HIGHije~dj22 SCHOOL REPORT YOUNG DRVRI W a evr g i i cors *hul b SMaybe it's because Young Drivers has thirty years of ?ý7 our instructors over the past 10 years. experience teaching collision avoidance. And over haîf a million graduates, coast to coast . And more than -a million dollars invested in driver training research, plus another million invested in annual recertification programns for VJ) And has achieved Registration to the coveted ISO ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Management YI ZStandard. \No matter what they say, no one else is anything like Young Drivers! jtdy4,56,7(9 ana. to 3:45 p.m.) Y u gDie fC n d That's what parents arefor St4tn WEEK COURSE AnEnterprue of no09001 StrigJuIy 25 Tuesdays & Thursdays « (6:30- 9:40 p.m.*) r-,41W- -- i-YW -w& miZm 8754"0 wwymdv.o ROYAL REPORT fl RSUO SCHOOL Dianu Mkdoya oni Royal Report By Diana Bedoya & Justin Yantho Witb exas es than a week amay, studesus and teachers are working to complete tbe semesler with saccess. Exam week begins nexi week and students wiii be glad to know tisai lhey may mear regulue clothing lhrough- oui their enaminalion perind. The Bishop Reding senior prom tooki place last Friday at Le Dame in Oakville and proved to be a wonderfol evening for ail mhom atlended. The dinner mas very meil prepared and gare gradaes ample opporssrily to gain energy for the houes of dancing that followed. Alshogh il mas an encising rime for munp, il also pas the impending end of high school int perspective. Seniors as Bishop Redirg have had the opportunisy t0 gain mary fricndships that wiIl sel the tone for future comerade gaining envirormens. Ir is vey difficoîl to believe that ail the time pas in50 ore's high scisool career iv finally erding. The teacisers and administration as Bishnp Reding have mode the last fine yeurs of nus lives an excising and challenging period. which will finully comte In a close on Jure 28, mith the commencement ceremnny. The Royal Report was creuted in order to provide the cnmmunity with a perspective of life as Bisisnp Reding. Nom thos the school year iv almoas cosuplele, mie have decided ta pravide you with aur thoughts as ihis puast sehool year as mdll us os the Bisisnp Redirg erperience. We would like 10 îhank the seacisers as Bisisap Reding whn have saughl us and impacsed aur lires aoisssusliully. Muny teachees bave gose heynnd the euhl of dusy and esriched our lires. Mast afses tisese teacisers mark isard wilh littIe recognition frose tse sladents for which sisey endure un mach. We hope that tisese teachers wilI realine tise positive influence thep hure had upon aludentu as bisisap Reding. Hnpefully sudens wilI let dsese leachers knnm hom mach they have dose rn Iheir own lires. Os a peesoal note, me mould like ta thank Mes. Metealfe miso has derated mary houes su sudent garera- mess and mode aur lime as Bishap Reding more enjoyable. Wr wauld also like un thanis Mes. Yarema, Mr. Locke and M. Quinlan, aIl the membees of stadent services, espeeially Ms. Show with ber infisise wisdom, Mes. SewelI, Mes. Reece and Mes. Marshall for sinig us how in use shie for machine, and, of course, Kap and Jockir who have prnrided us wih nutritinus lunches for Use pays lire years. Biuhop Redisg ha hem as excellent home away firomi home. Il provided Use walls shat isnused aur mentul, pisysicol and moral drvelopmens. The uchool has ses us goidelines ta fiollom for suceas in tise reat of aur lires. Studens Goremmens alun helped us ta creuse a camplete leueng erperi- ence. The actirities the Student Goremmens organied helped us uni fird a home as Bishop Reding. Gond luck ta shose mho wilI isein sise Stadent Gorerament sens year. Electios look place n Wednesay and Uhss elecsed will assume Useir responaibilitis in tise faîl. We woold alun lise tai lisak ev eryon rIes hou ua upported the writing of The Royal Report. A upecial thank yau iv ensendrd ta The Chamupion and is staff. Ohviausly Usis cauld sot have hemn dore withisnu. Whrn aamesising endu isis merely the heginniug of unmesiig else. 