The Canadien Champion. Friday, June 30, 2000-117 Discover Your DowntoWfl Nantyglo is -Welsh for River of ser een hes Nantyglo Wooi Shop aiso stocks a great setectios of acces- sories. Susan has knitiing needies that range from the tradition- ai to needies made of Casein- a pure dairy product which bas heen cons'erted hy an age nid plasticising technique isto knit- ting seedies unsurpassed in quaiity, to Brittany's fineiy crafted hardwood nedles made from Eastern Black Walnut and New Engiand white birch. But it doesn't stop there. Nantyglo Wooi Shop cardes cross stitch books and charts, knitting kits with es'erything you'll need to complete a project whetber it's a sweater, afghan, or a designer scarf, buttons, and personaiized labels to sew onto your finished work. And it doesn't stop tbere. Susan is always ready to, answer any of your questions, whether it's regarding wools or about any !Oiculties you may be baving with your project. Susan Wilb e holdmg Susday aftemnoon workshops in the fali. Yo'ui Ofttnp = ttgin the shop having a g 1çutte fitig, aid ing for great selection awervïce StopF in aZ ssZ4UM i aiwayshe greeted wltb smnsl 4Tridndly i4*ice Nantyglo Wçt41 Stsop is iocated'at 15 Nfi4sin $îreet in the Carniage Sqaase downtowi Msilton, "d is OP-n Tutsday to Saturday. e.'aalo ý lMpis als inovdi Mn »m a 'A col ogtzationF5 cjluding Project 1fius ishIàlknim secutieY 'Y n' bfiîfflý>f(31edy children. To date ProjectLùaiWs lias be îà deliver over 57,000 biankets to seriousiy iii and tYauw~- ......r ... tized cbîldren ail over Canada, the US, Australia and extending to sucb remote locations and Honduras and Kazaliatan. How 4(r s' -r scaesad'oe can you help? Make a bIanket and donate itto Project1.À0ys t1ý-hýritm jedecorations in reàlly an ide z t for the 3' x 40". You can use any pattern and colour but il muni be gliàt-. ' y mnth. Nntylo oolSho,_bs ' faulos wshale.Nantyglo WooI Sbop wilI he happy to colleci ail selection of embroidery yarns aswl.Every colour you could blankets and forward them on t0 the Canadian and Toronto co- imagine is displayed on .the embroidery walI. Tbere are s0 ordinator. many benutiful colours you'iI baVe no trouble finding Just the rigbt onles for your next projtct. Susan also cardes Paternayan So for ail these reasons and many, many more, why not stop in Persian wool for the finesi tapestry in over 400 colours, along to Nantyglo Wool Shop today. Wbether you've been thinking We would like to Wdc4 "lSweet Water Grill" to downtown Milton The food is great!! 8 Martin St. 4sý )N D NA#/ee réNATURAi C/1OICE JU YMADNE$IS SALE Every Saturday UP TO 50% off JuIy 8 Food Sensltivity & Allergy Sreening I90Main SLtE dtl875-1342 Mo15rt Isa yu _________________ travelling companion? e-~ Better take your knitting' CarzSqae 876-0212 202 Main St E. 878-5397 - - -'nma 15 MaUn S., S.jtAMIS. a YYmdsg a Na"a Way Io Dm lHoei" aniWew MET. &WLM......... 17W494 any paint coloar yoa cas dreamt of 1mna94ec unique instock wallpaper *m75e9du over 500 waiipaper books 949ecustom window blinds 0m(ea warm ambiance to inspire your creativity aqm ù " gwfumet 194 Main St. E êOJ.d§ Downtown Milton ,WUIV.ýL Town Squae4, Mihon,