tubTan (~UBUC L1B~A~Y I AMetrnlranrlCnnin-mnisv N~wensaswr Vni 141 No 32 Tuesdav Julv 4 2000 36 Pages $1.O0GsTanduded) Photo by GRAMAM PAtNE Movlng day lias arrlved for Pater md Mary Korchuaka, the f IraI occupants of 5h. Marlan Courtyerd resîdencea. Board of Dîrectors ChaIr Martha Gleeson (laIt) was hsppy to houp. ~Marian Courtyard on its way By IRENE GENTLE 1h. Champion I t's fortunate that the freshiy-construCted Marian Courtyard condominium project is Iinked via a covered walk- way to the neighbouring Hoiy Rosary Church. That'a because both new resi- dents and the steenng committee that boldly dreamed up the pro- ject ami waited eons for it to take root are hable to get down on their kneea in praise that it'a fanally ready tri mIl. "Oh, we waited, you don't know," aaid Mary Korchuaka, who along with her husband Peter are the farat couple to offa- cially take reaidence in the four- floor adult community building. "t said 'is it coming. is it com- ing?"' The almoat finished project is the concrete reality of a sweeping venture dreamed up by Holy Rosary panahioners seven years ago. "There's such a need in Milton," aaid Maraha Gleeson, se. HAIF on page 2 'Big Pipe' getting doser and doser By IRENE GENTLE The Champion The bad news is traffic may be snaried on Regional Road 25 for a while. But the gond news is the pmject to bring lake water to Milton, allowing for a popu- lation surge unlike what tht amati town has ever seen, is about haîf way thmugh. And it's mote or leas running on sched- ule. An open house at the Halton Region administrative centre in Oakville Thursday night aimed to give residents a heada up on the progreas of what has been nick- named the 'Big Pipe'. Ami if it was slow going -just 10 peo- pIe ahowed up - it could bu because resi- dents have been kept iuiformed via every- thing fmm a 24-hour hotline Sos frequent- vMill Pond project flowing By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A long-awaited project to reju- venate the weed-choked Miii Pondis poised for take off. The latest design was approved June 26 by the Town's administration and plan- ning committee. Fanal appruval is expect- mi at tonight's council meeting. That's one day hefore construction is set to start on the project, which aima to dredge she pond of about 30,000 cubic metres of sediment in order so eradicate the roots of the invasive weed European Milfoil. A public meeting to galber comments on tIse plan was beld earlier this month. That resulted in minor tinkering to the design, including the acaling back of a 3,500-aquare-metre wetlands ares. That would help push it away (rom a look-out point near the pond's Margarel Street entrance. And the channel leading into the poni - POND on pageS "Primarily, there's just a lot of interest from reai estate agents, to be honest." lu. uau ly-updated web site. It's a polîcy that, despite traffic delays, seema to have kept residents reasonably content with the proceas. said Halton's project manager of the Halton Urban Structure Plan David Ohashi. "Primarily, there's just a lot of intereat fmm real estate agents, to be honeat," he said. As promised. businesses and homes affected by the construction have been warned ahead of time that crews are on their way. And stepa are taken to ensure the distur- bance is kept to a minimum. "We've worked around them," said Mr. Ohashi. "We've had no business complaints." What the Region lias been unable to do is keep two-way traffie open at aIt limes. which had been the original plan. The reason, said Mr. Ohashi, is worker safety, which would bu hampered if bolli lanes were open in aIl cases. * ae CONSTRUCTION on page 2 * Comment.....6 Community....8 Datons.....10 Sports....17-19 Classltied.. 20-21 *Rolex* telooted eron ut, TIP 0F ¶11E MONTH: ~ fr doua~ skIe âme tati deoSlc roaci ou. bleu trusuuit tapewar t. yoor pet. Pies nuo. hISOUIbolU O5hIrlObo~U wboit lIte westbor geti wru usai bob mdltbo atamil bord lai h Nevombor. lime peuh uibo are Augut, Septaauber mai Octelier. Yet fia. May lys bmw boumai ymw rouai. New bosovutlesu mima ceairai have .mim Usa cml. bai UaiSlflYU piadlcdy oboolmte. Ctmae uni Ml taler thamoat nptsdate adolfectlve mcdo thit M4O1JNCEoePREVE1mONISWO~1IAPOUNDOFCUDL "I 'I