Tho tým*rian rhâmninn Frndav ,June 30. 2000 - Ar 29 Speeding drives up fuel consumption and costs (NC)-Many Canadians are thinking twice about their personal driving habits whicb bave a big impact on their fuel consumption and costs. Leaving the car at home is one solution to reduce costs, but tbat's not always possible. Something you can do, tbougb, is drive less aggressively. For example, your normal bigbway cruising speed bas a big influence on fuel consumrption. Unfortunately, once the snow and ice bave cleared ftom the roads and there are sunny days abead, we ail tend to drive a little faster. Studies bave sbown that getting to your destination faster doesn't save fuel-in fact, it can increase fuel consumption. For most vebicles. increasing your bigbway cruising speed from 90 km/h to 120 km/h will increase fuel consumption by about 20 percent, and from 90 km/h to 100 km/h by 10 percent. One way to maintain a reasonable and consistent speed is to, use cruise control, if your vehi- cIe bas this option. For most drivers, this will save fuel by keeping your speed constant and avoiding inadvertent speeding. For more tipa on fuel-efficient driving, vîsit the Auto$mart Web site at or caîl I 800 387-2000 for a free information kit. '91l VW Gol, 4 tir, aut, air, ps., p.b., AM/FM cassobt, 159,000 km, certfed, omission tasted, plus warranty. $5.195. OFFER iN UFFET JULY 28,20001 - AVAILABLE IN MII.TN Ot4LY Hwy 25 South of 401 8784393 4k A1JT(ý,wýT0WNE T Pl-