D)IAL*AgoBUS Beginnîng on Tuesday,* July 4, 2000 DIALABUS replaces regular Fixed Route service. The DIAL.A-BUS service will be available from 9:00 arn to 3:00 pm, Monday to Saturday, excluding Holidays. What is it? "Dial 702-3419 t0 tell the driver when and where you ýwill be travelling and deter- mine a location for your pickup. The dri- ver will estimate the time when the bus will arrive for pickup. You can caîl between 8:45 arn and 2:45 pm to reserve a ride. Please, only requests on the day of travelling or 1 day in advance. " The DIAL*A*BUS driver will develop a route dependîng on the origins and desti- nations of the riders on the bus or those who have requested a pickup. Wherc Can 1 Gol *The service area is shown on the map and alto serves Milton Memorial Arena, Leisure Centre and Bishop Reding School. What Does it Ct? The cost of a single trip (2000 rates) is as follows: Adults $1.50 or 10/$ 13.00 or 40/$44.00 Seniors $1 .50 or 10/$ 10.00 or 40/$30.00 (free on Wednesdays) Students $1.50 or 10/$ 12.00 or 40/$40.00 Children 5 yrs. and under FREE C.N.I.B3. FREE Exact fare or tickets are required For further information please cali 878-7211 THECOPORTIN 0 TE TWN0FMILTON Byiw o 0-00onte 2hda flne 200ute eto 7oMislnn Pak NeOnTIrE Pla in e SconC2 of the Planoritin af heowln ft Milton se 401a o.5-20 onisrilBan e ark da fJn,20 n eto 7oePlanningDitc. Ats amentiment0 afs te nda wihi otse Micln41tuia Pan uaimnt Park whic 'bc boe bo. OfiieroPani tisenmt No. s Hy o rridigsaye certa, Steeds Avenue, artre dUe ano;e reaitplwaigdistriytse an radil tibune, Sixe Mil Creek eu Poaning aiterile Caaeek truar anti Tremaie ImRoati. r;adiin ANthDUba TAea TCEsTortany Pern rpagenc thwising it n re0ea a referral o Ofakficay Plan mnmeti.ony prt of te Plan t a SeonariPan Municeiplord 4In Refral t tis OnarMncplBaduterScin1(1 fTs Planning Dictict R..h 9,a amend fet. tihe Reues th for RMferra s4a1 incudtilsreits, ar attmen AND rtng seTICE ot A tis rea sons foouhr e c ingt uest. Reuet fo eferral tienaro Muicial Bat sisouleti e. or ayartie of t h e gin Co, h ai unciittsfoial atrd, MuncialBoad hold c orardd heRegion Coti ncil thefloigads: Regional Municipality of Haitan 1151 Bronte Roati P.O. Box 7000 Oacvile, Ontario, L6J GEl A eopy 9f Dy-law No. 50-2000 which adopta Officiai Plan Amfendreent No. 7, is aachod for your information. Officiai Plan Ansentinst No. 7 anti its attacisnents are avallable for viewing ai the Town of Miltotn Planning anti Development Department, Monday to 1riday, 8.30 a.m to 4:30> p.m. Dtd at tTownsof Mlton this 26 day of lune, 2000. H.LU4iTown Clesk Twn Of Milton Investigators -i vdonIt know how victim died: trial By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion When Stephen Andreopoulos rented a U-Haul cube van on July 2, 1996 from the owner of the . Maple Auto Centre on Major Mackenzie Drive, he promised he would return il the next day, a jury heard Tuesday. Testifying in tise on.going firat.tiegree murder trial in Superior Court in Milton, business owner Paul Tannous saiti ie neyer saw Mr. Andreopoulos again. Tise van, tisougis, was founti abandoneti tise next day in a Longo's parking lot at Dundas Street anti Trafalgar Road. Mr. Andreopoulos. 36, was lasi seen alive leaving tise service station witis for. mer Milton resitient Daviti Fiorino, 27, wiso has been cisargeti in tise tietis. Mr. Tannous tolti tise jury tisai Mr. Fiorino approached isim about rrnting a van so isis friend coulti ielp him move tomne boxes froin isim isome in Maple to his cottage in Barrie. On July 2, Mr. Fiorino, Mr. Antireopoulos andi anotiser man (Dominco Sacco) met ai isis service station. While Mr. Andreopoulos was filling oui tise contract, tise iwo men were in Mr. Fiorino's Pontiac. Afierward, Mr. Andreopoulios joineti tise pair. Mr. Tannous told tise jury wisen ise looketi oui isis office window ise could sec tise iiree of them talking. Several isours later, "I saw tise U-Haul drive away along Major MacKenzie. Tise Pontiac followed it,' ise saiti. On Monday, forensic patisologisi Dr. Mark Bullock testifird ai thse trial. On Febnsary 16, 1998 - iwo tisys after Mr. Andreopoulos' boidy was founti burieti six-fret derp ai a propcriy on Derry Roati in Milton - Dr. Bullock compiretid an autopsy, prepaning several reports. The jury hearti tisai Dr. Bullock's job was to dtirermine isow the victim dirti. '"Wr wrre not able 10 finti an exact cause of tiraiS. One major reason was tise bodiy was batily decomposeti. Court heard bruises were founti on bots of Mr. Andreopoulos' ciseeks anti above isis temple. He also isati cuts on isis wrists anti ankies. Tise injuries isappeneti before tiraiS occurrei. There wrre alto large gapping isoles in tise lefi aide of isis upper ciesi, arm anti tisigis an wrll as a tear in isa lefi lung anti diaphragm. Ail of tisese injuries happeneti aftrr tiraiS, Dr. Bullock saiti. Crown attory Brian O'Marra asketi if a backisoe coulti have made tise isoles, anti he agreeti that tisry coulti have. During cross examination, defence lawyrr Robrrt Nuttail sketi wsetiser ilsere were any other signs of pre-deats trauma. "No gunsisot? No blutigeon? No knif- ing?' Sie asked tise doctor. Tre was not. Sie saiti. He also askei wisetisen Mr. Andreopoulos was buricti alive. Dr. Bullock saiti ie ditin't tisink ie was because tisene was no foreigi maierial in tise mouih or nose. Mr. Nuttail tisen sketi wisetiser tisere would be any evidence in tise body if someone tiieti of an irregular Searibeat. Dr. Bullock saiti it wouldn't, but atitir "usually tisose people are not founti buriet six fet untier.', Tise trial confinueti yestenday.