6 - ibe Canadien ChampIon, Tueedey, June 20, 2000 ~ COMMENT Queen's Park dot hurts, flot helps, the homeless With friends like anti-poverty activist John Clarke, the poor are better off supping with enemies. Last week's ill-conceived attack on Queen's Park -- during which protesters arrived with masks, bandannas and projectiles to make their point -- sets back any progress made on the pover- ty front. Horses, police officers, protesters and reporters were ail hurt in the melee, engineered by the 'results-at-any-cost' head of the Ontario Anti-Poverty Coalition. Mr. Clarke's actions gave more than the odd police officer a black eye. They put a stain on the cause of the very people he represented. Poverty is a blight that despite the booming economy appears to be increasing across the nation. Milton isn't immune; no place and nobody is. Despite this, Mr. Clarke and his merry band of anonymous thugs -- who threw bicycles at police horses, for heaven's sake -- can'tjustify their barbaric behaviour. O UR READERS WRITE Iè1Ih~m did irnn in mir wntAr tome from? Maybe banners should read 'Quarry Country' ry, continue south to the base of the <Thefoilowing lener was sent w Greg EIIa.n, nupernnisor of North Operations Centre, Water and Wastewater Systenos, for Halton Region and a copy wa.o ,filed witlt lise Chanopson.) Dear Editor: We're writing to complain about Use rnud in tise weter supply lune 13. Wlsesa we phsooed we weee told il was because of dire heavy raina we have had. Lest tinse Uiia happeneti we were bld Chat a valve had been lefE open en4 becauae 18 waa tise weelcend nobody hed noticed il. We have liveti la MiltoBi for nearly 30 yeara. We esseti to boast that our drink- ing wster in Milton was superior botis la clazity and quality to anywhere else, beit not any more. Wbesa we have questioned the poor colour genoeally, we bave been told tuaI tlttee's more eron Bn tise Weter. but the colour waa clear w Use petit, sà where did Uic iron corne fromi We suspect tIsaI aur water will gel woree when you starl pssmping in the garbage from tise lake. If you catanot control our weter now, how wtll you contro~ it tison? Harryand Frances MoCarthy Parkway DrIw Dear Editor: I was neither born nor raised in Milton, hence I dont consider myscîf a truc 'local'. However, having been here for Uic botter part of three years, Im stauting to une in and underatand thia community. The advent of a huge surge in development in Milton jr apparent cvcrywhere you Iook and rerd. Large parcels of landa are being sold and rezoned, protective land sets arc being challenged, and an unlimitrd water aupply ir crceping into the town's boundanies. Also evident ir a huge public outcry with a fear of over develop- ment sE Uic root of ita outrage. The fear ir that Milton's rural 'amaîl town' feel, natural habitats and conservative efforts will be kiat forever due 80 an over-zealous and reeklesa development plan. Ils my on toat Enta ~riOIIt. exux- Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Cleaiepiai, publistreit xonry Tuesday ard Foitar et 191 strong opine Main St. E.. Miltor, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248>, n one ot Tire Metrotard cry has con Mîlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 prirtion Publisirmna & Sislrîltutint Itit. sroup n suburbar comparas whrcir the wrong as induites. Ajai~Pîckerir5 Neyer Adrertoer, Ailixton Heralit/Coorer Barrie (9O~) Aduance, Barry's Boy titis Week, Boiter Enter~ri*~, Brampton Suardian, Milton ho Bsriin~ton Foot, Bunlinaton Stioppirn Neyes, City Panent, City ot 100k zealous and Suardian, ColiirtwoodlWasata Correction, East York Mirror, trio Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AiioocatelCosntry Braies, Etobicoice soardian, Fiamborootir Posi, Forever Voant, Geornetoyen iirdepxrdent/Actor Free Preso, Banane BusineSS Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kirnotor Titis Week, Lirdsay titis Wexk, Markiram Ecoxomisi & m d Sun. MiitlanryPenetarnoisherrx Mirror, Mitox Siroppirt News, Missîxoarga Classified: 875-3300 BusinesS Timen, Missinsauna Neyer, Napaxee Ituide, NessanaweyC Neyes Newmarleeirlearura Ena-Barrer, Nonxtrsmberland Beys, Borts brie Mitron, Ian Oliver Publisher Oakniiie Beaxer. Saknilie Shopping Neyer, Sidoimers Hockey Neyes, Sritiia - Txdîy, OshawalWirixienlCiarînntiotlPxri Penny mis Week, Ower Sourd Neil Oliver Asoociate Pubti.rher Tribune, Peterboroant Titis Week, Pictun Comm Ijuide, Bicirmord BBC Regle Genecr<at Maeea~er lliilflirxrniriiiNasgiran Literai, Scarborougit Mirror, Snouitoillxltixbnidie Triballe. Keren SmBBb Editenr Artrertîsîna s accepted on tire condition tirat, ix tire exent ot B typo~ grapiricat ernor, tirai portion ot tire artrentinint xpace uccspied by tire enro~ Steve Crozler Cirratxatîeon Meaneager neous item, tugeaner wrttr a reasoneirmx atunearce ton sinnatare, wihî rot se Teri Canne <.>ffice Meueager cirarged ton, but tire balance n tire autrernisument will be paid ion at ese applicable raie, me pubtistier resumes tire nigiri tu categonre îdrertise~ TIen Col. Prerduciioni Meanexager nana or dectine. îe far too late and for rasons. us faîlen prey to over- i reckleas development for yearr, and our regional authon- tier and councils have donc very little to impede this commercial and industrial feast. Milton cherish- es its beautiful escarpruent. tE pro- vides the basis for tourirm, recre- ation, and our small-town chsrac- teristier. Everywhere, Escarpruent Countcy' bannera declare Uic natur- aI wonders 80 be discovered within the town'r outer-lying arcas. Im familiar with Ehe ercarpruent range in OOt500r having hiked the entire Bruce Trail, and I've been able to conclude that Milton's share of the escarpruent is the worat abomination of s unique gco- logical feature I have seen. For instance, the trails along Sixth Line offer rome of the beat views of an open piE quarry one could ever tee. How could we have let so much destruction of natural habitat go uncheckcd? And even now the property stakea are being driven to enlarge this afready mas- sive quarry. Walk flirtiher along and you will bit yet another large quar- escarpment along No. 5 Sîde road and you will see the remains of more quarries. Cross Hwy. 401 to Kelso and in the back end you can't miss another massive hole. Enough jr enough! It's sickening to see such indus- trial reeklesonesa taking place. Elsewhere in Ontarin, if prime landa were under Ehe threat of destruction, Ehey would be bought back and legally conserved for friture generations to enjoy. Perhapr the banners reading Eacarpment Country' should read Quarry Country', and maybe we'll stop kidding ourselves into think- ing that thia place jr special. Perbapa it can be, but the focur of our outcry shouldn't be on the new homes that will bnng new residents to Mîlton. lE should be focured on rtopping the quarries from dertroy- ing a wonderful and rare geological feature -- our escarpment. Tom 8JeIic Milton by Steve Nease THE CA iVADIA iv C!L4MPION