-Thè Canadian Chanipion, Fnldây, June 16, 20<0- 7 SO UR READERS WRITE. Why is there no money for tree replacement? >DVP closlng reaIIy a amail inconvenlence - from REGION on page 6 repsired and restored to their origi- nal state. I would love to be able to monitor the construction full time but unfortsunately 1 have s full time job (as do mont people) and cannot assist you with your job. 1 have to trust that the contractors you hired are capable of doing their jobs capably without supervision from property owners. The Region munt stay on top of the contractors it bas hired to ensure thst the project is done properly and severing fence lines and damaging trees isn'î doing the job properly. If thse budget cutbacks are insuf- ficient to complete thse tree replace- ment as promised, perbaps the Region should consult with the community to suggest they forego the banding, street lamps andi stone Want ta hav your say? Fax letters t or drap then off at aur office, 191 Main St. E. To Our Patients and Friends, We are renovating and expand- ing to serve you better in the new millennium. We wiIl be closed June 22, 23 and 26 for construction. Please cati for additional evening hours for the] weeks of June 19 and 26. Thank you for your unider- standing. Corne "see' us soon! Dr. SuaanJfany & Staff 327 Bronte St. S. 876-4649 GOLD SCISSORS~~ iLennea M4orley Professional Esthetician Certified Electrologist & Aromaterapist 25 876-2842 25Commercial Street, Milton features in favour of sddîîional monies going on replacement trees. Thse community bas a right 10 know, bowever, just wbat kind of financial conatraints are impacting and reducing the landscaping and roadl features. I don't quite under- stand wby there' s money for an arts centre in Milton but no money for the tree replacement and land- scaping and landscaping features as promised by the Region for the Guelph Line. Perbaps a campaign to purchase and plant a tree by anyone wbo uses the Guelph Line could support the replacement programi scbeduled 10 begin in the spring of 2001. This is my first encounter into regional govemment issues and it bas been a disappointing experi- ence. I tbougbt govemments were I0 protect the property and ensure the quality of life for its residents. t, for one, don't resent one minute of thse countless hours our committee bas spent on trying 10 tumn Ibis massive scale project int sometbing that con work for every- one in our community. 1 do resent aIl thse time spent on phone calIs, letters, council meet- ings and committe meetings wben we are told by thse Region that thse budget "will not allow" for the original allotment of trees and other landscaping features. This project munt ho adequately funded if it'a 10 ho succesaful. I holieve it'a up 10 our local Councillor Barry Lee and our government to approve s budget that will cover tise costs of the project as it was originally promised. Terry Rammel GuIp Committe. mnember N"OLEON ýow\e c-ow\-ýor-f_ Premiùm Gas Giilh and GentralAirAvailable a a . and In Stock Now! BRllinolmHolh Plaza e Upper MldiIu & Guelph Line 332-2M0 Oukylle Ton Contre 1 e Dorvi & N. Series Rd. 044-1223 Wmlsnlown Ihpn Contre * Hmw 5 & Hailton St. 689-3388 Hamilton .70Uppor Jam b lwcun Mohawk & Founi 383-3983 Houri: Mn,-Wed. 10-E. Thurs.- Mn. 10-9, Sat. 9-5. Sun. 12-4 Dear Editor 1 agree with your editoia Ihateconges- tion stinksanmd that gridlock and smog aredeomi al"psmbim. Howeved can't quite sece dw closing the DV> for a few hours once a year is so bad. 1 have pusliipae i heait ride for seveffl yeansd believe îts benelits as a 1undraiserotweigh iy eS"l iQoisvo- nieisce il creaes Of course, it nuight be argued tisat could inuprove everyone's healtb ansd lifeatyle if areà freewas were useti only for bôcyclms * Perhaps weSudallow theDVP tobe closed one day a yCer so tisat people could drive their caus up and down i. Rod Gobby Aw mcourt ADVERTORIAL Summer Job Opportunitfies Are Within Reach!! Summer employment opportunities in the Milton region are flourishing. The Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students and the Summer Job Service have been contacting employers dai- ly, encouraging themn to hire students for the summer. As a result the number of available jobs is overwhelming. Currently, there are over 400 job opportunities within the Milton, Campbellville and Hornby regions. The Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students, part of the Governiment of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy, receives new employment opportunities every day. We encourage ail stud- ents to stop by our office to explore the available job postings. Students are also welcome to use our FREE resources such as photocopying, faxing and resume writing workshops. For students who would rather conduct their job search fromn home, our job bank can be accessed via the internet at: http:/jb-ge.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca The Odd Job Squad is another service provide for students who prefer occasional work instead of something permanent. This squad provides casual work lasting from a few hours to a couple of days. It's a great option for students since payment for the job is immediate. The Human Resource Cêntre of Canada for Students is located at: 310 Main St. E. (Tihe TD Bank Building) (905) 878-8418 ext. 222 GET A JOB!, SOUND FAMIUIAR?#P FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE HUMAN RESOURCE CENTRE FOR STUDENTS (905) 878-8418 EXT. 222 rienAfl