SUPER Special. Save up to030%h on decorator fab- .ics Pa no GST! Love your fumilure.. hale your colours Sofa & matchung chair froon $788. Love- seats trors $448. Chairs trone $199. Free Estimates. Senior Discounts. Fieldt. Quality Customo Uphoister- ing, 9-9, (905)875-4427. SWING set, beautiful handmade cedar. 2 swings, trapeze, tire & FP et de can go with lit. $200. A bar- geini To build tl would be over $500. 875-3514. WOODEN Bedroomn suite for sale, includes single bed with head & foot boards, dresser with mirror & aide table. Cati 878-7824 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unklmited Acceas onty $15.95, great local ser- vie and support from SURF TH4E NET. 873-2602 PICK VOUR OWN STrRAWBERRIES AT CHAS. GREIG FARM â Bob & Mabel Devolin 1 5 Sideroad,1 mite weat of Trafatgar Rd., 3rd driveway wvesf of RR tracks Free Recipes %opan D.ily a s.m. - 8 p.m. Weuther & Conditions Permittlng 877-7484 NOW PICKING STRAWBERRIES Rhubarb & Romain. "THE FARM" De Peoli Pick your own - ready picked (ptease catl 905-873-2050 - 877-7976 Mon.-Fn. 8-8, Sat. 8-5, Sun. & Hof. 8-3 Cati for availability 15 Sideroad, 1 km. West of Trafalgar Rd., First tarm se forth aide, Stewarntown UTCHINSONi IARM 6202 Walkcr's Uine 335-2515* CEDARS for hedgea USED KAYAK $4.50 and up. Cati J. Newman (905)691- POOL 0303 RectiAbeve-Greuad m w/dedtieg& Feadag& BalaceOf warraty (l7yeun) 2ND or 3rd Vear As- $29450. prenhie required. Fax 1-800-668-7564 fesume ta 878-043 or call Lee 878-5323- BE VOUR OWN BOSS! Succesafuf salon ofler-- ing rentai chair f0 Ex- perienced Hairdresser ($500 signing bonus) Dispatcher Cai Louise. 877-5740 With frndsngq or 877-0M7. Laave espenemSo retluired message on machine. faittime fer tonsparation togintico PT/PT Une cooks & campooy in Oakvilte. dlshaslers. >4tply in Fax fesmme attention: parson. Frlday - Wifle m Swsdsay, NIgN Cap, 270 8714 Main St East. Nedce, a dioision of Westburne Industrial En hus spenings on ils new Milton flranch CounterlWarehoust Ysu mili be responsibte f or proidig cosîsmer customer pick-up orders, handling cash suies, mair and receiving and shipping srders. A high schsol 1 year of reluted eopeniesce and product koee ndustrp are prof erred. Iterested applicunts shsold f srward thes Jsnntter Tutt, Humas Reseurces Sp Westbarne Industriat Enterprises 5600 Keaton Crescant, Mlssissauea, Onta Fax: (905) 507-1129. E-mail: Iannlfer.tutt@wsstburn ý14Nedc 7Fiat/ON". Donut Baker & Muffin Baker requirsd. Also Ovemlght Countser Help required for 11:00 pm - 7:00 am shifti Witt train. Paid training. Uniforma suppied. Reenumeration based on esperience. Appty in person to: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontarlo Sf. Milton 80 Market Dr., Milton DRIVERS & Inapectors required for Toronto Auto Auction. Phone John Parm (905)875-2915 est. 804 or Fas resume to John Parro (905)875-3219 FULL or part time auto parts deliveiy peopleeviant- ed. Local Milton ares and Toronto pick ups. Muet be able f0 interact with customers in a triendly, manner. Must have a dlean driving record. Beneffts available aler probation period. Apply in person wdth resume, references and drivers abatract f0 UAP Auto Parte, 625 Main St. E., Milton (905)875-0101 FULL time food preparefion positions available at a Federal Food Processing Plant. Must be willing to work some overtime. Starte aI $8.Olor plu s base- file and parsonal day package. Please appiy in par- son to 251 Nipiseing Road, Milton, Ontario, Or cali 905-693-8976 No esperience required - We train. Studenta Welcome. a4d&*1Dm r~ xe5mwa.NgeHo"" The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 23, 2000--33 Jr. Position UPSCALE FOOTWEAR OPPORTUNITY - terprises ILtd., Warehouse Ieading ta Inside Sales. Take pride in whet you do & Join our for wv:P(umbing & Heafing Wholesele Company in EARN Si 2)1-OUR + - Cl rks Mississauga ares. Full Ume opening for TII! FOOT SOMP is lookivo for high evergy, someone cameer orieslsd individuals lv ioin otfs ae service, seîecîing 'JusI ouf of school cutions for ao Assi. Mgr à FIT positions.eara tuiniso stock levels, *Willing & able (o lesa Toronto & downlown Oukoitle. We are ao iodusry diploma is a mvst.; oGood communicefion skilis leader in bcilb compenstion and trainling. Esperiovco Ige et the electrical Bofh wriffen - Verbal If the shoe fils, Fdlyver resume inciuding locution *Mechsnical apfitude 0f Oîtelesî (m)i 833-251 r résurné te: èCereer onienfed scîalist, Some heavy lifting EUR IMDTEYFLTM: Ltd, Willing (o frein LOT PERSON rie 15R 3G3. Maea fax resum Afin: Mr. Mullin Muet be experienced in car preparation. 