Thre Canadien Champion, Tueaday, Juna 20, 2000-23 Classîfied CLASSIFIED BONU S! HOURS *CIAM 9:0 M 500PM ALLC~Iassified A-dS 9:OOM-5:OPM bb aooear ai... GRADUATION Chei Hough (C:zeard) - Bachelor of arts - Magna Cum Laude - Member of the Dean's Honour Roll - York Unviersity. Your determination, fortîtude and strength amaze us! Your achievemtents and success make us proudl conigrata1aionis. Mcom, Dad &bAlice, Randy, Derrick and Graudmna t BORUTSKI, Mr. and Mrs. Mattrewaend Lise (sa Norton) ai Mitan. Are pteaaed ta, annorince tire biêtifai tiflar son Josatisas James, aig hi 8 irai 6 oze. At Miftas Districf Hopi os Jase 14, 2000. proud Grenriperetits are John & Elizaethff Borutii and Bdnn& Lnde Norton ai Mitton. Lofa ai tiraka ta tire aosdertul staff et Mitas Dirinct Hospital. A very apecil tirants ta Dr. Shensa for dstteerifig aur perfectfy ireeftiy baby. ANNIVERSARY Tire fsrsi of Chartes and Betry (se: Hoey) Hughes invite famity and frienris t raa open house ut Burtinglas Lagiori, 8 28 Legias Roari, Saturdsy, Jase 24th, 2000sf 2-4 pra. Everyose meicosse. 1 Best Wishaa onty. RETIREMENT CC Sale uid Sosund r! cWldns Ceintie Shit~ the oqmmnly <put 9 Ipresoelit) stat parnt 6, ohUidreas *~to J* osowuloradr4' MISS Sheila [Mcryde's 4OlJuP 5,IlmItoo JIp LESLIE - Mike and Camille are pfeased toi announce the birtir oi lieir daughter Risse Brooks weigiring 8 irs at Milton District Htospital on May 31, 2000. Siatera, Faton and Paige, broîhera Pierra andi Kareem, Grandparents '<vanna Chambara, Richard Evans and Mavis & Robeart Lastie watcome fier. Many thanka ta Dr. Sharma, and a apecat thanka la Marn and Carotyn, and toi tira antire OB Staff for tirair won- darful care. Stephen and Patricia Boers (nea) Rowlay 0f Mitton are ptaased fa announce tira birth orf thair daugirter Lauren weighing 9 . 4 oz. at Mittos District Hon p fat on Jana 7, 2000. Walcomed by brig brother Cdy. Speciat thanks ti Dr. Sirna, Barbrara, Juna and Nurse Newman for ail Ihair aupport. jCLENOENNING, Pafnoca A. On Fndcay, June I16fr 2000 ai Altendate in Milton. Paf ICiendien n g (ni MiG re rsoved wtt e of IEmeat B. Ciendenain o9cf Uttarson. Salter orf IEteanor Isaac of St. John New Brnswick. The Kocher Funeret Home 114 Main Street Milton ai 3:00 pm on Wednesday Juns 21sf 2000. If deaired remembrances may ba made fo tire Alzhiamer Society. MAZZORATO: Elizabeth Anne (Betty) (ses Baestoak) Following a cours gsous baffle aurh cancer ai Milton District Hospital as. Safurday, June 17, 2000, Betty Mazzorsto ai Mifton la fier 41sf year. Beioved alfa ai Lacir. Loving moirer ai Nicirolas, Kailyn and fier laie daugirter Angela. Dear daugirter of Audrey and fier irasbaad GeaIf Denny and Francis Bavarsiacr. Sister of Bannie and fier flasiand Mike Redmond ami John Bsversiock. Wtt ha sedly missed iry fier moirer ami fafirar-in-a Gins ami John Mazzoraio and ail fier irrothers andi aisters-in-ta Sarvivad ry manysaunts, anctes, niecea and nepireas. Betty wiii ha grisai- ly miss hy ail mua kmea irer. Fsrsily and friands ai cati ai tire J. Scott Eariy Fasersi Hame, 21 J amas St., Miton on Monday tram 7- 9 PM and Taeaday tramn 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Funersi Celeirian wiii ha hetd tram Hofy Rosary Catholie Charcir on Wedneaday ai 10:30OAM. Cremafion totisa talI lieu ai fiaaars, donations tai tire Canadien Cancer Society aoaid ha appreaiatad iry tire fsmily. MCOOWELL: Oreille Peaceally, sarroaaded by iris tamily on Fniday Jasie 16, 2000 al las Anderson Hous, Orsi lie MeDoasil of Miftas la iris 75th year. Hssband of Marion <nea Goddard). Faifler ai Cathry (Michael Assai ai Windsor and Sasan