10 - The Cainadiain Chaioon, Tuesday, June 27,2000 Workmanship speaks for itself: Glinski - tromn NEWLY-PAVED on page 9 curbs or bordera." And whiie atone work or brick can be beautifi as weii, they often require signilicant maintenance when unaightiy weeds make their way through the cracks. With stamped concrete, theres no such upkeep required. Whiie Ms Giinski and Mr. Laurin have only been parinera a short time, they've known each other for years. Ms Giinski had hired Mr. Laurin - a former contractor - for severai jobs on ber rural resi- dence and always been impressed with the fin- ished product. So when Ms Glinski - a iong-time business- seoman 'began hunting around for a new oppor- tunity, she ftgured tihe two might make a auccesa- fui team. And so fair, her prediction has been bang on. Lots of business Since beginning go tBke on projects ira eariy May, Canadian Modem Concrete's owners have had more business thtan tbey couid have possibly imagined. It's gone through thc roof, and we havenit even advertised yet. It's been ail word of mouth," remaeked Ms Glirnki, who's company is now ser- vicing clients ail across the Golden Horseshoe - and beyond. "We5ve got two phones goîng ail the time." Aithough unsure how prosperous Canadian Modern Concrete bas heem compared to other businesses in the field of stamped concrete - widely popular ira the.United States and now start- ing t0 catch on in Canada - Ms Glinaki has a simple theory as to, why her own company hao enjoyed such a successful staet. "We're fair and equitable and our workmanship speaks for itself." she said. Unfortunateiy, it hasn't spoken that Ioudly in her own hometown - and that's something ahte and Mr. Laurin hope will soion change. 'We invite everyone 10 pick up one of our brochures or go see one of our projects for thera- selves." Canadian Modem Concrete is looking toi expand over the next year, Ms Glinski oaid. 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