6 - The Canadien Champion, lu«ay, June 27, 2CS0 ~COMMENT CNDJBRN Please take extra care now that school's out As the school year'draws to a close for the summer, it's a good time g for a safety reminder.b Some separate and private schools finished last week while public schools close this week. And the kids are likely to be thinking more about summer vacation Let's take extra caution when drivîng in resîdential areas and . sîderoads as cyclists, skateboarders and rollerbladers will be out in full force.Ot I Be a hittle more cautious around playgrounds, soccer fields and baIl SERVICE diamonds. There's no place for aggressive driving anywhere, especially in resi- dential areas. At the same time, parents should remind their children to watch out for vehicles and *follow the rules of the road, as well as ensure they wear the proper safety equipment. Uigcommon sense and good judgment, we should aIl bave a safe murmer. SO UR READERS WRITE 1* __ ~ Casino funds could lequal Milton tax relief THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 19 1 Main St. E., the Camadian Champfion, publisirot enery Tneeday and Fnlttay at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., InT 4iN9 (Bont 248), le oe ot Thre Metrnland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prindn, Pubtleiring & DsltrObting Ltd. nreep nt teberran cempalen alci inctedet: AiaxlPlcttening Newsn Advetitir. Atistn HoetdICnuimn, Barrit (905)8 8 -234 1 Adeance, Banrys Bay Tis Welc, oiteni Enterprise, Brampten Geardian, (905)878 2341 Beninton Pntt, Bulingtet Strnpping Newst, City Parent, City et Ynrkc Geerdian, Celtingweed/Wasagti Cennectn, Eatt York Mirrtr, Enin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 MntvcaWXfCuntry Rnuten. Etebiceire Geardian, Flambrnegi Post, Pereeer Young, Georgetown tndeitendentlActen Frea Press, Carnla Bùsirett Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Timen, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week. Markham Econemist à Sne MilanfflPetngalnirne Mimeor, Miten Shoetping Niews, Mlslnnaega Classif'ied: 875-3300 Busine Times, Missnteanga Newe, Napanee SGide, Nassagaereea News, wraketlrisra Ena-Banner, Northumberland Neom, Neorth Yenr Minier, Ian Oliver Pulsher tN08wvâr Beaver, Oaille Sthopping Niews. Oldimers Hoeckey Niews. Onittia Teday. Osntnwa/Wiitiry/CtarngtonlPrt Penny Thtis Weelr, Owen Seendi Nel Oliver Assee ciate Publshr Tribune. Peterboreughr Thtis Week, Picten Coeniy timide. Richmonrd am Degle General Manager HlliVTltenhlBNaugtan Libetal, Bcarirereott Mirmer, Steenluettnbitige Tribune KarenSonidu EdIor Advierejtl ws &=pigeen th cnitiJon that l th eg o a type- geaplical ene.r Bra portion ni Bhe adveriing namo ccepie by tire erre- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager mmeor en. bongtiier ueri à reetenale alereenion for sinatre, rel net ire Teri CAOU Office Manager cirtrgerifor. but BUe baleaice ofthOe adetiserBett liN ire pali ion et tihe applicale rie. TiM puialhier mennres lire nigtiu Io catepize ainerite- flouCale Production Manager nie o dené Doer Editor: The Town of Milton received $2.5 million of casino revenue in 1999 and expects $6.5million in 2000 and thcreafter. By the end of 2000, Milton wiIl have accumulat- cd $9 million, which exceeds the $8.8 million in taxes collected for the Town of Milton in 2000. Coonicil could une these funda to rebate 2000 taxes or avoid 2001 taxes -- etther wsy, about $600 to, each taxpayer and about 70 per cent of that in future years. On lune 12, staff made proposais te council on how te spend $6.5 million. There were te be subse- quent public discussione on these epending proposais belote return- ing wo counucil for a final vote. However, a motion by Councilor John Challinor wss passed se pro- ceed irnmediestely te spend the $6.5 million in question, plus the $2.5 million from 1999. The only public input would be on how te give eut the annual interest on s $5.5 mil- lion community fund (probably $25,000). I attended the lune 12 meeting and offer the following observa- tions: 1.- Staff made recommendestions on how wo spend tise $6.5 million, There was ne indication on how the $2.5 million would be spent but I felt confident they would find s way- 2. Interest on casino revenue beginning in August 1999 bas not been isolated (rom gencral funds. If returned, it would sdd about $.2 million te available revenue by the end of 2000. 3. $3 million of the 6.5 would psy down Town debt, but the sav- ings in interest, wasn't dedicsted to tax relief. Alse in the presentation, staff mentioned that reduction in debt now would make it casier te berrow later, thus ncgating the ben- efit cf lower debt. 4. $1.4 million was te be held in case tie Province cancels an equiv- aient infrastructure grant. I suggcst the cancellatien is more likely te happen with counfcil sitting en $9 million in extra revenue, 5. $1.4 million is to bu spent for future facilities and capital required because cf growth but net covered by development charges. I theught dcvelopmcnnt psid for itscîf. 6. A community trust would bu set up as an independent body, beyond control cf couincil, andi given $.5 million per year se that it coulti dispense the caminga on the fund te special interest groupe. ibis would commit funds buyond thse first year andi buyond the terni cf this council. Over time it weuld put millions cf dollars under con- trel cf somne remote board tisas ne doubi would neeti operating funtis te manage it. flic alternative would bu te budget $25,000 per yesr in special interest*granta andi leave Uic $.5 million in taxpayers peckets. flic enly reasen I can sec fer this proposai ix tissE it takes $35 million per yesr eut cf taxpayera resch. Surely it csn't be an example ef e -e ÎT' S on page 7 Pud .by Steve Nease