The Cdinadlén ChMliu, Fd&fy, Jsase 30, 2000 -7 Boers returns from challengen ï. Grand Canyon trek for charity 1?i*ny treasures Cindy Larocque (lait) and Michelle Ducharme stop ta admire the tlny music boxes that are part of the Ontarlo Conaervatory of Music's miniature dlaplay et Mllton Mail. The dlsplay can ba sean until Sunday. Caribbea..nO. festival heki this Sunday Caribbean culture will flow through Country Heritage Park Sunday. That's when the local tourist site, for- merly the Milton Farm Muaeum on Tremaine Road, will hoat the first annual Canada Salutea Icons 2000. T1he Caribbean heritage festival will be highlighted with a 3 p.m. awards presenta- tion honouring Dr. Louise Bennett- Coverley, 0), and Winston "Merritone" Blake, QD - ambassadors for Jamaican culture. Mayor Gord Krantz will be on hand for opening ceremoflies at 11 am. Live music, a domino tournament mid- way rides, face painting, relay races, stoiy- telling and pony rides will be featured thnxsghout the day. Finishing thinga off at dusk will be, a dance to soulful sounda of the Merritone Soundatation - celebrating its 5Oth anniversary this yesr - in the hiatoric Gambrel Barn. By IRENE GENTIE The Champion When a amali town man takes on the elements in a gritty attempt to raise money for children of the world, people want to know what happened. That's why Ries Boers has spent the better part of June atsempting to answer questions about his brutal and life-alte- ing hike through the Grand Canyon laai Th dawaa to turn an extreme vaca- tion into a fundraiser for the Rotary Club'a Polio Plus prograru. which aima to clear the preventable disease from the planet. His efforts raised almoat $3,000, an amount that will be matched by Rotary International. Tlie hike, since you all asked, was by turna hot, bard, humbling and hellish. It began as tise crack of dawn witb tbe temperature hovering at a reasonable 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 Celsiua). By the time tbey got to thse bottom of thse canyon, it was a sizzling 100 F (37 C). And before thse day was over, the 23 km rim-to-rim hike would get hotter than Hades. Temporary solace waa found in thse icy watera of the Colorado River, which wound like liniment to a wound on the canyon floor. But with humiàdity a dust-dry 7 per cent, the water evaporated almoat as soon as the nine person crew entered Bright Angel Creek Canyon. 'That was like bell. Oh, it waa brutal," recalled Mr. Boera. Trouble, unsurprisingly, struck in tbe form of heat stroke. Two Key into opportunity e '4 à,*bs A ~r, get a summer Job. Human Resource Centre of Cansela for Students 310 Main St. East (905) 878-8418, ext. .222 Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Summer Jobs Service - Sheridan College 310 Main St. East From Milton cail: (905) 845-9430 ext. 8144 From Georgetown/Acton cail: (905) 459-7533 ext. 8144 Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students We can help you find a summer job. Summer Jobs Pastnership will assist you with: -job leads - résumé writing - interview skills - self-marketing techniques Our resource centres have computers, Internet access, printers, job postings, job banks and faxing. www.aherldanc.on.e5/sarvleeummarlOba/ htlp:i/jobbank.hrdc-rh.gc.Ca Working together to help students find sun employment. Ob VT-HE YMCA OF Sheridan HAILeIBJRNTO Caniad hikers were felied by it. As they did, the temperature continued to soar, reaching 120 F, (or an inconceivable 48 C). "It's like walking in an oven," said Mr. Boers. "It's dry as a Cork." But the experience left him with aomething bigger than the bragging rights earned by descending into a seething cauidron and emerging unscathed. Like the certainty of how fragile man's hard-earned comforts, are amidst the majesty of nature de-fanged. "You walk out there and ail the corners are sharp. If you faau you hurt yourself and if the heat goes up, you fry," he said. "You don't mess with mother nature, is what it bouls down to." th exprt NO COST - NO OBLIGATION IN-HOME EVALUATION' Our »Wne home eMfot consuia wili come to lvurflomne andi evaluafe yourocentral air neetis andi reqUireMenl M af NO COST andi wlth No oBL4i7oN Furtheftnore, pilor to Installation we MN peffom~ a oertlfled neat gain ccltion to enstire accrat fsOzng requirement£ OUR GOALSARE TO S4ISFY YOUR HOME COMFOR AND Cill VOU EXCEPTIONAL VALUE PAYMENTS NOTI 1 OAC see Dealer for details THE "SELECT' SERVICE TEAM Providing customrs wvith: " Expenrence (20 years each) * Factory trained " Cornpetitive prices a Quality instation *Warrant e Guaranteed customner satisfaction John ute, jeTp1nSa~i ie Mau om veW aweomf HOlU5, SAT 9.14 4361 Ilarvaster Rd. À& Seect ne (905) 632-1377 MarT O WROI +WIM W 5 »t*6 te018EaC..4. Georgetown Markaliac MaIl (905) 876-1020 0 TMTra&k f IR MLM ntemâm-àm HobdînpN.. (Jwd ,mder hoemeb tlofty MaiagementGbep aa, Iç.t an Enig ies Inc. o a n I I wr â few.ry 5spmon eâVbe pmduc â wAmn weiluh EnMardgHom eTlte cwaii out thle closet for Amlty GoodwrlI. Please take your extra cbthing and household Items ta the Amily Goodwll store close ta yOU. Ask about our Tax haceV~ pmroe Uisa and her teamn are eager to hep you 55 Ontc:9lo Slraet South GO0ODWIL