26 - me Canadien Champion, Fnday, June 23,2000 44dt e~uoe ?4~ &it4... Deadline for entries to the Milton In Bloom 2000 Competition is June 26, so if you baven't donc so already, make sure you fIl out an entry foins this week. The committee will be using your submissions 10 tind out about the gond work many of you are doing or notïcîng in your community. In addition, tise information submitted to assist in devel- oping the route that the judges will take wisen touring our community in mid August. Tise provincial competition has Milton competing against other commu- nîties of like size. Here are the 5 different awards being offered.... * Tidiness Awarda * Tree Hugger Awards * Luah Landscape Awards Tisese tbree awards will be presented in 4 categories: Business (Industrial); Business (Commercial); Public I Institutional Property; and Residential. * Environmental Award will be pie- sented to a community group or busi- ness, wbicb bas given considerable time and effort 10 participate in an environ- mental project. * Great Garden Awards will be pre- sented in 3 categories: Perennial Gardens; Annual Gardens; and Container! Balcony Gardena. To find nul more about tise Awards, and 10 pick up or drop-off an entry form, please visit one of tisefollowing Milton locations: Country Depot, Loblaws Milton Markeî, Milton Public Library, Spice of Life, Taylor Nurseries, or Town Hall. If you would like to ftnd out more infor- mation about tise Communities n BInons progmm, or would like to offer support, please contact Joy Anderson, n tise Community Services Department, Town of Milton at 702-3143 or contact Jennifer Mirosolin, Milton Horticultuml Society aI 878-3597. Communities iii Bloom is generously supported by: iLobbAéS Visit our Garden Centre 75 NIpISSIflg Na., milion 875-4999 e ainment V/Singing career looks promising: Linke By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Since receiving a $2,500 scholarship for the University of Guelph's vocal per- formance program, Milton's Erin Linke is far from singing the blues. So sise's singing virtually everytising cIsc, instead. "I've always been singing but I really atarted in cisoirs in primary scisool," said Ms Linke, 18. "t started singing at my churcis (St. Paul's Presisyterian) a lot more. Then I started to take an interest in musical tiseatre." Sise started taking voice lessons tise same year aise entered grade 9 at E.C. Dntry Higis Scisool. Under tise tutelage of Milton teaciser Laura Jeffrey, aise bas learned several vocal techniques, including isow to warm up and preserve iser voice. "Before t'm going to sing I avoid dairy, wisicis is tise worat, because I love il," sigised Ma Linke, proving tisat one really muat sacri- fice for ones art. Worse atill for anyone witis younger siblinga to boss around, aise also bas to speak softly - but not wisisper - before a perfor- mance. "You bave to really take care of your voice and not yell a lot," sise said. "Wisispering is apparently worse tisan juat speaking quietly." Luckily, ail tisose precau- tions means she'a always able to aing. "I love aIl kinda of music and therea an mucis I want to do," said Ma Linke. "Id really like to keep my options opdn." On ber wisis liat is musi- cal theatre, opera, teaching and singing in an alterna- tive-type band. 't wouldn't want to settie on one thing. t may minor in dmma to pumue a bit of musical tiseatre," said Ms Linke. "I'd like 10 leans 10 write my own muaic. And I've always wanted to sing inaband." Her listening taste is diverse, mostly bands tisat aren't exactly top 40, sucis as the little known Plomb. Wisen pressed for recog- nizable influences, aise cornes up witis singer Lita Locb. But whatever Ms Linke sets ber pretty mezzo sopra- no voice to, tise Mary Alice and Marion Mumm Memorial scholarsisip will iselp ber on ber way. tt's a great iselp," said Ms Linke. "It pretty mucis covers tuition for tise tirst year" Sise won over other scisolarship contenders on tise strength of a tisree song demo tape, a live audition and a resume filled witis musical accomplisisments and tmining. A Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A vocal scholarship ta 1h. University of Guelph has E.C. Drury l4igh School graduaI. Erin Linke singing for joy. NOTICE 0F ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Looking to TON the Future! The Board of Directors of Arts Milton cordially invites ail members to the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING zobe held on: Thursday, June 29th, 2000 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Milton Senior's Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive, Milton Ail Arts Milton members and the general public are urged to attend this very important meeting which will include ~ presentation and discussion of the proposed CULTURAL CENTRE building project Special Guests: EDA Collaborative mc, Toronto- consultants preparing the initial feasibility study and members of project steering commitee Corne, bring your ideas- NOW is the rime to be heard! Entortainmont by MEN Il BOYS Rot roshmonts by HARROP RESTAURANT For more lit o 854 0443 (Pilton> e Finnucil Scottieb ~eetivaI Saturday, June 24, 2000 Massed Band parade from the Mail at 12:30 down Main Street to ROTARY PARK For an afternoon of Band Performances, Concession Stands and Good Food! MASSED DA.ND PERFORMANCE TO END THE DAY.