32-Tho Canadian Champion Fnday Juna 23 2000 HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY Ail Classified Ads Classified CLASSIFIED BONUS! 900AM 500PM appear ai... 4~I1tonoanadanchamPt0fl.~OVY1 BIRTHDAY GRADUATION HAROLD John Bowen, n loving mamory ot a dear Fathar who passed away on Juna 25,1991 'Today bnngs memosas 0f a Dear forgoffen For love and ramembranca ast for- WINNERS airesys your daughtêr, Janet. StrawbêlTyFiir Raffles KATIjRYN J. WILLIAMS - Held 5ivi,'h~iio i~ y id Muai Laura Amie Burneil June 28,1999 Saf. Juna 17 The Rose Beyond the W8II Lic # Ma4708 ~r~4fro~aMe~ Mil o~a GraduatedfmmiheUm~er~LWIfldio~ ~ ail co~aldCe Gardn~;~ I I g i g - foreard ifs rearra fhe ofhar sida... CuafomMade ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT 501H ANNIVERSARY Ifs baaafyavan greafarnore, WILSON Afghan Rememharing MerV Jenny German 1922 1997 Ha Iabourad hard for fhosa ha loved Aiso Lic. C Me4721 and thosa ha bved rereereber ~ Speclal Draw Raffle - Table" ~[ 50ù 'Bear Doc eagageaeni daughier~ 7~i)eo~koy :~:~,a~*~;: Karf Raîchert J71(om & 9aJ ihe cf iheir son cf Dosa aad Gary Beiterman, 200(2 'z~' .25e/Iy & JJruce ~rwn M ike Cox - Tammy Naraton Wiîhallourloveafways, -Jen KirkIanct~ - Dick Heas hristine at 878-4327 <~« , 2 garage steel doors 8xT seefionai inaafafed Acceplanca... f have ~ wifh ail hardware $260. Alao freezer $225. 854- 9921 Mfsain ou. Il always ha APPLIANCES - fridge, 2 door, Sfove; aufomat- ____________________________ c reasher & dryer. Aiso, Tir - RANT & RAVE NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS apailmeaf set. Under rekeepin'ftgoinîUnde Bail (Dad) iN THE MAT~ER OFT8IE ESTATE 0F warranty. (905)637- 14, 2000. Proad Grandparents are John & We & Graham BARRIE lUNE SALIBA, DECEASED 8328 Ail cisuas againsi the Estate of BARIOlE CARPET Carpel. I have JUNE SALIBA laie of ihe Town of Mutas several thousand yards Dr. Shanna for defraenng our perfecffy heaffhy (formerly Townshup of Trafatgasj, un Ihe 0f sera Sfainaaafer and Doug Kocher Cual se Kocher Andrere Kacher June 23198 Reguonal Munucupaluty of Haiton. raho dued os 100% nylon cerpef. I raf i * 24 Hour Service A fl loving mwao~ ai my y~esf 50(1. Apnl 21 2000 muai ha filed wih due coder- cal ur Iii n r page in Ihe bock of memory afeerfly ~ Puce today.We can'f have old days hacla signed os or before Ialy 9. 2000 Thereafter includes carpel, pad * Pre arrangement Options When we reere ail fogefher But sacraI tears and the uadersigsed raîlI dusînhele the assets of and insfallation. (30 Sq. * Gnef Counseling Services ovin fhoughfs ~Mfi ha wilh as braver. the sud Estair. havuag regaed 0ai~ 10 the yards) Slave, 905-639- cintras dies filed 2902 DATED aI Port Perry. Ontarto. FREE Estimales... Got announce the birlh 0f their second son MalIfuera OPiOAA~~I ihîs 2nd day of Jane. 2000 wobbfy chairs... weak ~' lI4Marn St Multon OlO't't~JL MICHAEL L. FO~ER spnngs... tired iookin~ g Barrusier and Soluciior wood finishes? We do il 175 North Stueet ahI Castors wood refis- n ioving mamory 0f My Dad. PORT PERRY. Ontarso ishinglfamitare repaira. Dad, do you koore l'a eleven nore? ire faking L9L t B7 Plaids Custom Fassi- gaitar lassons and f pracfice almosf every dsy. Soticiior for Beverty Twax, Estate Trustee tara. 9-9 dsiiyl 875-4427 What t'd give iii coald say 'Hi. Dad" in the sur on if-Dont sit s Il - Replacement ban for cachions. Residen- fiallcommercial. Fieids .- SEELEY, Richard Pulse Saddeaiy at Be Hamilton LOST Black & whita lattes While tîp lau Victona St Upholsîery. 9-9, 7 ami Please cati 876-0299 daystweekl 875-4427. Seefey and ha relie Marfha, Elizabeth May (nea n ovin memory 0f my Dear Son, Seeiey) asd har huaband Brad. Dear uscla to Paul, IT'S Christate, Chriatophar, Ka n and Lauren. Fa Miltort 878-2881 GARAGE SALE rier Ave., Yoar anny jokas, Dur tisses fogether, WANTED SEASON. on Tharnday. The fanerai Mass reiti ha celebrated aI ~ My dreares i hava 0f yoa Ail-China, Silvar. Ciystai sawîsg machines Fax Gar Classdied 10:30 are on Fifday, Jane 23,2000 at Hoiy Rossry ~ ~ And ail Be memorles reihi live n my heaut forev- Doation, Mooreroif, Qaifs, glass, Watches, dolis, Departaent at ~ paintings, collecfihlas, estatas. 876-236410 book Forîndation woidd ha apprecialad by Iha farefy. www.mfltoocanadlanchanl .com JohntTracy 905-331-2477 yssrs tsdayl