McDowel <Mles Fleming) ai Burtingtas. Grandisîbar ai Jeif and M. Ssrsived iry iris brother Gardon (Ullien) ai Landes. Family ami friande callad attire J. Scott Eadly Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton as Sumiay tram 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Faneral Service as hsld tram tire Chapel on Masday sil10 AM. itlasent fotiowad ai Woodlend Camstary, London. la lieu ai flaaars, donations ta tire Ian Andersoni Hous or VON may ha made iry con- fading thle fanerai Home ai 905-878-2669. JIm Strais 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markera - Bronze Markera Cemetery Lettering BRADING, Scott In toving memory of our dear nipe who passed away June 19 We who toved you, ssdty miss you, As if dawns another yer In our tosety houra of thinking Tirougiris 0f you are ever near. Bries, Sharys and Dai LOGIE, Sandra Esee- In tovmng manory ai a dearly ireioved 199e, Mother and Grancmirsh, aho pasaed away %Wr years ega se 22 Jane, 1992. Temoment that yse died My heari was apli sn fao The ana aide fled with mamri aa The Ciher uied itu ysu I alia lay astie et sight Wslen the ami fa tst aaseep And taire a walk dean memary I ana With tests apan my cheaira Resemnberng yse is easy 1 de it every day Est sssng yss is a ireartache Thal neyergases 1hold yoaiu irimyheail Andi thrm yse wtt remairi Lite hes gatte se ithut you Est if eutl neyer ha tire sae. liDU ae meel agern Kir Loveri, missed andi forever rersemieret Yoar seving heebienr Tom LOGIE, Sandre Elsis in laaing memmy of my belaved Sister, Sister-In- La & Aanty aira passed eway Jane 22, 1992. We think ai you in ailence We oftan epeak your name AU we have se memodes Aridea picture in a trame Dur hearis siti ache aurh sarisesa Dur aitesi tesrs st flow For waa if msant tai lse you Nassne ai If ver lmsw. Forever In aur harta Sonde~ Maige Bud & fsmlly Mike Cox Jen KICrkland Soatnsrday, June 24 at 8pin > Milton Optirnist Centre. .Prizes, Games, Buffet For tickets contact 4'hrivtitse at 8~78- 43Z7 or~ STAQ0 OR ". Alan James & ne Nutbrwn Saturday, lune 24, 9 pm - 1 arn Hetton Country Inn 5 Sida Rd & 6tr Lina, Miton Prizes, Games, Buffet 7 ickets $10.00 per person. Available ai the door Ail are welcome! WANTEO Ait-Chine, Sil ver, Crystat, seaima chines. Doutas, Moor- croit, OURtS, glaiss, Welchres, dalla, peint- inga, coltactibles, as- tatas. John/Tracy 905- 331-2477 AIR Wetker asercîse machina. Lire nea $75. Pirone 878-2417 BOLENS l7hp tawn tradtor, raiuft Koler an- gine, irydaftatie driver, 4- momer deck, good condition. $1900. Pirone 832-0088 sitar ffpm. BUY/SELL stairlifla, porcir tilts, cailiag lifts, etavators, scooters, beris, etc. Cati CARPET Carpat. t have seversi tirausenr yards ai nea Stilaraster and 100%/ nylon carpet. f ahIl carpet yrauir living mors ami hall for $349. Price incladea carpet, pad ami inafallation. <30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-, 2902. SCOOTERS for tire Pirysically ciralleaged (For Sala/Lease) Same ssed available. CaI Scooter Jim, 1 -800-10 3012 $4,50 and apI. 'Cai eJ. Newman (90)61 0303 ZNU ar sJra mer Ap- preice requirsd. Fax rasamae ta 878-0439 ot caI Las 878-5323 ATTENTION Stadants. Loaking for part or fait tasr sammar campaign workera for Big Braothers ai Hailln Annuel Fan- isstie campaiga. For in- formation cati Evelyn Ras ar Shannon Kelly 339-2355 AZ Drivera asied. Home aveninga and asakenda. Boom as- patience an assai bat wiii train. Top rates pald. Graap insurace. Cai 905-63-800 or 1-800- 268-3973 GOFAN Orm are donaion to orc the itsond DstrMic Honitay Fondation a on pcite I487 Laiurier Ave., Mikion 878-2881 la