The Canadian Champion, Frlday, June 23, 2000 - 5 Public can have say on cultural centre Resîdents wîth creative ideas are invited to attend a meeting on a proposed Mîlton cultural centre Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Itîl take place at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. The open forum discussion will follow a 7 p.m. annual general meeting of Arts Milton. Town-hired consultants EDA Collaborative mc. will be on hand to lissen to ideas, concerus and suggestions from residents on the creation of a local cultural centre. "Its a bit of a brainstorming session," said Laura Jeffrey, Arts Milton president. "We're hoping people will corne out and bring their ideas." Next week's meeting is the lirat of several the consultants hope 10 have wîth residenta before presenting a report to town councîl in December. "They'1l be talking to a whole lot of people. This is juat the heginning," aaid Ma Jeffrey. "It's going to he a lively discuaaion hecause people have their own idesa." The idea of a homegrown cultural centre haa atirred the imagi- nations of residenta, the added. "A lot of folka are intereated in this," she said. "I think it'a terri- bly exciting." Residents are also invited to attend the earlier portion of the meeting, aa Arts Milton hopes to expand ita board of directora fmm aeven to 12 members. "We're looking for people who are interested in taking this on," said Ms Jeffrey. 0ea4 I B.L...hJ..I IL. St, Jacobs & The Wa1te~s Family Round-Up Tbums.Iune29,2000 Hand clapping, be tapping timel The Odole, Casa Loma & Toronto Wed. JuIy 19, 2000 The city ai ils besti Dmnny Bus Linos Ltd. R.R. #2, Acton, ON, L7J 2L8 <519)833-9117 AI5O1UtN5U~ maimiU 385 Ste"eles Ave. Mut /P~reparaton Tii. uI~dii annual Emar~anoy ? S.rvl~s DMul~ROdO wn hai4a6salIty et Mflton's Country lfrlta0 Pa* wlwva mil aàpaot~ V paraniadlc mai *m.rgbulcy OervIoa~ W~a teat*d. AboYa, rodeo doslgnol' Gava Coutil of lis Mlnlatsy of Haauth runs throughacoursawtilla(rIgM>pSt'SmadlO Ann Wilson kampa scora. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE w.. on 878*9222 Canada (>ay ~avinpju~tforyou! Ec@nomy Patio StoIses. Uçgwl Pressure Spruce Studs Maturai Wd.4 lattice 2x4x8' 24 x 24 (0270019) U.1 D.oe .8 ~ .a E1w~ <0262-258)#* (2555-700> Itoof Sbhigl.s* 12"xS' 20 Y.toe Asphait Solmbd (OOS8O14)~OUGh Couater nly La 11Ede a la Stock DeckIo@t (Straight) 3G~~ (O2658a6)5p~~ (O26~2~UCh Prica. iii affaci tii] July 1". Rappy Canada Pay! Fast Reliable Service MEEl lI-IE"SLLLLI" SLKVIUL lt/~M Leftto right~ John Little, Drew Gaies, bel Taggwt aidS~nBud& Providmgcustomerswilh:e Experience (20 yearaeadi) Factoeytrained * Competitive prices * Quaiity installation * Warranty * Guaranteed customer satisfaction Now earn AIR MILES reward miles for ail Sales & Services! We servioe ail mites aid modale ofUnaces, bodes~ centrai air oendbanees aid g. ireplaces r------------------ I I I I I *1 PAYMENTS: UNTIL JuLY200I*: *OAC SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS L---------------------- a, ~2NDRIDGEc..paq VISITOUR SHOWROOM YWJTOIJRSHOWROO UOM.FRID~5, DAT DJO'4 MCW-FWIO, S,4TtStI4 4361 Harvastar Rd Georgatown (bdwwoApçhbyA~ImoeUml Markatplaca MaIl (905) 632-1377 (905) 876-1020 *'"TruinwIAiR5SIntrnai~d i4<>idiiipN.V. L~edw&Tiioeioeb~iJ~yi~ Ma, ,moeiGrW0aslda, inc.andLsiw*Smic5inh~Noeeafl ,meMlMILFSrwd mile twoeyWqmm<me~Ie pesudummudhbixiibeiImneSm~