8-The Cantadien Chamion, Frtdlay, Junri 16, 2000 Dhusp mine Mon SCESUL lan Royal Report '~ Ua By Dlana B.doya & Justin Yantho Wifth cais fess tisaa a week amay, aladeats aad teachers are werteîng ta camptete the semestr wiîh success. Esai week isegins niat weete and stridents mitl t t gltd te knaw thal they aiay wear reguf ar cfosising tfrraagheas their esaminatian penod. The Bishap Reding senior promt teek place fait Friday at Le Damne la Oakilie ani proved te bci a menderfut eveaing for att wham attended. The dinner was very weti prepared and gave gradaatea ampfe opportanity ta gain energy fer the hoars of dancing that faf towed. Afthaglr it waa an esciting tlie for aay, il atra pr( it e iaipeading end ef high ictreet iate perspec- tive. Seniorsatn Biafrap Reding have frad f&s appoelanity ta gain aiany friendataips trat wif t set tise taire for fature ceairade gain- ing environaienfa. It ia veiy difficatt ta ieve durt att the rime paf list oes high actseef carrer la fiaty endiag. Thic tencirers and adminaistratioan a( Biahop Rediag have aiade tise fart five yearn ef or itver an escitiag and ctsnttenglag penaod, mlaich wtt t finntty ceaie tua close on Jane 28, witth de comimencemient cee- esaoay. Tise Royal Report wai crealed in order ta provide the ceau- ait y mts a perspective of life as Biahop Rediag. Naw tisas tise arisoot yenr la aimons complese, me have decided ta paoide yon witla oue tsoagis on this pas( nhoot year an met f an on tse Biahop Rrdiag expeelence. We woufd lite ta duante Uic eachors as Bishop Rediag who have sanglas as and impacteri orir lives aubstaasintty. Maay tends- ers have gone acycard Use cati cf duty tari enriciser Our tîves. Mot ofien dmea tencher worte sard witl inie recognition front Use atudens for which Usey endare ai mach. We hope dut Uhsne tearas i miate Use positive influeie Usey have had apon studeata as birhop Rediag. Hopefatty students witt let thene teacisers kaow how ach Usey have doncte t Ueir owa tives. On a perrostal note, we woutd like 50 tisante Ms. Mescalfe who han devoteri many hauts torsaudent goverameat and marie aur dine ns: Biasop Reriing more enjayalte. Wr wautd nai t ike ta thaak Mrs. Yareina, Mr. Locke aid Mr. Qainlan, att Use aseaiera of strident services, enprcialty Ms. Shaaw widr her infiaise wiariam, Mrs. Sewett, Mrs. Ronce ari Mms. Marnsall for showing ai how toruse tise fan machine, and, of carse, Kay and Jacte who have pro- visird as with nutritiaus tanches for tise pais( ive yers. Birhop Reding laa bren an escellent home away frin hoise. It pravirird Use watts duat houned aur mental, physicat and moan devetopaiens. The schot laa' set s ngairieines ta falaw far sac- cesa la Use rst of aar livra. Stadent Govemsment aira hofprd ris ta crente n comptete leansirg esperience. Tise activities the Stadent Governrt orgnniseri helperi as ta find s home as Bishop Reding. Gaod tank le dunse who wift lac in Use Stariens Gaverameat arrit yenr. Etectioai saute pince an Wrdarariny and thaon etecteri wif t aissume finir respaanibsltitrs in the fait. Wr waatd alan lite ta tisante evryne ehae wha hai rappeered Use writing af Tise Rayai Report. A specialthdaask yon la estenderi ta Tise Champion and ira staff. Oisviaasty risis caatd sot have bren dose widsans yau. When romrUsing rada ir is merrty tise isrginning af sonsefiing etri. Tbis articte la na exceptions. Thse Rayai Repart seul continue nrst year, jars ai maiy of thia yesr's gradiats mil f cantinae Useir edacatiori. REMS ï10M SCESOL1 By JIacqueline Baisnand Marinai Chtskoy Stress is bren settng in Uhs writ ai stadents try la came sa a balance isetween completiag thiser tais asigamears aid stadying for Useir spcrts g exans, mich ster an tisa tisa a weete' Aside fra ath iis stress, lisere isas stitt iseea saaie frin gairif onst sthUe scisaut. The Arts tee Crent Sociable mai hetd an Triesday eveniar brr at lise scisaaf. Aayaae mith aninlaer- ratinl tise arts mai melcasase su attend. Everyate misa mens is unanlinars la aayitg, "il mas so, mach frit!" The yamtsiest part of Use eveniaf mai tise aff.yaa.caritd.eal ice crert incfud- ire varians sappinga lite marsismattama, misipped creai, aprintetes, crasised Ceispy Cruncis choral aie hart and maiy mare. Somne of tise fan af the eveaing caasisled of a frieadfy game af fooisall til tise raîher foggy fr5ld. OUser shai att af the activisies of ie eveniaf, art pins mire givra ont la stridents misa have oaiead lisirty art points. A arimbr af oUser amards mire givra to striteats misa have in aimne way oriissnditgty conleisated ta Use arts. Wr marfd lite la coageatutate