limit your time in the sun and wear hats and shirts. Damage caused by sun exposure accumulates over the course of a lifetime and one severe childhood or adolescent sunburn will double the risk of deVel- oping skin cancer later in life. Dateline s a f ree listing of coming events only. The column s available 10 local community groups to assist n promoling Iheir future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of pub- licity closest ta the date of the occurrence aithough more inser- lions are possible if demand slow. Notices for Dateline should be handed in ai the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed 10 RO. Box 248, Miiton, Ont, L9T 4N9, or taxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline s noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will nol be accepted by lele- phone. DID VOUR LATEST DIET.. Don't panlo... Don't despair... We can help. * Safe, aIl naturalherbal welght loBs program * lndlvldually tallored food plans * Vour own persomal tralned health counsellor * Guarantesel resulta - ~ 15 Martin St., Cardage Square 693.9594 [ HALTON REGUON I PL4NNINGANDPUDUC WOR.KSDEPARTMENT ROAD CLOSED GUELPHUNEFROMNO IOSJDEROAD m NO >5 SIDEROAD IN TIfS TOWNOFMILTON CONTI1ACT NUMBER: R.0921a-0O SCIIEDULEDSTART DATL JULY 20W S~11ED1JLED COM1'LETION DATE.' DECEMD~ 2000 CONSTRUCIIOI4 SUERVISOR. PAUL MUNGAR TELEPIIONE.' OmkvIUe <105>8254030 Ad.. <511) 0534501 Geoqetoan 005)8704113 Aldoruhot <905)639.4540 Sta-mdsvilhm <905)023.6720 .zt7Ett rnn~ Tuesday JuIy 4 The Peel/Halton Vaginal Birth After Cesarean-Cesarean Awareneas Group (VBAC.CA) provides information, support snd topical discussions at ils 7:30 p.m. meeting. For telephone support, further information or directions, cail Penny at 873-2779 or Wendy at 891-0793. Learu how 10 write a reauxnê, cover letter and contact card at the Milton Human Resource Centre, 310 Main St., Suite 106. For details caîl Maggie at 876-9828. The Parent Support Gronp meets at 7:30 p.m. aI Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. This non- denominstionsl self-support group with trained leaders helps par- ents of children who are in trouble at home, at achool or with the law, or are abusive or taking drugs. For details caîl 1-800488- 5666. Thuraday Jnly 6 The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) holds the Foot Care Clinie at the Milton Seniors~ Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. To reserve a spot, caîl tIse centre at 875-1681. Halton Regional Police are looking for people for their Auxiliary Polidng Servicea Unit fliose intereated muat attend the Community Information Session as 7 p.m. at 12 Division, 490 Childs Dr. Friday July 7 Laurel Crossley-Byers helps people discover how to locale and conununicate wilh potential cuatonsere from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. as tIse Milton Human Resource Centre, 310 Main St E. Caîl 462-1971 to regiater. Sunday July 9 lise Milton and District Horticultoral Society Garden Tour nins from noon to 5 p.m. and festures six uiban and five rural gardens. Tickets coat $7 per person or $10 per family and are available ar the Spice O~Life or by calling Marian as 854-1938 or Jennifer at 878-3597. Monday Jnly 10 Vacation Bible Sehool (Kids Club) for students in kinder- gasten to grade 5 rons from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. today until iuly 14 at Southside Community Church (formerly known as Mîlton Alliance Chureh), 2850 DenT Rd. (bctween the fire station and the hospital). Children participate in games, crafta, stories and more. Registration begins today. For more information caîl the church office as 878-5664. STRAWBERRIB .w.~ & A- I Plavground * Animal Cavai ~ Ponlnon ~wesk.nds S~NIC ACRES MILTON * 905-878-5807 www.AndrewsScenicAcres.com HEAP VOUR BASKETS CHILDREN WELCOME.