905-67-0426Ooly seat, panctuel, self-motivated people a-ca edapy EVRRSM O Dogs, Cats, Birds and Exofic Animais BUDDS' BMW needed for TV commerCials, series, 2400 South Service Rd. W 0 films, catalogues and brochures. Send Oakville, Ontario L6L 5M9 picture with name and phone* numberi with inf on pet t0: RO. Box 58541, 197 FUILTIME EMPLOYMENT HARVEY'S Restaurant in Sheppard Ave. E, Tor., M2N 3A8 OAKVILLE e MILTON e BURLINOTON fise GTA is oe seedng $50. bonus for new employao.. eopeniencedpeoplfor theSA E CL K folfowing poitions: Ras- R AI S LE E K Peid on-the-job training. Permanent mark aurant Managers, Aesis- 24 hrs/wk, Dsys, permanent aveilable. Security guarci positons in high fant Managers and ShC - profile locations. $8.14 fa $8.65 par haur Sepervisors. Please fan Harris Statuonery Mt. neiif mediceV/ dental benefifs. resue 1715-29-793182 Main St., Milton or Bey for appointment 1 -800-581-7531 HELP Wanted Mater Apply in persan with Resume fia: Burns International Securlty Services Reading Position Re- quired for Miton and sur- Mr. Steve Bonin roundlnq ara. Muet have Tues - Sat CUSTOMER SERVICE/ valid dovars licanne and a N OC GPE S N L raliabla vahicla cempati-IN OCN PE S NE tive wsges. Complete ben fleded weuh some local on coul dotiver, and pickops eft fpackages available. required euth compeny cu. Casîsmer setvice and Please tas Resme f0: computer eoperience s must. Musi be able Io woîk 905-e-670. ff o . efliciently cith Microsoft Windows and Microsoft MILLSIDE Restaurant 'e- -dental benetits. Pieuse proolde drivers abstrac qairas Waltt lit & ash- Requires full time for dsys Ibom Ministry of Transpotation. Apply in porson: waahars. Appdy in perses Wie/atrs o us iigro to: 243 Main Street, MI WatrWirs o uydnn or Miffa. DENTAL LABO TOIY, ton. & tounge located le the Qustity Inn 5230 South Service Road, Burlinglon MUSCTeaher Neded Hotet. Apply in person with resurse toI (Between Burloak & Appleby Lise). Local masic studio îooiting 1161 Chishols Drive Milton. for qal8ad masic teach- arn f0 work feul time or part Uime, starling le Septers- bar. Cai n fer more o-, formaties. 878-7090 afler Are yos as esergetic perses, wonfing f0, mark Oakville 4 p.m. in a fasf paced esoirosmient? We are carrent-MA D NOW hirng eperittcad esT.P/T Waiters/Waitress SALES PROFESSIONAL astafafi, hartanders, and ~ h~ re ei M L RFMAERQIE lina coeks fsr part-time T.TShr re okMAEO FM L RQ I D andi fuli-fime hours. Applo F/T Sunday ta Thursday 11-7 Dishwaeher Il pou have lhe esperience an ciii rsward peu with in persos f0: Creane %i I Maintenance Q The Best Commission Plan. Pub & Grill, 575 Ontario P/T Store Cierka 0 Modemn facilities. St. fhe OanVy Caster. P/T-P/T Fuel Attendant Q Award winning pînducis. TEEMRKERS ee- P n .n Fifth Wheet Truck Stop U Familp afimasphere. ed tor local ontracting à 9Cish.f a Dr,, MiltonU elipan business. Part Uime tours.QBefilpa Worlt out of pssr sasTiàl Cai Steve ai Ian lur appoinimont home. Cai 875-28885-274 WNE:Production GEERAI. HANDYMANI wsrkars frdap andi night CHAUFFEUR mn. Heaoy laou i ou- suit refired or sami-rafiréd aId. $10.00 par hou., ndividual. For detaile caf i Ertc at Applp wfthin aI 888 Nipiss- 7 905-659-3351 W L E Burlingien bsd business forms manufacturer reqas-es welder neuf oseimum 3. yeare espeni Finit Choîco Haîrcetens bol opening forsa esce ith feavy plate. Muet know mip %veld- ~nSTYLISIS PRINTINO PRESS OPERATOR fitting skiffs. Wetding test mîtl bu given lu, For verp Ausp loco- citA a minimum ut 1001141 poars eopeîience on omal setecîed candidates. Meust fe avattebte lu mark lions: presses. The upplicuni should bave knowledge ut over-tîrne nefen reqatred. Competitive muons, Bonl. Mil., Waieîdown. papers, as celi us mixingo inks. WeA Printîng henielits and profit sfarisg. Eocellent pay + comm. expiltience an usset. Wage gnvernod bp evpetience, Contact Mike Marehall at 976-383. n a/ut 40% Good benetîts package siieîed. guernme Aourlp wageeso90 68- 82L C RCA S Competitîvo benef ils Fxrsmst 0-8-82E E T II package. Advanced P '&J-E training & equipmeni. Co mrca Expanaence fis cîsentete reqesîrd. PRODUCTION DEPARIMENTFa 1-PgeRsm o Cat Robert or Bretria Foîl-tîme, dap nAift, enitr level position wiA puîd hen- (905)8Pa76Re-472 ta ai <us> 310-3155 suils and training. Il pou are as energeic, self-moui- Aifing &a desirelIoproveeper woth,nsndpaour te- ELE TR I L D e Cake 123 - 850 Legson Rd., Barlîngien, Ont i.JS 1T5 DRIVERS ~CLASS AZ beçorators or tas te (905) 681-7072 Dry Aulk esperiesce preferrsd. Must hav corresi oh- e F/Tstracl asd medica le run U.S., excellent cages and A ftro B O d eneftis. Appip in ponson, enophose catis pionne. Co ClaSSified AdSGRÈT T 827-52W0apa t j a~ orAL apa t. 257-1294 2111 Lakeahore Roed West 1WWW aNW1UNMUlfa u-f MISSISSAUIGA, Onatitwo