A handsL on' alternative approach to health he Milton Therapeutic Massage Clinic provides an alternative approach to health care in a relaxing med- ical environment. Jillian Guard and Ryan Weaver are Registered Massage Therapists who both grew up in Milton and are excited and pleased to start their careers in their hometown. Located in the Milton Medical Buildings, Ryan and Jillian opened the clinic doors January 4th, 2000 and have enjoyed steady growth. Massage Therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body by a qualified profes- sional to gain a therapeutic response. The ther- apist uses techniques to increase range of motion, decrease pain and stretch and loosen muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Registered Massage Therapy may be used to treat many conditions and ailments affecting every demographic. "one of a klnd glft idem." r 156 Main St. E Milton 693-0223 Bring the beauty of Nature indoors! Corne check out our unique NflonTeapui Wes wMl be cozos BAT. MUY je MON. MVY SM plu» &ive or1tuy Iatha WAIP "YAA A Both Jillian and Ryan are re'gistered with the college of Massage Therapists of Ontario and are regulated under the Health Professions Act. They studied massage therapy at the Canadian Therapeutic College of massage ther- apy and hydrotherapy in Burlington and gradu- ated with honours in 1999. Jillian obtained an Honours Bachelor Degree from the University of Guelph prior to studying massage therapy. Since- graduating, she has continued studies in infant and preg- nancy massage and labour support. "l first became aware of massage therapy in 1997 following an injury. The practice brings together my interests in health, science, and working with people. I find it extremely reward- ing to help people achieve a higher standard of health," says Jillian. Following the comrpletion of his undergrad- uate degree in physiology at the University of Toronto in 1996, Ryan spent a year gaining experience in rehabilitation and occupational therapy at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital. "After university and my experience in reha- bilitation, massage therapy was a natural pro- gression. I gained a strong interest in chronic pain syndromes and sports injuries. In this field you are treating a variety of conditions and pathologies every day. It is definitely not limit- ing in its challenges." In the past, massage therapy has had the reputation as being strictly for relaxation. However, it is quite seldom that this is the objective of treatment. Many patients come in seeking treatment for conditions such as sciatica, low-back pain, and headaches. " The majority of patients we treat, present symptoms of pain and discomfort as the result of overuse, injury, or emotional stress. Certainly the treatment is relaxing, but correct- ing the source of the pain is the real goal," states Ryan. "There is a growing trend, that people are becoming aware of their health and are increas- ingly examining the benefits of alternative healthcare. We encourage our patients to learn about their condition and their bodies so they have the knowledge to treat themselves if the problem should reoccur" says Jillian. The Milton Therapeutic Massage Clinic is booking appointments with evening hours and some weekend hours. The clinic is located at 75 Main St., Suite 10. To book an appointment caîl 878-0800. 'Sweet Swirl' MM wW Buy 3 Geqýt WoI $i FREE~ $lfl 5 styles 0- 05 colours J JO'LEEN'S Ed ue3 C"*qI- W. " 446& * &s ll»ntaCoUtt"« at.eeAiit. MILTONl 07-0 Fine Tableware -GiSware *Table Linens * Bridai Registry Li1T Z - CA^S U ^L - C L A 8 C 227 MainSi. E. Milton s.'-d&fl8805 BERGSMA'S ?1ft4ae ay paint cotoar yoa cmo dream of '27f49u< unique instock wallpaper *99o over 500 wallpaper books '7.,-custiom window blinda 7-,-a warm ambiance to inspire your creativity 97m4aae «*~ su-me! 194 Main St.E 9586 Downtown M111oi l 1224 Concerned about Good Health'# Weight Management' SporslEnergy - Arthritis , Constipation & Fatigue. Back Pain -'Digestive Problems? 15 Martin St ,Suite AM5, Carnage Square, Miltton (905) 693-9594 "Prwdig aq Naturai Way fo Rttr Heailh and Weiltiess SmVeld ev.uy ée A Caterd Affair Wbt 875-M4 1140 MaIn Sf. E.