The'Cànadian Chamrpion, Fniday, June 30,2000 -21 vMidget girls show strongly at tournament Milton Mystics deliver impressive effort beforefalling short in semis Victory came in ail shapes and sizes for the midget Mystics. Unfortunately, it didn't quite corne often enough for themn b secure championship honoura at their fifth annual girls softbail toumament last weekend. At Lions Sport Park Sunday, Milton's title bid finally fr11 by the way - as the hoats were outdistanced by the Oak Ridges Diamonds 5-2. The Mystics cashed in single runs during second and third-inning play to kerp it close, but juat couldn't make up the differ- ence. Kate Moore and Laura Anne Sheehan led offensively with a double and a single each whilr chipping in one bit apirce wrre. Shannon MacKrnzie and Sarah Moonry. Unusual victory Tbe lots put Milton mbt the consolation finals - wbere they prevailed in a forfeit win when an opponent from Clarkson was ejecîrd for unsportamanlike conduct and left hier team witbout enougb players to continue. The Mystica were trailing 4-0 at the time, but wound up taking the bronze medal. Milton had upstaged Clarkson in round robin play as well - only then it was by a 1I-O squeaker. Providing the beroica was Tasha Lrslie. In tnîly dramatir fashion, abe hammered a shot to deep left field that allowed Sheehan to score ail the way from firat base in tht bottoro of the seventh with two outs. Lindsey Harrold and Katie MacKrory combined for the shutout with somne stellar pitching, that was corfiplemented by great efforts in the field. Decisive win The pair weoe rock solid in round one as well, when they helped beat Thorold 8-4. Standing out in the convincing decision with a pair of triples waa Sarah Zebruck, while Sherylene Leslie (no relation to Tasha) and Alicia Taylor had one triple each. T-wo-hit efforts were delivered by Haprold and Sheehan. Milton's only humbling moment of the tournamnent came in a 15-O second-round thrashing at the hands of the eventual champion Mississauga Tigers. Meanwhile, Milton's novice tram had a fairly rough ride during the weekend showcase - losing ail three preliminary games and iaking an early exit from comn- petîtion. The younger Mystica' closest brush with victory came in round one, when tbey held a fourth-inning lead over Halton Hilîs but were eventually trimmed 8-6. Brittany Lockwood and Ashley McKerracher aplit the pitching duties in that one while leading offensively with a pair of rons waa Sarah Fredricks. From there. the local ladies were hum- bled 12-2 by Richmnond Hill and 12-4 by 7 Dundas.Pht yGAAPIN The Whitby Eagles won the novice divi-PhibyGAM IN aion, upsetting the favoured Brampton Novice Mystic Jasma Deluce gets tagged out et second base by a Haiton His opponent durlng Blazers 4-1. tournament play In Lions Sport Park Saturday. Milton Iost the gamne 8-6. Red Sox' upset bid dampened by evening drizzle By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milton's midget basebaîl teamn wtt hoping for a respectable rematcb with undefeattd league ltading Brampton Monday night. And for a while there tht local lads were enjoying exactly that, until tbey missed tht warning sign - "Slippery When Wtt". A handful of errors down tht stretcb - resuiting fromn a steady downpour and aubsequently bard to bandit bai - undercut tht boat Red Sox' otherwist impressive efforts and spoiied their bid for an upset win or at least a narrow defeat against ont of tht top teams in Ontarno. Manager Herlo Hatje' s chargea took a ont-mun lead into tht fifth, but flawtd fielding evtntually saw themn fall 8-2 in a weath- er-ahorttntd seven inning clash at Mapleburat Bail Park. Milton, juat past tht midway mark of ils 27-game regular tes- son c7ampaign, n0w tits ait 7-6-i1. While tht final score might indicate differently, tht bota deliv- ered moat of tht exciting pîsys on the nigbt. Unfortunately, only ont of thers was of tht offensive variety. It came in tht bottorn of tht fourth on a perfectly extcuttd sui- cide squeeze by sbortstop Andrew Pepper. It casbed in a bard- cbarging Paul Duff and gave Milton ils ont and only iead of tht game. Moments tarlier Duff drove in Kevin Cooper witb tht latter of back-to-back doubles. Duff, still sore from pitching at tht toumnamenit, ran into tome control problemas on tht mound tbrough tht initial stages of play - but was bailtd out by tome exceptional defense. Those efforts were particularly vital in tht second inning, wben bie walked the bases ioad with no outs but managed to escape t inning without giving up a single mun. Third baseroan Mark Black made an especially big throw out while one inning laitier centre fielder Michael Volpe made a great ninning catch toi kick start another scoreless inning. Brampton pulîrd ahtad with three runs in tht fifth inning and scored four more times oaver the last two framnes to put things oui of reach. Volpe pitched the final three inninga while second baseman Ryan Harper and left fielder James MacDonald had the other bita for Milton. Tht Red Sox narrowly nisted advancing to lthe playoff round of the Oakville toumnament st weekend - losing to Niagara Falls 2-1 in their final division garne. Before that tbey trounced Oakvillt 12-i and doubîrd New Lowell 4-2. Milton's next home game will be beld Monday at Mapltburst against Oakville. Came time, as always, is 7:30 p.m. BLOK DVISONAlso suppliers of Concrete Block Blue Circle R..,# ieRa and Masonry Bag Cements. O MATERIALS Milton, Ontario L9T 2X7 Please cali our dispatch office to tLocated on 5th Side Road (Campbeilvilit Road) East of Hwy #25 on the nords side. Blue Circle place your order: Materials (Fornsrrly TCG Materials Limitedi is now delighted to offer the general public the foiiowing aggrrgate products available F.O.B. our Milton Yard: (905) 875-3690 .Brick Sand - Concrete Sand * 3/4 (20 mm) Clear Crushed Stone 1806840 *Fine & Coarse Screenings 1806 840