-r' SiThe Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Juna 27, 2000-9 ,,New1y-paved concrete business solid as a rock By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Aileen Glinski doesn't minc pouning it on a lit- Jtle thick. At least flot when it cornes to offering a sturdy and stylish alternative to typical driveway paving. Tite Milton native logetiter wilh partner Gaelan Launin of Oakville is doing exactly ltaI ltrougt iter new business venture, Canadian Modem Concrele. Slianped concrete Establisited ltree monlts ago. te local- ly-based company deals primarily in slamped concrele - wici is quickly becomning a popular option for itomeown- ers looking to creale bot an eaîtetically- pleasing and long-Iasting dniveway, walk- way, patio or entrance. lThe malerial can be besl described as a hybrid of atone work and regular concrele - wit ail lte advanlages of eacit, accord- ing bo Ms Glinaki. . Tite Canadian Modern Concrete co- owner admitted tit up front a slamped concrele projecl is more expensive titan a prototypical paving job. Coat effective But witen durability is thrown int te proverbial mix, slamped concrete is a land- slide winner in lte cost-effectivenesa deparlinent. IRegular concrele driveways have 10 be resealed every few years. but stamped con- crele Isala pretly mucit forever," site said. "In lte long mun, il's mucit more afford- able." Stamped concrete gels an even bigger nod over regular concrele in lerma of appearance. Coming in ail colours and many designs, il'a made to complement a home's overal look an mucit as be a fuancîlonal driveway or walkway. Said Ms Glinaki. "Il's a greal selling point for your home. We can custom cre- aIe a driveway or entrance, complele wit eae. WORKMANSHIP on page 10 REGION OF MALTON WATER AND WASTEWATUR PIPELINES 'TNE M PIPE" - HALPNAY TO COMPLEllON w. ham reeitd lit hwakma Point on conatran of -rhe a19 Ppe» Praje - halw nid waatewetn pigea tha ml servic itet graetith liteu Towt af hilon. Conipletlan of lte construction le rncitduled for Seplanthe 20M0. Conatnidan itm progreeaed O rnm oltyh dat and »e wouid MIe ta lift rednte end hucalms al du routa. au ei. es l'rn driving along Raglana Rornd M 25 lhieïr patienc. Road urnec wMl continue h b ieM hiamed of lan doru «Wd operetine itou.s. For an up.l.dat 24 itour pro- rerde mai, e@g- on lita corahudlin edieMe and tll meeawae. cg <901)03-11« or acoan ltae pr*jedweh alb et www.thahgple.on.oa. Reelanla a hualnese tl ba NI whern conaksoln approaita taoit prapdy and «Wny hpe, on property acoaa wMt b itap to à nddmm. A meeting aiti reaimate and husineras In te Palenno ana la aoitduled for Tittaedey June 29. 2000 et lm Raglan ofIale Adi dmlnto BWIaidi et 1161 Obi Roud, Norlt Auditoriutg dlaua lte canalnclln af ltae ppann ltrougt lte ReglblU Roud 025 mad Dmd@ Btaierst kg lo. TIt conalivoln WI tMe pbac ove lte -um manit aiten to telnds hi ba a hit igiter. Woeit la aie uniesW on two otiter tg"tl virnhl proj@ e ty ta lthe aPply of»Wat Mlan. 1 . Mit Upper IM Road lRnuarvolr and Pcnplng Staton et Upper MutIle Rorn d Ralonal Rornd M2 hi OalvMtiel % u liM thetd la rne from Lait Ontaia Mit liu "Ilg Pkpe I nete deehpmnaeM a -In Milaon. Te 6.0 ntilgien mrruvolr and Nit pressnure pumphi eato projad ava rndrduled for canplalon et lte mad of0aplrn'rn. 2. The Elavata Tan* I Miln. juat noutit of HwY 401 Oif Steale Avenue and TitompeOn RI 1 la en undar caatrno ani tlgll virnh. lIb rte crlaati la -omplata thi lteo teaer r."dnig tan* aU la ha conalade. TUila tan it"i 1.6 ilaon gaonm of vrelar lo b uaed »a a roervolr for mevlln nae growlt h lite» Lait Oued sysem. MO PIPE TRMA " Ta data 13.5 hiomatre of concrel pipe hea baen laid. Tis reprernanta about hall of te teater and waatrWatn pige neonrnny hi o puta lte projecl " AritarologWn oeI*Md hav ban laund aon lte pipeline route. They indlude ceraic, d*lolitlnlya, meitina ne. srap ma.tiac Titoun arliac have baen rnecreip atred and enangmari are bing mae la aet-up a dlrnley et te Ilathn Raglanai lleedquarler. " Conetaudon la undal on lte lnlrnndlal Sewaeeg Pumphi Station laceled et lit Hallan Weata Managment Site Tise alo hma ban oltlley nemred ltae Boyne Seteage Puming SWta due la bI praimlty la lte itllaca ommulty of Boyne. The 1877 ltuarete HWeaute AIea tat à Post offic. hiadtaili. wagon moer, woodma mli ecitool and lwa dcitui n hie VIlate 0f Boyna. * Te tealtamin mue crore Sbaten-Mil Orna et lte nortit end ai ltae projea. To avol nmct la ie creai ennd bI oeutt ithaft. conetruclion c=»e wl tunnlrtant eai Iludw . For furlter lnalon on ltaf praject. planacotc DeMiOheal Raglan of HMln ~ "a' Ororgub l80)7l.113, Aie. Actan (019>0634001 * ~Aflamiot fl0 6»04640. StrutaIla <90) 8234M3 INTON : gFax MSU 84742102 E-ome iaaigoniela.nO Kala KoM 01ien Conatin Umbtd Pliona: (410) 221.4040 ~~ I Fam (418) 22"M08 J ~4@ kitolidin@M o &0 WMtUm Harvey's new Light Tasting Menu's here. Try our delicious Grilled Chicken Sandwich with under 10 grams of fat. it's from Harvey's new Light Tasting Menu and is just right for summer. REAL. 420 Main St. Eas BIB. 50 Market Dr. e.TASTEa Tradmri af Cam Operatona Ll~.t