'his article iv nlo exception. The Royal Report milI continue nent yeor, juas au masp of iai year'u graduases will continue their educatin. GRABE "A"1 NEWS a MliIN ISIC I SCESOL Jacqelin BýMaisu Chmsiiy Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey tu's Use end of Use seisset peur here us M.D.H.S and utudens are husy mniting exumu us me upeuki Au me previousip mentsosed ihis mutl he the last editiun of Grade "A" Nems for Use 99/00 achoot yese. WsUs boUs of us heing membrs of Use 2000 gsuduusisg etaus vue woatd like ta, tase Usis opportunsp un tliusk att of aur reuders. Is hus iseen s greus pleause for us to bring pou att of Use revus from Use hulls tif M.D.H.S. We're ue uas sent yer Usere miii he smo seu utudents ta tube an the job un tieep on reudisg! Wish this beirg Use final article 0f the uchool yeur sue would lîke ta make mention of same purticotar students and arganizasiars that have succevsfutty made a positive contrihution ta sîndens tife ut M.D.H.S. during the sehoot yeue. Firut of att, me woutd tise ta make mention of this pears vatedictanuan namîrees, Lindsey Ruvrîtl, Aies Douglas und Sana Chisty. Each if Use nommses gave a greus speech uithUe grud breakfast on/June lissh, makirg iusa di fficut cisoice. The gesduasing clusu vaird AIesx Douglus ta ise Use vatedîctonur., Linduey Rusaelt ta intrdoce him us com- mencement and Sunu Cbishsy ta Usuns him. Aies Douglas has pîsyd un active raie rn beisering suders tîfe as MD. rn Use fire year he huas bers attending the uchoo. Mary students and parens mup rrmemher hîm hnom ibis peurs Spring musicul, 'The Musse Mur" us he ptuyrd ose af the teud miles On behutfofth Uenmure gradu- siig clava we wnuld tîke ta, congrauoate Ates an hiv'uccomptiulnrents. We're sure that AIex wîtt do a greai job ut repreversîno Use clusu of 2000. The M.D.HOS Studeni Coneil huas dore un exceptiorut job organizini eventu and uchoot uctivîsses ibis past veause Wmur ta muke spectut mention sf ait of Use 99/00 eecutive members: Preuident - Jean K., Vice Presidnt - Sony Disiios, Srcretuny - Nuncy Coffen, Paut Preuident - Sunu Cbiship, Public Relations Minuster - Ainunda Wedgeaanod, and Treasurer - Jenu King. Ait osf Usese people, ulong wiUs Use grade repu, pat in a greut dent sf time und effort toaurds tîvensng Use halls ofM.D. AnoUser organization pou may buse heund *us vpeak of througbout the uchool yre s Use Prefeets. This group of utudents huas alun peut su u tut osf lime and effort sin doing Ussuga like buke suIes, planning, setni-fonnul und fusdraining for différent eventa. This yean wr mould tiSe ta Usunk Adam Finkbenen for doing suris a greut job in the raie ni heud bey und Ein Wuas for bier moUs us hrad gins, A group Usas bus brtpnd mabe Use studenta 0f MD. a liOle more upitied und bis tbrougbout Use uchoot peur mus Use Stadent Athîrtie Association Thep muSe erents, sucb as the Onadent AUtetîc Banquet, happer. Thisa ulom Use tulented aUtetes of MD tOa guis Use recognition Usai Usey deserre. Thanka goru ta Robyn Harvey and Steve Harding for organizing Use 99/00 Student AUtei Association. White Use stadenia muSe a greus difference ta Use enmmunity tifec, Use teachers arr us weil a big part f tise upirited aimouphere ut M.D.HOS. ibis year Usere are severut teuchers mha mitI. unfortunutrtp, soi be resumsng ta, the halls of M.D. rn Srptemher. This peurs retirirg staff are Me. Brase, lvfra Diamand, Mr. Dieu, Me. Pitt, Mr. Swunbnick, and Mr. Veilua Mr. Brase bas bren teuchingengineering gruphicu for 22 peas, 12 of mhîcb usere in Huilas. Mru. Diamord bau bren ose of M.D.'s vulurd Engtîub tebcees for seseral peurs. During Use 99/00 uchoot peur Mr. Dieu bus bren a teneber mitii the maibemutcu depurtnt