The Canadian Champion, Fn/day, June 23, 2000--31 Teams 1 Milton Bible 2 Hiîlcrest 3 South Side "2" 4 St. Georges 5 New Lite "A" 6 South Side "l" 7 Boston 8 Knox 9 New Lite "B" 10 HoIy Rosary il St. Pauls 12 Grace 13 New Lite Deaf Gamne Wins Losses Ties Pts. il 8 2 1 17 il 8 2 1 17 9 8 1 O 16 10 7 2 1 15 9 6 1 2 14 9 6 3 O 12 10 5 5 0 10 il 5 6 O 10 10 4 6 0 8 10 3 7 O 6 il 2 8 1 5 il 1 10 0 2 10 0 10 0 O T-Bai1l9 Caravs Spor tndns to Mmnor Basbalor tle Jays T-alStandings are NOT postad dur/na the regular M it n(,o as b l ornoBle)y season. Play Bai and Have unI Viait us on the web Always wanted to be a As ofJune 1 Sth , 2000 1_____________________________________ Roolie Bail W L T WP Division Team Score Player ofl Gante Teani score Pl&yer ofl Gaine Blue Jay? Ausin and Noble Insurance 8 T-Bail Hunt Chrysier Plymnouth 19 Magan Wilson Key Centres 20 Matt McNish ruoo Heres your chance. Tone Dental Group 8 M ~ osquito Team Canadian Tire 10 Ryan i<oppars Bruce Hood Travel 10 Sirling Becidey uim OE TYUTCM Lob/aivie Milton Marit e Bruce Hood Travel 6 Micimav Cramer Lffestyle/Dram Car 8 Ban Sionil ÔPE TR U 1 CAMP rs Creat/ve MAmorials 4 Taam Canadien Tire 9 Ryan Shuvera Milton Jayasles 6 Kyte Funik Ae 7-5y Runnalis Road Runnars - Pas Wee TD Bankt 5 Cody Commons Apple Auto Glass 13 NIA Hastings Field in Guelph Mosquito Bantarn <PC 4 Dean Stapies Waterdown a N/A Thursday July, 6th .2000 8:00 arn Ky Centres 6 0 0 12 KPC 1 Cli Price Rocksood 7 N/A You neyer know it yu ry Team Canadian T/re 4 3 1 9 KFC 5 Jesse Pearson Kibride 9 NIA LfeyesDream Car Garage 3 3 1 7 KfC 1 Malthew Muller McCauig Insurance Ll. 6 Jordon Munn M/lton JayaSe 3 4 0 6 Ne/ill Transport 3 Ban Mail/mail Aclon 7 NIA 1va r Pas Wee Brians Auto 5 Mati Hammett Waterdowi 3 N/A <ru/n 0, 1 int) ~ Brians Auto 6 Paticki ieany Hornby 4 N/A Apple Auto Glass 7 0 2 16 Voulli M/lton Chrysier 1 Mike Win/arz Burlington 5 N/A show many laces thai cas change instanti Gorrudsa Auto Group 4 3 2 10 - _ Il seema theres a/maya someone peer/ng back t ame. Milton Transmission 1 5 tp Look and List l'm smootir as glas& and thin bades; TD Bant 1 6 3 5 Select TryoutsStp When you lonk ai me, iheres nothing to h/de. Bantam We are hopîng ta gel the select systemn go/ng Under each category I/st one th/ng thal hegins What am I? Neill Transport 7 6 O 14 wviihin the nexi lwo weeks. If trou are inter- w/th aach le/tn .M r1ltteru onanbtnlfulm McCuaig lesurance Lt. 5 4 0 10 ested in being a coachi orsa player you may1.M isleersinmuta bto futi. Brians Auto 2 5 5 att tr ocnie hs ota hn h ae eils Cmfr od amTig 2. My second llter msmin Ile and rànt. WNallace Wheeiars 2 4 3 7 5l 0aaih osdrti,~~M aa ê/îs Ci~eloe~ vT/g 3. My tird lattera msn leader and rhythm. KiCc 1 8 0 2 announicemrent cornes your ready ta go. Ss4. My fourth latter ms mn row but nul s0w. Youth S_____ S___ _ S5. My rfth latter me mn oniomi and book tisoce. M/tin Chrysier 3 3 1 7 Coaches and Convenors B______ B______- 6. My silli laster s mn honme raka and rch. Mer/ton 1 3 0 2 Pieuse checkt your standings as per thre eat C______ C_______ C_______ Junior esd/sg June 18, 2000 and caîl Larrýy 0878.1634 F_____ F______F_ M/llon Jayce O O O 0 velu uny discrepancies -____ H_____ H______ -f -- The Door Centre O O O O 123456 ~TRANSMSS1MON 1 ND US R EAutameua lfili à 4xue. Oms, <~~eaonmmees O, ffe~e~eeâa Fumigli à Doniullu ien as 0,1,, Ibhéhe ni/at hleuuéea o HyraulesMATI10oNWmD WAFRRANI AVAILMLE TmY A WORKOM M11AN'51 PCE O pkclof dddmuaire Saeuaky euggt& MWg ile, MO w ,,nD W mvt ,am on Al , a ftw .lr PaPal foaIufot 2.9 " Fittinga o AdapterS B. .3 m-Fie.rTown i 5 Mieit Mix Repai MILTrONS.CHOICE 905-88-815 SINCE 1 860 761 Main Street E., Milton *-5: P 76MinSt8&47 Tel: (905) 693-980 FUIt 6934001110 sSTEELESAvE. EAU, W13.4,11ILG eu l 26ManSL8847 MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE Standings as of June 13, 2000 Terry Rowley Mecharuical mc.m Vour Heating, Cooling andl Barbecue Headquarters 878-1979 Le VISUT OUR SHOWROOM qïi 925 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, UNIT 3