la ýýw *Oft ýCerffîicates availbe *Customn Design Shop *Qualily at the lest prices *Create your own Unique Pieces *Large selection to choose from HORS 00Laurie ". (A&P Fiaza 1S754LATI Halton Healthcare Services (HHS) received another budget boost from Provincial Health Minister Elizabeth Witmner June 14. A $114 million funding commit- ment is to lie split bctwcen lispi- tala in Halton, York, Durlam, Pee and otlicr swïrounding ara oiep tliem deal witli Uic effecta of popu- lation growtli on tlie leiatli care systcm. But final numbers on wliat ecd liospital or liospital corporation will receive arcn't yet available, said 0TA/905 Healthcare Alliance Executive Director Jim Armstrong. tliat until tlicy get an official letter," lic said. Tlie ncw money stems partly fromn a one-time funding commit- ment wliicli lis now been made permanent. In addition, tlie 905 liospitals liave been given a 2 per cent base budget liike.. Tlie ftsnding la designed to kecp up wîtli population growtli in tlie OTA, wliicl ist double tliat of thc reat of tlie province. An aging population is also putting pressure on 905 liospitals. More funding is cxpcctcd later tliis ycar, said Mr. Armstrong. "Mle minister was quick to say tlieoe will lie otlier in the fali," lie said. "if this were it, we'd be con- cerned. But we don't think it is." Furiher announcements will be made once thc Provmnce lias lookcd over the operating plans of individ- ual hcaltli care corporations or hos- pitals. Thc liospital alliance is made up of 11 hospital corporations includ- ing HHS, which runs the amnalga- mated Milton District and O)akville-Trafalgar Memorial hos- pitals. Tlie Alliance was formcd four years ago to lobby for GTA arcs liospitals. Looking for a wAyý to mark thc millenni? Miitp's 2M0 Consjte bas tht anawer. For $200, local gesidesits snd businessca can buy s brick for the eoeo-be constructedl Milton Millcnnlumn Garden t&(hris Hadfield Pa&it Each will bliscrih.d with the donator'a naine or a special anrouncemcý,nt of a milcennium liirth, wedding, passage or any other messiorble ocea- skon vBrickson sale for m-ilennium g :arden at Chris Hadfield Park that links the dhmt components of the Millcnnium Garden - the 'Yestcrday, ToaY, sud Toniomw* ijnW 600 miîllenmun bricks will be Skld construction of the Miton Millenoluni Garden To pre-ordera brick, calI Val Derrien at 878- 7252, cxL 184, or Joy Anderson at 702-3143. The Nanan omftyard-MlOlSlsReienLfste Enjoy high quality, tboughtfully designed accommodations and take part in social, spiritual and recreational pursuits in a caring commuflity.- " your Cholce of many unique floorpians " each suit offers a balcony or patio* " optional solarium 6 flrelaces " undergound paring is avalable " full amenities lndudln a lnln rmosu. llbrary, pmes mont, wîeiness contre i more " 24 hour securlty 0wke armWy frB*ht - The MarianTCourt yard ADULT LIFESTYLE COMMUN ITY SMME OFFICE NOIS NMm, WeM;dWi, MdRY Setuvda & S.smvs i Prices and speclflicat@fls are subject to change wlthout notice.Eà 1 àuaml by«M& Nu. - oe"l NsWsU, Sale ilslefwsut 23, iiiMore funding coming to + III ospital due to, growth