"l'M proud Io work for a companlY filai stand71s Oui a11on11 other airlines wiih respect 10 sateiy, customer service and produci. Air Canada employees WOrk togeiher as a unit ihrough good limes and bad, which makes Air Canada what il s ioday. " Mé#oanM., Cue4eote~r Sale "Àitedervtc& Ageaot Air Canada, one of the wvorldt leading airimes, bas permanent. -full-time and part-time positions available in Toronto. Requirements *Comptetian of Grade 12 or acadomie eqoivatent *Pretereoco reif f h givon f0 candidates veho are bitinguaf (Engfish-French) or fluent in Engfish and one of the tolfosing fanguages: Japanée, Cunfonose, Mandarin, Hobrew, Arabie, Spanish, German, ftatian, Korean. *Canadian citizen or fandod immigrant stafos * emonstratod interoof and ooperievce in serving the pubtic *Escofient communicatiov skiffs *Effective sales skiffs *Strong comonifleont ta teamwork *Abiity f0 work day, ononing and weekend shits Sfarting safary: $10,17 per hoar Theso positions offer attractive opportonifies f0 work for an indastry leader commifted f0 encellence in costomor service. Thome interesfed are invited ta mmml or recruiters from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wmdnmsday, Juna 21 and Ttiursday, Juna 22, ut the Toronto Aîrport Hilton, 5875 Airpori Road, Mississauga, Ontario. You are kindty asheef Io refrain fhum cating. Aptlicanfs who have beee tested or infervieeds for this pousition within thre lasf six monthust ouli o e considered at tis tfilm. AI Air Canada, wa wani Io fly higiler when lcornes to empioymeni equly. Wa therefore encourage applications from Aboriginai peuples, waoen, members of a visible minorliy and persons wiih a dlsabliiy. AIR CANADA An international Fiuid Carrying Systema Company has an opening for a: MACHINE REPAIR PERSON wvith a MRQ/ Miliiwright license rond minimum 5 years experience in fixture repain! design. Background in saat diametier tubing wouid be an aroset. Shift work required. Excellent pay rond benefits. T.l. Group Automotîve Systems 316 Orenda Rd. E. Brampton, Optario, L6T 1G3 FAX 905-793-3626 attention: Human Resources- CLERICAL POSITION A moail tnuck sales orepany carronffy in Efobicoke, but moning to 401 & Hsy 6 arca in August isloig for sorneone to do office adn. dolies. Job etails accoonfitg data enty using QuecloBoks Pro, payrol, worlrman's camnp. GST & PST Mnox proparation, inwenioey conrol on customa comiputer prograin, ken, receptio skiil, knosledofe transpoatio Mndsiy es an amt copul r kea niit. Plsle fax resume ta (416»&M-45 Mmdim. Clommca Industuies lac. is North Americas tasteot growing manufacturer of high performance projective coatings. We are suekioga Sales Support Secretary f0 *oin our teare. This person wilI provîde prodocl and service eocellence by u ssistiog sur suies, marketing, and costumner service trams f0 curry ouf their corporate and daily depurtmentat objectives. The soccestol cundidate wiut ho a resutts-oriented self-starter, sifh a diplomu or certificale in Business Administration. Retated epeoc in a Sales/ Marketing depadtment, as soit as superior communication, organizationat, and PC Skilts are roquiromonts of this position. We -offer attractive curuer growth opportunilios alsng sith a competitive compensation package. lnteresfed candidates should forsiard thoir resumne lu: MMilu e muio laiama lac. 490 McGeachie Drive, Milton, Onturro LOT 3Y5 Fax: (905) r,78 144, We thaok ait apptîcanfs, haweer only those wo are setected for an interview ont Lie cootacfevi Receptionist/Admifl. Asst. Oabitto tinanciat planning tirn sehs ao individuat siith *excellent commueication skitts and outgoing personati t f itI the rote ut Receptionint and Admin- istrative Assistant. Must ho capableof utorhiog in a faot-paced onvironment and-huedting ditterent tasho sireattanoas. Excelltont computer skiffs (MS Office) are a must. Euporionce viith invostents asd insurance as asset. P ama lai pa wauma. uml mapabilmte IM) lal7Ol Vk thak>rau for your ivderesft doly aplicvt invileil fra in iebuewoqitwbu alachd. consuffing Aquality leader I I RP NIS EoLrnrn "n mas