James Sisat andi Megan Caftamay for receiviag tise Seniar and Junior Art Amard, resprctively. Thsis morte mai nai psy isate time for Use sîrdeals. As a fund-raiser, Stadint Carnia bati np coasaairs for stridents la put money la. Escis catainer hari a tiarseet nnrse au il Tise leachor mho mai an Use container mids Use mont aisney in il isnd la drsn ap tike n clamas aid have pies Ilaroma as tiset. Tise facte minnou Me. Mrauay. mai a gondi spart ai stndeats Usree pisat laits for anly smo doitlara raca an Wedaesday! Oh meit, loautn tise lriglat aide Me. Mrnatay, ns final yoa gos ta sasse ailthUse yaainy pies. Anadcer evenl Usai incettdr easiag mai due assonai autdoar ead-of-aclaat isarbsecue, hasîrd isy Sîndent Counnu. Il mai hetri auside due Cafeteria daring peetrind Ima, Usese andi for on tusray. As usul due faud mai grena aid Strident Cauncil riid a gent jola! Tisane yoa frain everyaae misa enjoyid due detiriaus laite ndithUe rsshaudtnering aroma, Wisile an duenalaject af Studeat Caunait. me moulU tike tu ansaunse the sem exeralive membrs for aext yeae. Maiy of thur yenr't enecrîlve membrs miii ho e steadaating t ia yene ta ir is important ta repslare dtsr wid respanrilte, retiaiste people. Tise prorean mai a lit11e lait different drus year fronn usat. Nomintion ire made lay studrals aid teachors, daen these nominatians mire reviemed by Use Strdeat Cariacil executives aid snme teachots. Frais dure, Use ost apprapri. ste peopte mire chosen for caris position. Sony Diiton miti ho aras year't presideat. 1 teaom mere ait shocter lay las one! Congeratations Sony. Yau rate! Tise oduer positions are an fat- lama. Senior Vire Presideal: Ashtey Hutchirion, Juniar Vice Presideat: ttnitey MacDonald. Social Eveots Ministr: AIes Rsssdfe. Treesrer: Jeretsy Smith ari Puic Relations Ministr: Samnlia Thainsan. Goad lait1 aIlf tise nrm Sîrdent Coriacit esecritivîs la due eaciting yeae ta coasse! Lais morte. Use "Waf t Againt Violence" mai isetr driig periori tmo. Wr are pleaird 10 say Usat hecarise af everyoase's generonisy, M.D. mai alet ta raine dre lardrest aasd seveaty- face dollars for Hattan Womea's Place. Besides isrtping n goari cause, lise aî mas fun aad a refresising breae froas clans. Tist write mai alao n ise nterviews mire isetr la deteraiase aras year't Preficts. ta ordr ta qriafify ta lai a Pefect. stri- dents muat mort certain criteria f tee being la Useir 3rd, 4Us, or fIla year of bigla schoat, have goori leadership, mainsalna a ari- imuai academir average and ho aonsinated by tma liacisirs. Iterviews mere la Guidance sis meete frots Maaday ta Friday. Weilt, ta end aff aur second tait article ever, me moutd juat tibe ta heave aIlt yarir sudylar stridents miUs ai inspiring quasi la remeaihor miie mriting yar esains. "Ithn Usiate I1i. thUiate t rai!" - Thoas Use Taate Eaginr. Gaod tacte aa yorir isama s nd donst ssudy yaae braits out thus mîrternd. 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Together witfi the dealerships, Olearnet wortvs ta ensure that Dealer Sales Ftepresentatives are vvel I trained and receiee support and assistance. We are currentty Iooling for Sales Rapresentatrvas vvith strong interpersonal and communicaioans steils vvtio are passionate abouit the comnmunicationls industry and ils growvng rote in the future. dealer sales representatîves employed by authonzed dealers branrifford, miton, and surroundinig area responsibilîties Your pnorsty vont be busriness developmant through effective prospecting and ta estabtah trust wrfth key ifluoncers and decision-makers to build solid busiress reaefonsipa. You wrIl acieve sales targets by carrying and offering rrultiple product lieos ta youz account base and by setecting iureleas and data opporturdises for errsuning growth and profitability. requirements Goal oeiented indivduels vvitf a minimum of 2 years busiresa-to-business sales espenience aid a proven track record. Candidates mrust have a drivng sense a! urgency, assertrarieas aid the ablity ta assume a strong leadership aid comipetitive sAles rote. Local travelling aid your asie automnobif e are imperattre. To join Cleamet Authorized Dealers, appl) antine at Vwww.cleametcom Or mil ta: Humai Resources, Cleamnet Authorized Dealers, 200 Consilium Place, Suite 1600. Scarborough, ON Ml H 3,J3 Or fax ta: 416-279-3137 Plass refer ta file #- DSR-C6MIL We vvish ta thane al appifoats for their interest. However, we must advise thal offly can&idates Motu have been selected forainie N E interview wiflb contacted. No phone asc l rN T or agencies please. on behal! of aur authorized dealers