S - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, June 20, 2000 * Cbarnpwn ~ood4fioe~4 (o «#.~ed t487bzunerAve.~ T i Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Ernest C. Drury School for 6h. Deaf atudents (right) Mike Weisner and Andrew Goure act out a fight scene while other students look on durlng 6h. filmlng of a deaf peer mdl- ation program video currently belng produced. Student Cheryl SmaII (above) films 6h. ____________________________________________________________________ scene. «Deaf peer mediation program puts grant money to use in creating 25-minute film A 25-minute film on peer mediation technique s from the Emest C. Drury School for the Deaf is being produced thanko to a $1 0,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundatiofi. TIse film is an offahoot oU a unique and suc- cesolul program at tIse Provincial school called Peer Helping - Peer Mediation. TIse firot oU ils kind in Ontario, tIse program trains selected students to act as neutral media- tors hotween conflicting peers. The ides is 10 reduce discord and violence within the achool systers hy helping students resolve their difierences without adult interven- lion. The îrained mediators also help counsel stu- dents trouhled hy issues such as difficulties aI home. Harasament, gossip and misunderstandingo make Up the majority of cases that go before peer mediators. But if the situation is too volatile 10 be handled without grown-up help, the mediator acts as a bndge hetween students and adults. Participation in the program is voluntary. But since taking ils firat baby steps in 6995, more than 90 per cent of cases at the ochool hsve been smicably resolved through peer mediation. The film will be the firot No explain the pro- gram to the desf in Canada, and will ho wntten, produced and directed by students. Scenes were recently shot outaide the Emest C. Drwy School for tIse Deaf. The film will ho distrihuted 10 achools and facilities serving deaf youtls throughout Ontailo. An accompanying guide will help explain the program fluther. The Trilliora Foundation grant is part of ils 'Cet Up, Stand Up' progrars. That's designcd 10 help young people take charge on issue~ affecting their lives. wwW.Cog*CO.Ca Actons 21 Main Streat Nsrth, ~tsen, ON L7J 1V9 519-853-1270, or 853-4700 COGECO i4 Programmiflg Schedule - June 20th, 2000 - June 26th, 2000 lIon, tAon, Nan 5.30,6:30, 1:3I~n 7:IOpt &30p Sean taon lIcitas Os boe~ Sonne Hans HilICaiSi 6 Awds nase 1960 lIon, lion, Nots 5:30,6:30, 7:OIps Sean C8e eSelasain Swteti~ Ose! M8aCo98O JoretOh 5:30,6:30, 1:INpn OuWd ~l Sean Piugged 8 15e ~ Icone McoeylNoek HaSe Nogor~ Couel. Site 218 lOon, Oint, Noos PhoEJed 80 tant 5306307 P8UEdI<~ 600~o on E Isaels 8 sOINS Penture thla weetc: "SenIors Showcase" FInal Episode this seasoni Tuesday, 6 pin I - ---- - w