inte akesREQUIRUD lmmeriat openinrt n te arktsFor Maternity Relief Civii we ere,& Permnent P/T Engineering Tech w haeVistamere Fuoli e & Sommr 11opportunities Reie et Positions Avaiabie l1 905-847-141 Cii Engineer for:i e9aee V 05847-1765 geSpiLta . Fulltime or fa 8471765 & Sommer Positions. Clrvii Engineer - 2-5 1rsEn. Building Science/ Structoral Rehab./MafnrialS, Gakvîlle Architecf DCosis@davrOC cea requires Druftup.rsn/ A Coffee & Aroh. Tubi. C su eol mk happer draftrng (SofIPlas a an. preterred eRosidentialdawrog JE 1 l Aquality leaderý e xperience essential ...4he best way in th marets. Word Processing in~a thamarkt.F ome to: to stan? your for:..a.. a e I ~ ~ ERRIE ELECTRIC for Liohilo ShowroomE ManaE r We are lonking for an eoperienced Liighhong Showroom Manager responsible for managing and growing our Refait Light ng Business in Oukvitte. Responsibitities include: Sales, Markreting, Purchasiog aed responor-. bit ty for the overait operatrons cri the Lightîng We encourage those individuats sith preorous experi- once and a dedicotion fo providing eoceptinna cos- TM tomer service Io appt y Interested applicants pieuse ROUV M torward pour resomne in confidence to U0111MGerrme Electric by fax. <905)845-6356 [ mIEN lTM I LANIICAPINS ns tokîng tor somreone Io non A babysttr pas can trst and dopond on ta hore. In or office. This is a F/T pear round position startîng mid-Joty. ay home, 1 arn atterng ta cane for infants and tnd- TH1E RlUT PEISO MUST SE: ciors. 1 vvitt pravido natritiaua meals, varlety of topa wul ucinlvith AccPac Vla inctodîng AIR AIR Qock Invoce and W/L. anid neceipta. Kyuneed cid care f woutd ton. fa iut -ihD -.ra hear ftra pas1 teaoe cuit 905-878-5452. *Futtp capable of hoodting a 6-fine phono systen *Capabte oft running dispatcs for sinter snow ctearing services The righf person mont ho able to worh independently, deliver eocellent customer service, have a tabuloas tetephone muener, ho able f0 grue direction and hetpof h service cross via a 2-wap radio syston as set t as esore that att inovicing paurotl, choque runs and goot romittances are done accuratey. If pou are fesking ton a cu ruer sith a great cempaoy. torward resuote and satary eopectations bp June 30. Fax (905>35-2310 airpp la peran batwau 7-10ua te 3077 Qumpli Un a dvma M. et Nwplff ACCOUNTANT 3rd or 4th Year CGA For logiaticai traneport brokai locatad In Oakviiie. Remponaibi. for ail orea Of Accounting Doparment Salary commenaurate wlth experienca. IPtease fax resomne 00 (905) 688-1746 ENGLISH & CO. Full tire posit ion available rot 91 t" ýmmrÉ(0 rl.e BUSY Vof Hospital in* need of an onthuuiaohic & friendfy nocoptionist konnol tfaf. Part Uote houra. Eaperionco an aaaei bat of nocauaary. Leavo roaarao: 491 Main St. E., Milton. Pt oaae no phono caf o. Lu0Y M~~ e - For Appteby - Resumnes mroy be dropped Place. a iaxury Dr. Les Laughren residence in fronat ot 87 Martin St., Milton Experieaced with ORBER DESKI INSIM SAUES carrent meia Cheraicat distribution companry requires a foit-timel tion certifiauO, representafive. Ideat candidate mont have eocellent registeed seth telephono mueners. accurqate kedboarding skifls de. <f tise College of tait oriented for costumrer toltow-us and a ble fo worh Nurses, organized in a foire environnant. Pieuse tas or mail pour and work soda resume stafiof satary eopectufions Io; minimal saper- 460 Wyecrotf Road, Oubville. ON L6K 2G7 vso.Sbi Fax: 90 8-42-890 resame by fax or email ta Regina Holmes: (905) 333-0596 - - ap.amK@lic.ea REGEPTIONIT requedtafor aiw tom 0f teflic.Mshaea sm e erisand ae Pe e .ç-* ..- Pee by the oeihcr The Centre's personaiized instruction in this nursing assistant program vs the difference! We are committed ta yooi; su.eiCOS! * Smaif cirass Sîzos! * Pracica trainingf *Wore placementsa get y os in the door to i * 95% off ourmspring the health cars fiel Course Beg Ina Sept. 11, 2000 333-3499- or 878-1240 rga,. www.thecantre.on.cm _____ & eOa6hmré*WOe ,rvo ta ahane paon lite widb smone ape- Mafty River Introductians, Ontanaos f rai ktchotakon af (519) 658-4204. 1 ýýivw.aircanada.ca