Mr. Pint rs suuitp fourd in Use busi- ness office besmeer bis computera and business clusses. Mr. Smsebrick sturted ap the "Leaders Progrum" ut MD. and rs alun a vauud teucher in Use upeciut eduauuon depurtrrn. Finuiip. Mr. Veltu bus bren an usset ta MD. us a guiane councitor and a co-operative edueutn tencher. Brut of lurS ta ait 0f M.D.'a resirirg staff. Your efforts urd contributions tamarda Miton District Higs Schoni have bers greutip uppreciaird. Or a firai note for Use uchoot peur me sape Usai ail of Use grudausing utudenta huve a greut lime ut Pmom ard gond iack in Use biture, mheUser pau're off ta unirer- ity. courege or eriering Use moUs force Ta mrup ap me moulU juas lîke ta remird atudents Usas exum pîek up day s on Jane 29 bora 9:00 ta 11:00 am. Wr mîsb eveiyoute a safe mnd happy summer' E.C. DRURY aigu SCESOL11 Dateline Drury By Condice Hugo, Sarah Hamilton, Kristyn DiGirolomo Ht ererpour and meicome ta, tise tuas Dutetire Deusy of tise 1999/2000 achool pyeur. This peur bas bren farrassir and meuare rery peood ta bure isud Use apportuntty ta inforra tbe Milton cammunity about uit of E.C. Druty'a triamps. Ail Drary viodenta erjoyed un excising und vueceurfut pear! t Druty s ren toeky ta bave amwide vriety of stodents mils differ- ens irteresta rebo exce. This peur we hure bren Use toeky ares ta infarar tise community about Drary's sueeess in drama, music, ocademîcs, sports and mach mare. Mary successfu students were recagnized tavi week ut tise arrual AUtltic Banquet. A giant conruatutions goes lat Laira Adusesos wisa mas awarded Senior Femate Anistete osf tise peur and Cisad Merrit misa mas uaeaded Senior Mute Athiete of tise peur. Chadas foamilp mass bo vry proud as bis vivIer Micelle Mereit receîred Junior Femoale AUsirte of tise Year and MiSe Derries mas amarded Junior Maie AUtete of tise peur. Your Drut'p famitp iv drlirutly proud of pou ait. Congratulatiouv! Wett Dore ta, ait tisase stadents misa receured amurds as tise barques. Mary leuciseru und coachses alsa received amvarda isowerer, ose of Use mass prevutens ment ta Mr. Hauidcrofl. He mus rreagnized bp ail tise stodenis os E.C.Drury for bing an umrszng Inuciser, fuuntastic cours and excellent ai round persan. Congratlations!! Tise banquet prredi uni bc one 0f Use bau rn Deurps istory und u fus night mas isud isp ail. As ucisot crmes ta an end and the summer isatudapu fast upprac, E.C.Deuep iv u quiet place. Tis week stodestu saurted tiseir euras cuing tise rufflisg of pupersand pes 50 bce tise antp noise iseurd ssraugsou Use isutimupu. We mouid tiSe ta wîish eriyane tisc bran of tuck assise must oftnieir evumut We Ssom pou miii uit muSe Druiy proudl Masp proud Draiy students includisg aus trer, are uuuiouaiy preporiug for tise Prom lisan iv ta ise iseld Wedsesdap, Jure 28 attse Partian Royule. A speciulthUauka goea ta tise promi caramittee und enprciatip Me. Haulieraft for putting vo mach bard mark and effort in50 tise gruda ceteisenlion. Tisanksaulso gars ta Hentiser Rotimagan mhisi enaisiing Use eensng ta atart yoong as u specia befare pursy isetd an ber bouse. See Pao tisere The nigss looks as Usoughis sis going lo be monderful as OAC atudents miii togesiser criebrute tiseir excellent succeus in corapltnsg igsacisoot. Tis ivs tishe last lime tisai ail nisese stadens miii ise tageliser tisougs - Commencement a in Novembr, Wr trust tisai urss peur's entisosiastic Dateusne Drarp rerr miii bis ure la isfoem tise cammusity about Use details of Commencement! Os a ciosing note me moutd lîke ta tsarS Me. Kenne for Use opporanty ta meite Dutrise Draiy anti for ait of isis isrip thraugsoot tise pear. Me. Krare, pou are lise mas und me are sue gosng ta miss pool Wr are extremeip hauppy t av srriad tise pleasue osf esoiug evriyose ta 10km a look unta Use wrnd as Drarpi Tisank pou for rrudisg erery mrek, Have a safe and hsappy sumnmer!