v/Fifth annual Scottish The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 23, 2000 - 27 'Rock Around the 1 rave Festival on tomorrow Siots' on Sunday The stirring sound of Scotland will surround Milton tomorrow during the town's fifth annuaI Scottish Festival. "There's a lot of Brits and Scots in Milton," said organizer Ben MacFarlane. "We're trying to bring a little breath of Scotland to the town." Highland dancers and pipe and drum banda wiII be on hand to celebrate Scottish heritage through music, dance and tradi- tional grub such as scotch pie and chips. The event wilI kick off at 12:30 p.m. with a parade featuning bands, dancers, cadets and Royal Canadian Legion colour parties. It will start at Milton Mali and will wind down Main Street, ending at Rotary Park. Parade guests include Mayor Gord Krantz, MP Julian Reed and MPP Ted Chudleigh. When the parade ends, the banda and dancers wiIl provide individual demon- strations up until about 5 p.m. At that time, they'll join together for the massed bands portion of the day. Dog,£ show ait fairgrounds The Milton Fair Grounds will be trans- formed into canine country next month with an all-breed dog show July 14 to 16. The outdoor weekend event will include three all-breed dog shows plus three days of sight hound straight racing. The Basenji National Specialty show will heîp round out the festivities. Admission is free to the public and those wishing to enter their pooch msy do so by calling Deborah Graffmann at (905) 319- 2105. ar kW M UM &&L MA 189 Mili Street 878-680 276 Main St. 878&4171 ce iffl2 itr flll itl MIC91ICamelill9 ake -onda UIlt Pels0izza,2199 Fish & Chips LIVE ENTTAINMENTl Band or DJ ali aummrrer long Barney The Magician- Wed. Thura. Patio Partiea "They'll take a turn on their own, then ihey ail join again sud play tome tunes at tise end," said Mr. MacFarlane. The result is a spectacle in both sight sud sound, as tise musicians march to tise haunting strains of pipe sud drum. Admission is free, but spectators are asked to provide a $2 donation at tise gate to help allay tise costa of tise event. So far, thse festival bas rus each year due to the diligent work of a small band of committee members. Next year, they're hoping to receive funding fromr tise Trillium Foundation. If they do, il may be thse start of building a bigger festival for years to come. "Miîton's growing, too, sud I'd like this to Ose something that's on thse calendar for Milton," ssid Mr. MacFarlane. Business donations and volunteers are also being sought for next year's show. To help out, caîl Mr. MacFarîane st 876- 4469. Sut. GULP Sun. E 87I -1:20pa Duil 7:45 p.m. & 8:55 p-n., * Sut. & Sun. 2:.10 pin à 4:55 pAn OCHIOKEN RUN Duiîy 7:05 p.m. & 9:05 p.ns Sut l,&Sun. 2:00 p.n,& 350 pi *.O 1 E RLASE Mohsawk Raeeway andI casn is set to tons bacj tihe dock Sunday wid th las tS amual Rock Am~und thse Siots Cruiser Day. Elvia tribute artiat Steve Kabakos wil ldline thse event, whils nsn froms 11 ams. to 4 p.ms Also, Oldica 1150OCKOC will be live on location. Otiser acta - inelsadlng a perforasnce by Rosmie and tse Rocelçts and a bam l~~iunch - wiII rouand out lihe feativi- Aiso. the &ist 5W0 clasic car owners that enaise loto tihe park~ing lot "I receive a fiee colleetable dash plate and t- - [ .c bal *~ Ta * Jazz t<Vocal t~Prama Çb Aoe Iatr u! 5chs hatuito June 3.17 &24 -10am to Noof june 7,14 21 & 28- 5 to7 p Julyl1718,19. 20 &21 - 4 t07 p? - ~ Auut1517 22 &24 - 4 to7 Pm s - e"boilr 56.7 & 8- 2 to8pm 5apteAM er9- a -ita HAISLON L1 JOAN NA SCOTT *Barbering * Foils *Wedding Parties Ail Your Hair Care Neds PLUS *NAILS - Gel & Acrylic *Waxing Book Early for Your Appointments 853-0811 56D MilI Street East, Acton (Beside Bruce Hood Iravel> TRAVEL GETS BETTER & BETTER BELIZE TOURIST ARRIVALS CONTINUE TO SET NEW RECORD HIGHS. According to the Belize Tounrs Board, the month of May showed an increase of 22% over 1999, marking the country's fiftis consecutive record-setting monts. 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